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Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

Because of Tulsi Gabbard, I realized that Bernie Sanders himself was under the control of these people before the primaries. Alhamdulilah for this, as I was actively involved in supporting him and doing activism for him.

The only one who I know who was not in their control was Ralph Nader, and he is a great man whom I have met before and gotten a chance to talk to.


Ron Paul with end the fed, end the wars, end the CIA, end the big government and return to the values of 1776 is the only other candidate worth of value in USA. Nader was the best.
George Clooney thinks he is the Khalifah of all Muslims because he married Amal Clooney, a Lebanese Christian Arab. He made himself Hollywood's ambassador to Muslims (esp Arab Muslims.)

CAIR and Linda shits..wer will praise this lol

Some of it naturally evolved over the years as the West became more individualized. One of the side effects of industrialization and excessive exploitation of world resources. Some part because it is stimulated from NGOs, media etc. The West has become extremely materialized. They live for themselves. It is all about enjoyment to the fullest. At least that is something projected from their powerful institutions such as the media. It is a very complex subject and cannot be summed in a few sentences.

Simple J..ws pushed it through Hollywood
Being straight in the best thing in the world. Best for a reason.

10000 woke

I know that. This is the same guy who supported the engineered split between Sudan and South Sudan. Of course nowhere to be found when shit started hitting the fan. He is a CIA lackey.

That is what the deep state does. They use every resource for their gain.

I remember that propaganda doc he made when I was in HS

East Germany actually preserved Prussian military traditions. What a shame that Germany has shunned all of its past.

DDR preserved the traditions of the German people more than Merkelstan can do these days

I have no idea why Bernie Sander's campaign promoted Tulsi Gabbard as a possible VP candidate. She is a heterodox Hindu (her dad converted) from Hawaii, who uses her status as a veteran to promote the ugliest of Islamophobia policies.

Her actual foreign policy for the Middle East (and I kid you not) is to promote Sunni Shia civil war in every country to eventually defeat Islam. She is admirably very persistent in this endeavor.

Tulsi Gabbard is a puppet of the Indian lobby in the US, she has launched many anti-Pakistan legislation and was instrumental in normalizing Modi in the US.

She also rode the Bernie wave and betrayed them to get close to Trump and the Alt-right fascists. She is a hero to them.


Her prejudice against Islam directly flows from her Hindu fundamentalism. Gabbard has become one of the main U.S. political advocates of Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu sectarian Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the current prime minister of India.

While chief minister of the Indian state of Gujarat in 2002, Modi helped ignite a pogrom against Muslims that killed hundreds and displaced more than 200,000 in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. Since his national victory in the 2014 election, Modi has implemented a Hindu fundamentalist program to deflect blame for his neoliberal assault onto Muslim scapegoats.

At Modi's invitation, Gabbard toured India for three weeks, during which various Hindu fundamentalists welcomed her as their American champion. In perhaps the foulest episode of the tour, the India Foundation, a formation aligned with the Hindu fascist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), hosted Gabbard for a discussion on the future of India-American relations. After the reactionary lovefest, India's Telegraph newspaper dubbed her"Sangh's American Mascot"

Back in the U.S. Gabbard defended Modi against any and all criticism. She was one of the few Democrats who spoke against the federal government's decision to deny Modi a visa in 2014 because of his suppression of religious freedom.

A year earlier, she waged a successful campaign to scuttle legislation calling on India to improve its treatment of religious minorities. Gabbard denounced the bill as an attempt "to influence the outcome of India's national elections."

Once Modi was elected, Gabbard threw herself into advocating for him to visit the U.S. When Obama capitulated and granted his Modi's request, Gabbard helped organize his tour, culminating in his address before Congress.

Overjoyed at Gabbard's loyal service, the Overseas Friends of BJP invited her as a featured speaker at their conference in Atlanta. She proudly wore a sash emblazoned with the BJP logo. In turn, BJP supporters showered her with campaign contributions.


She is the wolf in sheep's clothing to the progressives and alt-right Islamophobes.

You have to understand the way this works. They give you many apparent choices, which are all being controlled by the same group of people.

Ye sub peeche sey mile huwe he. Even Trump. Hume dhoka deeney ke chakkar me he.

Tulsi is a mix bag I am tired asf now so I will explain more later I am voting Andrew Yang in the primary next year

Because of Tulsi Gabbard, I realized that Bernie Sanders himself was under the control of these people before the primaries. Alhamdulilah for this, as I was actively involved in supporting him and doing activism for him.

The only one who I know who was not in their control was Ralph Nader, and he is a great man whom I have met before and gotten a chance to talk to.


Ralph Nader and Ron Paul are the woke politcians

Keep your globo homo degeneracy in your house

op 1000 woke
This is not Sharia Law, this is sanity. It just so happens that Sharia Law is based on sanity. So +10 for Islam as one of the few sane religions out there. Any sane person would stone an adulteress. Or a gay sodomite. Lesbian relations are bad, but not worth stoning. Unless both women are married. When a wife sleeps with a woman, force that woman into being a concubine/maid servant of the injured husband, so long as she is a virgin. Otherwise stone her for bringing filth into the wife. Sane thinking. Not insanity of the West. Of everything is hunky dorie, the Crucified Jebus will save us!

As above so below. Though the Freemasons are a blasphemy of that. Along with the jews.

90% of European women wore head coverings 500 years ago. Head coverings is not Islamic, but sane. Stoning women is not Islamic, but sane. This is why people are attracted to Islam, they are fleeing the filth of the West.

This is how China, when it was fully sane, dealt with Adultery:



Isolation in a room for the woman

Modernity is the ruin of society and the enslavement of the masses.

Modern Secularist Democratic societies should have all the good traditional elements that kept man on the straight and narrow. None of the western ''governments'' are legit, they are all fake, phony and unlawful. All of the Devil. The seek to kill the good and promote evil. That is where all Western societies are at: ALL WICKEDNESS AND CRUEL INTENTIONS.
Islamic Shari'ah law is extracted from both the Qur'an and Muhammad's Sunnah (found in the Hadith and Sira). Islamic jurisprudence are expansion of the laws contained within them by Islamic jurists. Therefore, they are seen as the laws of Allah. You need only look to the rulings under Shari'ah to see the accepted mainstream interpretation of Islam and its commandments to its followers. Homosexuality under this law, is not only a sin, but a punishable crime against God.
Hehe. So quickly and easily to derail this little Indian fag. Look at him rant.

Why don’t you date Modi? He looks like a good match for you.
Look.. you have a version and we have one. You can make your claims and I make mine. It's a public forum . Don't call out ti others. They can clearly see.

Reported for promoting fake news.
Please see the posts above which talks about planes colliding.. isn't that fake news. You want me not to speak.. ok.. this is my last post here.
Their liberal dream for Pakistan vanished when they realized that Imran Khan was a religious nationalist in the vein of Orya Mqabool Jan, Dr. Shahid Masood, Dr. Israr Ahmad, Maulana Maududi, Mufti Taqi Usmani.

Madinat ki riyasat has no place in their desired copycat image of the West.

In Islamic fiqh, state has no right to break down doors to spy on people, even if they are secretly doing shirk or homosexual acts.

Once the vulgarity enters the street, school, college, bazaar, public, then state has jurisdiction.

With due respect, I think the verdict is still out whether IK really wants a Riasat e Madina or this is just a gimmick. Let’s see how his term pans out
Guys, go easy on @placemat and other Indian members, they are guests on PAKISTAN defence forum. Now we know they are hurt so don't take those posts about shooting down a F-16 etc seriously. The issue have been talked about and debated to death already, with ABSOLUTELY no proof at least allow them to find solace in fantasies. Just let them be!
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