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Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

Their liberal dream for Pakistan vanished when they realized that Imran Khan was a religious nationalist in the vein of Orya Mqabool Jan, Dr. Shahid Masood, Dr. Israr Ahmad, Maulana Maududi, Mufti Taqi Usmani.

Madinat ki riyasat has no place in their desired copycat image of the West.

In Islamic fiqh, state has no right to break down doors to spy on people, even if they are secretly doing shirk or homosexual acts.

Once the vulgarity enters the street, school, college, bazaar, public, then state has jurisdiction.

Thats what I meant most folks in the west think that we would break down doors looking for folks doing zina or LGBTQ stuff its not like that again I think fiqh should be with scholars or those who know deen in its fulest
Of Course I was always knew he was never a liberal these folks will always fail in Pakistan regardless

As Orya Maqbool Jan said, they can keep voting for Jibran Nasir and supporting NGOs.

Pakistani Americans can withhold dam funds as they threatened Imran Khan for removing Atif Mian, Pakistan will move on without them.

Even the liberal Democratic Ancient Greeks had an option of killing an adulterer 2500 years ago. Throughout the ancient world it was like that.

Though the Greeks were influenced from the North to accept sodomy.

All ancient cultures punished adultery, and those which didn't were wiped out by Allah swt (clearly stated in Quran) like Qawm e Lut, etc.

Even the liberal Democratic Ancient Greeks had an option of killing an adulterer 2500 years ago. Throughout the ancient world it was like that.

Though the Greeks were influenced from the North to accept sodomy.

The same was true under Democratic Rome. Adultery is treason. And the family is the most important unit of society, that supersedes the government. Though certainly not divine powers or priestly powers.

Iran got it right too. Allah swt bless you.

Pakistan should learn.
Just to let you know, the two things that destroy a holy man's world is gay sex and adultery. Which is why all traditional holy native people reject it and stone the perps of violence in society.

Which is why zionist jews promote them both in all societies but their 'own', because they want weak men in all societies but their 'own'.

Which is why - a message to the Chinese,... why traditional Islamic societies are great to live in, because you can be a loving and caring man there, not a flab of nothing like in the West.


Why Erdogan is doing good, not evil. Even though I am not an Islamist. When secularism means no sodomy, no adultery, traditional holy ways of life, then I am for secularism. Until then, stop trashing Islamic societies that reject that which could destroy Chinese society like feminism.

No doubt that homosexuality is simply not allowed in any Abrahamic religion. Having said that, if certain countries have allowed this and want to practice this in their societies it is their problem. We cannot stop them because it is their country and their rules applies. We can and should be allowed to voice our opposition. After all we have freedom of speech.

They cannot impose their values onto others. Unfortunately this is exactly what these crooks are trying to do. They are trying to impose their crap onto others and now even their Hollywood actors are getting involved by handing out economic threats. I mean, how politicized is this LGBT movement?
I cant believe adultery is not seen as a crime by some especially in Western Countries.

Adultery has to be one of the worst crimes its akin to murder forget killing people it destroys society in the long term with disease, illegitamate babies, divorces and many more that destroys the fabric of society.

Its not harmless sex like movies and tv shows make it out to be it destroys families.
As Orya Maqbool Jan said, they can keep voting for Jibran Nasir and supporting NGOs.

Pakistani Americans can withhold dam funds as they threatened Imran Khan for removing Atif Mian, Pakistan will move on without them.

All ancient cultures punished adultery, and those which didn't were wiped out by Allah swt (clearly stated in Quran) like Qawm e Lut, etc.

Iran got it right too. Allah swt bless you.

Pakistan should learn.

The Alt-Right is slowly learning the liberal West is a failure all the rise of "right wing" parties in the west and the rise of tradition in all socities is people are fed up with "neo-liberalism"pushed by Cold War dinosaurs in DC,London and Paris so instead they are trying to destroy this wave by hijacking the Alt Right in the West and causing terrorists masqurading as Islamic groups to cause havoc we must be vigilent on all sides

I cant believe adultery is not seen as a crime by some especially in Western Countries.

Adultery has to be one of the worst crimes its akin to murder forget killing people it destroys society in the long term with disease, illegitamate babies, divorces and many more that destroys the fabric of society.

Its not harmless sex like movies and tv shows make it out to be it destroys families.

Adultery and rampant miscegnation(between different cultures and peoples and races) are probably the biggest ills the Jews unleashed in the west and trying to do everywhere
The Alt-Right is slowly learning the liberal West is a failure all the rise of "right wing" parties in the west and the rise of tradition in all socities is people are fed up with "neo-liberalism"pushed by Cold War dinosaurs in DC,London and Paris so instead they are trying to destroy this wave by hijacking the Alt Right in the West and causing terrorists masqurading as Islamic groups to cause havoc we must be vigilent on all sides

Exactly. This alt-right movement is more than just an Islam hating fanatic group. I don’t approve every hateful and racist act, but certain frustration has validity.
Exactly. This alt-right movement is more than just an Islam hating fanatic group. I don’t approve every hateful and racist act, but certain frustration has validity.

Of course it does have valid points us non-whites were promised that we would get respect rule of law but instead we are used for cheap labor and brain drain from our homelands plus the greedy corps who shifted factories to China,India,Mexico and Vietnam sure will piss white folks a lot
In historical Christianity, an adulteress could not ever have relations with her husband. It was a religious crime for the husband to return to the bed of an adulteress wife because it was such filth. Which meant, the husband had to remain chaste his whole life, for Christianity does not allow divorce and remarriage.
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Of course it does have valid points us non-whites were promised that we would get respect rule of law but instead we are used for cheap labor and brain drain from our homelands plus the greedy corps who shifted factories to China,India,Mexico and Vietnam sure will piss white folks a lot

Their leaders and established order chose to do so. The non-white person didn’t ask East India company to colonize non-white nations around the world. They can cry rivers and deny the facts, but that is not going to change the facts. Their governments blatantly interfere and meddle in the affairs of Middle Eastern and other regions. That causes instability and bloodshed. They arm certain groups to overthrow regimes and install puppets. Their covert intelligence agencies such as CIA blatantly engineers regime change. From Iraq to Syria. The alt-right movement is blind to accept this reality. They can kill as many Muslims in mosque attacks as they like. They can print out as many manifestos as they like. It is not going to change the ground reality.


Their leaders and established order chose to do so. The non-white person didn’t ask East India company to colonize non-white nations around the world. They can cry rivers and deny the facts, but that is not going change the facts. Their governments blatantly interfere and meddle in the affairs of Middle Eastern and other regions. That causes instability and bloodshed. They arm certain groups to overthrow regimes and install puppets.

IDGAF about their Govts they play their own people for their wars I just dont want Yankee infuence expanding


IDGAF about their Govts they play their own people for their wars I just dont want Yankee infuence expanding

Finally there is a new breed of Americans coming to the scene. Have a look at Tulsi Gabbard. The established order and the mainstream media are maligning and vilifying her like never before. She openly challanges the established order.
Why is this Gay Stuff legal in America? What got America to legalize it. I literally have no clue. Did a bunch of gays march down DC and held the government office? This wasn’t legal 10 years ago. But now it suddenly is.
Why is this Gay Stuff legal in America? What got America to legalize it. I literally have no clue. Did a bunch of gays march down DC and held the government office? This wasn’t legal 10 years ago. But now it suddenly is.

You know makes me mad why tf the Commies in East Germany,Yugoslavia and the USSR were anti fags while the Yankee and the west were pro f..g
Why is this Gay Stuff legal in America? What got us to legalize it. I literally have no clue. Did a bunch of gays march down DC and held the government office? This wasn’t legal 10 years ago. But now it suddenly is.


Seriously, 'VP' Biden said jews were behind 85% of the Amerikan acceptance of gay marriage and gays.

Biden said, "Think – behind of all that, I bet you 85% of those changes, whether it's in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry."


This is Western society, forcing abuse on kids in school and in society:


(warning blurred nudity - Warning: Some people may find the images in this blog post disturbing. Viewer discretion advised.)

Western society is about creating a cycle of abuse. The kids get abused in schools so they learn to abuse the next generation of kids and abuse foreigners through bombing Iraq and Syria. Just a laundry list of abuse.
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They are trying to impose their crap onto others and now even their Hollywood actors are getting involved by handing out economic threats. I mean, how politicized is this LGBT movement?

George Clooney thinks he is the Khalifah of all Muslims because he married Amal Clooney, a Lebanese Christian Arab. He made himself Hollywood's ambassador to Muslims (esp Arab Muslims.)
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