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BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

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what the hell is going and indians who are rejoicing on civilian deaths is just shameful
There are many immature member on the forum.

He is one of them or hatred towards Pakistanis has consumed his senses.

May be for some members bearing the Indian Flag here, PDF membership is a bigger part of their identity than their nationality. Like somebody said, "they were told to bend, but they started to crawl". Thank god majority of Indians want the honour of the nation to be maintained.

Those who say that wars don't bring solution are living in self-created wonderlands. Life is not like fairy tales taught in books.

why the **** are we asking for a flag meeting? We cant respond in kind! :angry:

That is because firing intensity from our side is many times higher. Reports suggest that there are 450 terrorists waiting to cross over. May be the flag meeting has been called to seek calmer border so that infiltration becomes easier and less dangerous.
God damn it, not that stupid "Human Shield" drama again. Don't copy Israel's excuses, atleast be a bit creative if you're going to kill civilians and try to claim moral high ground
It is in one of the article (either this thread or someother) that civilans at pakistan side live very near to the border where as in India they are atleast 4-5 KMs and since the Pakistan rockets are landing 4-5 km inside Indian territory it is very obvious that Pakistani army is purposely killing the civilians.
A good message will come out after destruction that we should care for each other and our hatred destructs us ..let future be free with such incidents ...but tolerating unjustice is equal to supporting it .. Terrorists are waiting to cross the border ..they wont sirvive if people wont support them ..try to see larger picture ..you can meditate and gain spirituality after solving immidiate problems ..

My pov is very clear yara.... I am against unnecessary bloodshed of both side....
Nor in mood to give any room to spare terrorist n they should be gunned down ruthlessly by armed forces ....
Interestingly you are just seeing Indian loss or life however i am for both side of innocent people..... What's their fault to be at targetting range of respective forces ? Here i am not counting those terrorists supporter of other side......
We all are preaching here coz we don't have direct loss of our ones .........

What is your solution to this problem?
Hand over Kashmir to Pakistan?

Did i say anything about handing?
Brother do not smell too much ....
Ok what is your solution to it ? I am keen to hear from you ......
Both sides should show some restraints.And for Pakistan you are misjudging the current Indian Government .That man in Indian PM post only talks through his action.His ministers like Jaitley or Rajnath Singh are just not that dangerous.
Sorry to say but We Indians seems to be not more than pu$$ie$( sorry for my bad language).. We kept on chest thumping when MMS was in power and there were no retaliations to the cease fire violations/ beheading /chinese incrussion etc. Now when some one is taking strong action to give a fitted reply we are now scared and talking about human losses.

Understand one thing, if we stop it now, all those terrorists ready to enter India can infiltrate Kashmir and rest of India and can cause more deaths (bomb blasts , 27/11 etc) kind of events resulting in many many deaths. Do you want it?

All the medicines come with side effects but we have to take it to get rid of bigger evil.

More over we have wasted damn 67 years talking talking talking and every year the situation is same. Lets fix it or atleast have measures which will let others to think 1000 times before doing the same stuff again.

Again, I am reiterating no one in the army would be thinking about civilians deaths but you cannot escape it but only minimize it.
India retaliates, only by killing poor innocent helpless village people.

whereas, Pakistan needs to take REVENGE by aiming at BSF soldiers more often as its doing :dirol:!!!
The Express Tribune – Latest Breaking Pakistan News, Business, Life, Style, Cricket, Videos, Comments

Eight dead as Indian forces violate ceasefire near Sialkot working boundary
By Web Desk
Published: October 7, 2014

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A Pakistani Kashmiri shows his wounded arm from firing across the Line of Control (LoC) between Pakistan and India in Durra Shair Khana on October 7, 2014. PHOTO: AFP

SIALKOT: Eight people were killed and three injured as Indian security forces continued unprovoked firing and shelling near the Sialkot working boundary on Wednesday morning,Express News reported.

Eight people were killed in the Chaprar Sector due to the cross border firing by the Indian security forces while three others were injured in Sajeet Garh sector of Sialkot area as a result of shelling.

As many as 20,000 people have so far migrated from the area due to the ongoing exchange of fire between Pakistani and Indian border forces at the working boundary.

Earlier, Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz released a statement on Tuesday expressing deep concern over the recent escalation of ceasefire violations at the Line of Control and Working Boundary by Indian security forces.
India retaliates, only by killing poor innocent helpless village people.

whereas, Pakistan needs to take REVENGE by aiming at BSF soldiers more often as its doing :dirol:!!!

This retaliation from India is a result of your brave army killing innocent civilians in J&K by shelling them .
Cause all this time Pakistan was sure that India would call for a Flag meeting, it might have come as a rude shock for Pakistanis that India stopped calling for flag meetings.

Save it! There is hardly a surprise in the way India is reacting specially after protest started against Nawaz. You got to save your point man. We get that.
This retaliation from India is a result of your brave army killing innocent civilians in J&K by shelling them .

As if J & K is India part's...its a disputed territory.

And this retaliation has any value in it, by killing innocent villagers...logic hai bayee!!
Save it! There is hardly a surprise in the way India is reacting specially after protest started against Nawaz. You got to save your point man. We get that.
Nothing related to Nawaz, actually it is PA not getting enough response from India in UN and the countries which ignored NS' rants
That is because firing intensity from our side is many times higher. Reports suggest that there are 450 terrorists waiting to cross over. May be the flag meeting has been called to seek calmer border so that infiltration becomes easier and less dangerous.

Are you suggesting Pakistan lacks fire power! you seriously got to be kidding me. If history is anything to go by, than Pakistan has always been superior when it comes to artillery fire and this by the way is on record not claimed by Pakistani but Indians.
Indian BSF soldiers crying after gang banged by Pakistanis:

As if J & K is India part's...its a disputed territory.
100 baton ki ek baat "jhagra jhoota kabzaa sachha"

thing is we control J&K & Siachin and will never let it go no matter what

ur nation has tried to get them by force since last 67 years but failed and now when every one is abandoning you and your cause your army is trying to become relevent again by killing unsuspecting and unarmed civilians living dep inside indian border (3-5 KM from LOC ) by using long range 120mm mortars

what were you expecting roses lolzz now we will make paks army pay:sniper:

and no one will come to there rescue not even china ...good luck and get ready :butcher:
The Express Tribune – Latest Breaking Pakistan News, Business, Life, Style, Cricket, Videos, Comments

Eight dead as Indian forces violate ceasefire near Sialkot working boundary
By Web Desk
Published: October 7, 2014

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A Pakistani Kashmiri shows his wounded arm from firing across the Line of Control (LoC) between Pakistan and India in Durra Shair Khana on October 7, 2014. PHOTO: AFP

SIALKOT: Eight people were killed and three injured as Indian security forces continued unprovoked firing and shelling near the Sialkot working boundary on Wednesday morning,Express News reported.

Eight people were killed in the Chaprar Sector due to the cross border firing by the Indian security forces while three others were injured in Sajeet Garh sector of Sialkot area as a result of shelling.

As many as 20,000 people have so far migrated from the area due to the ongoing exchange of fire between Pakistani and Indian border forces at the working boundary.

Earlier, Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz released a statement on Tuesday expressing deep concern over the recent escalation of ceasefire violations at the Line of Control and Working Boundary by Indian security forces.
Pakistan as always is spreading misinformation. First they said 5 and now it suddenly becomes 8. 15 as estimated by our Intelligence does not seem off mark then.
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