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Brutal Over charging in electricity bills by PMLN.

It is wrong and shameful to suggest illegal tampering with the meter to steal electricity.

Agree, but what about illegal tampering of elections to ensure seat in the Provincial Assemblies and the Parliament again and again since decades and playing with the fate of the nation and stealing nation's resources?
Agree, but what about illegal tampering of elections to ensure seat in the Provincial Assemblies and the Parliament again and again since decades and playing with the fate of the nation?

Using a magnet to slow down a meter to steal electricity is provable with evidence. First prove your claim of tampering, then we can take it further. And both are forms of stealing, if proven, equally, and therefore should not be advocated.
Time to tamper with meter. Put a magnet bar on it or a wire in an appropriate place would slow it down :D
It doesn't matter for me. Dad will pay bill. He has very old relation with B.B, I also met with her in Past. My father is directer in NARC. Non merit Progress :lol::lol: Anyway, Last year , i forced them to support PTI which is better than PPPP & PMLN. Still, few times suddenly he talks in favor of PPPP, and when he see bilawal, then i remind him No bibi anymore. This is zardari tola, my father also dislike him but not B.B. Now, he is PTI fan, my mother & My sister too & even his husband which was die hard supporter of PMLN, he also supports PTI.:lol:
We can Pay bills, but what about poor people.... Their earning is 10000-15000.... This is my expense of Cinepax & the arena for movies. Low earning tola is in majority, they will pay bills for loadshedding? or they will eat basic food?
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It is wrong and shameful to suggest illegal tampering with the meter to steal electricity.
When i was in college first thing came to my mind when i read kirchoffs law was energymeter of my home ..ha ha
After thinking about it for some days i decided to connect a wire between two fuse units effectively bypassing energy meter ..just a simple wire and our currrent meter was stagnant for twenty days ..When current bill came my father pleasantly surprised ...I told him the reality as if i have done a great achievement ..He gave a terrible look and ordered me to remove those with someones help ..Remembered good old carefree days
My electricity bill is 22780 Rs:D. Little family. One sister, Me , dad & mom.
LOL. Its more than we usually pay here Norway, the most expensive country in the world. LOL. Here we usually pay around 1000 NOK per month which is like 17000 RS. LOL. Pakistan ka allah hi hafiz!

It doesn't matter for me. Dad will pay bill. He has very old relation with B.B, I also met with her in Past. My father is directer in NARC. Non merit Progress :lol::lol: Anyway, Last year , i forced them to support PTI which is better than PPPP & PMLN. Still, few times suddenly he talks in favor of PPPP, and when he see bilawal, then i remind him No bibi anymore. This is zardari tola, my father also dislike him but not B.B. Now, he is PTI fan, my mother & My sister too & even his husband which was die hard supporter of PMLN, he also supports PTI.:lol:
We can Pay bills, but what about poor people.... Their earning is 10000-15000.... This is my expense of Cinepax & the area for movies. Low earning tola is in majority, they will pay bills for loadshedding? or they will eat basic food?

That's the problem my brother. The poor who have less pay than 10,000 RS is a majority while everyone is getting double amount in bills. Shame Shame.

It is wrong and shameful to suggest illegal tampering with the meter to steal electricity.

LOL. You think these bills are legal?
LOL. Its more than we usually pay here Norway, the most expensive country in the world. LOL. Here we usually pay around 1000 NOK per month LOL. Pakistan ka allah hi hafiz!
No loadshedding in Norway? Here,Even in September, light goes after every 2-3 hour but look the hike in prices, twice than last year.:lol: Even Pakistan is richest country in terms of reservoirs but we don't utilize them. Even this cheap justice Iftikhar sold billions dollar worth gold mine in peanuts to Chinese company.:big_boss:
Gradual removal of subsidies is part of the IMF support as mutually agreed upon. These rates would go up no matter who is in power.

And what good would it do? Loan payments would still be there. Only poor people shall suffer.
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No loadshedding in Norway? Here,Even in September, light goes after every 2-3 hour but look the hike in prices, twice than last year.:lol: Even Pakistan is richest country in terms of reservoirs but we don't utilize them. Even this cheap justice Iftikhar sold billions dollar worth gold mine in peanuts to Chinese company.:big_boss:

Loadshedding? We have so such word in norwegian dictionary. HAHAHAHA! :cheesy:

Btw, that gold mine was not the ownership of Iftikhar and he had no right to sell it to foreigners for below the market price.


Per month or Per year ?
Are you serious?

Per month. Welcome to Noora's Pakistan :D

Only this month dude.

It will be like this every month. Get ready.
Loadshedding? We have so such word in norwegian dictionary. HAHAHAHA! :cheesy:

Btw, that gold mine was not the ownership of Iftikhar and he had no right to sell it to foreigners for below the market price.

Per month. Welcome to Noora's Pakistan :D

It will be like this every month. Get ready.
It was normal between 12000- 15000, But suddenly hike in prices this year, everybody is getting high bills.. Now, government has no control over prices this year, because they took record no of Loans , Now, they have to fulfill the TOS of IMF.
I am not against loans, but they should spend on nation, for welfare of people, and keep tight budget of themselves but they and their king Life Style. :astagh::astagh:

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