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BRT ( Green line) Karachi buses enroute to Karachi.

Don't see unloading being done at Karachi port as the title says.
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I think we make- assemble buses in Pak too

I wonder why cant we use those
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Finally. Kudos to Federal Government, while on the other hand sindh government is doing all it can to stop it from seeing the light of day and went as far as sabotaging and destroying equipment installed at stations.

Kudos, yes, but why is the title at odds with what is actually posted in the OP?
Pakistan doesnt even make its own motorcycle, own buses is out of the question.
They do bro...

I never hear about them, are they fully Pakistani or subsidies of Chinese/Japanese companies? I wish Pakistan had its own motorcycle brand which held the majority market share in the country like India does. It is such a huge market, Pakistan is the 5th largest motorcycle market in the world and growing!
Nothing going to happen for the people of Karachi. All these buses will be standing few months from now as ppp govt don't want no relief to Karachi . Their sole goal is to convert Karachi into a backward goath
I never hear about them, are they fully Pakistani or subsidies of Chinese/Japanese companies? I wish Pakistan had its own motorcycle brand which held the majority market share in the country like India does. It is such a huge market, Pakistan is the 5th largest motorcycle market in the world and growing!

Didn't Sohrab make motorcycles
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