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BSF jawan killed in Pakistan firing in J&K

There is no solution to our dispute with India without war. I am not war-mongering, but ultimately we will go to war. Why live in denial?
War with India is inevitable sooner or later we will have war with India its just practice sessions going on LOC for bigger show down
Sir until final war takes place Sir that war sooner or later will take place and they are the ones who open fire mostly it is accepted by whole world Sir and if they will open fire our soldiers have right to strike back and strike back hard

Question is when will we learn ? we all know almost all europ was enemy of each other they fought alot of wars in the past, then they learn there is nothing in these useless wars, they teach there children to work hard if you want to beat your enemy, they still hates each others and they are still fighting with each others but not with tanks and bullets but with books and Pens.....when will we learn ? after nuclear war or before nuclear war :astagh:
Question is when will we learn ? we all know almost all europ was enemy of each other they fought alot of wars in the past, then they learn there is nothing in these useless wars, they teach there children to work hard if you want to beat your enemy, they still hates each others and they are still fighting with each others but not with tanks and bullets but with books and Pens.....when will we learn ? after nuclear war or before nuclear war :astagh:

That's all hippy bullshit.

Humanity always fights. You think western countries will never fight again, even though they are having relative peace at the moment?

It's in our nature.
Question is when will we learn ? we all know almost all europ was enemy of each other they fought alot of wars in the past, then they learn there is nothing in these useless wars, they teach there children to work hard if you want to beat your enemy, they still hates each others and they are still fighting with each others but not with tanks and bullets but with books and Pens.....when will we learn ? after nuclear war or before nuclear war :astagh:

Wars will always be fought HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told Muslims about several wars they will have to fight before day of judgement Sir and soon Europe will fight each other once again these are called good dreams to have but they are not reality reality is only one be most powerful in the world or get ready to get hunted by the most powerful one
I agree with @Zarvan and @RazPaK

War with Pakistan is inevitable. Things have been building up to it for the last decade now. Both sides know it is coming and both sides are preparing for it.

Forums such as PDF and movements such as Aman Ki Asha and all that jazz are simply living in denial. While the chances are strong that there will be many here who will kill or be killed by those here.
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India can always withdraw from Kashmir and allow self determination to the people there. This would prevent war.

The problem is, we have already lost enough land in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh.....not an inch more can we lose...
WTF :hitwall:

Fighting is in our nature. We have very bad situation inside Pakistan and we are going for War against India.

War will never solve any issues between both countries. It seems like this war would be Nuclear.

Don't know what is going to happen. War should not be the priority by both countries. When we will learn?? :pissed:

By the way, RIP to the soldiers.

The problem is, we have already lost enough land in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh.....not an inch more can we lose...

You didn't get this land in dowry.

It is the land of god.

God also gifted you with Mind.

So use it..

The problem is, we have already lost enough land in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh.....not an inch more can we lose...

You didn't get this land in dowry.

It is the land of god.

God also gifted you with Mind.

So use it..
Last time when indian killed Pakistani army person, i saw indians on this forum enjoying

so , good work guys , another gone... :) keep up the good work and justice done within a month thats they way forward...

Last time when indian killed Pakistani army person, i saw indians on this forum enjoying

so , good work guys , another gone... :) keep up the good work and justice done within a month thats they way forward...

Last time when indian killed Pakistani army person, i saw indians on this forum enjoying

so , good work guys , another gone... :) keep up the good work and justice done within a month thats they way forward...
WTF :hitwall:

Fighting is in our nature. We have very bad situation inside Pakistan and we are going for War against India.

War will never solve any issues between both countries. It seems like this war would be Nuclear.

Don't know what is going to happen. War should not be the priority by both countries. When we will learn?? :pissed:

By the way, RIP to the soldiers.

War is the only solution Mr talks are just wastage of time war with India is is long due and sooner or a little later it will happen no one can avoid it so be prepared war will happen and no one can stop it
War is the only solution Mr talks are just wastage of time war with India is is long due and sooner or a little later it will happen no one can avoid it so be prepared war will happen and no one can stop it

Not sure. But if USA and Canada is filled with people like you even they will fight between each other :rofl:
WTF :hitwall:

Fighting is in our nature. We have very bad situation inside Pakistan and we are going for War against India.

War will never solve any issues between both countries. It seems like this war would be Nuclear.

Don't know what is going to happen. War should not be the priority by both countries. When we will learn?? :pissed:

By the way, RIP to the soldiers.


Sir the only way to permanent peace if for one of us to go down. Or both. We used to have two dogs on our farm who were mortal enemies. If they come face to face, they would fight. Deadly fights, with bad wounds on the neck which used to get infected with maggots and take weeks to heal. We had to keep them both apart from then on because my mother and farm hands would find it impossible to break them up when they got into each other.

Now see the blood lust mortal enemies have for each other. One day after almost two or three years of this peace by separation somehow the gate of the enclosure was not shut properly and they came face to face again. In desperation my mother and elder brother threw buckets of water on them (usually it shocks them apart and then you go in and separate them). But this time it was final showdown.

One guy died with his neck torn open and blood spurting out from a severed vein. The other guy had a severed spinal cord at the neck because of which he could not use his hind legs. We put him down a month later because the sight of him dragging himself was too bad.

India and Pakistan are going to come together again. Of that I am sure.
Sir the only way to permanent peace if for one of us to go down. Or both. We used to have two dogs on our farm who were mortal enemies. If they come face to face, they would fight. Deadly fights, with bad wounds on the neck which used to get infected with maggots and take weeks to heal. We had to keep them both apart from then on because my mother and farm hands would find it impossible to break them up when they got into each other.

Now see the blood lust mortal enemies have for each other. One day after almost two or three years of this peace by separation somehow the gate of the enclosure was not shut properly and they came face to face again. In desperation my mother and elder brother threw buckets of water on them (usually it shocks them apart and then you go in and separate them). But this time it was final showdown.

One guy died with his neck torn open and blood spurting out from a severed vein. The other guy had a severed spinal cord at the neck because of which he could not use his hind legs. We put him down a month later because the sight of him dragging himself was too bad.

India and Pakistan are going to come together again. Of that I am sure.

"India and Pakistan are going to come together again" - Like that? :undecided:
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