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British woman’s blog fuels India’s ‘unsafe’ infamy

And where exactly have i generalized ? Besides, you have completely deviated form the point i have made and gone somewhere else.. If the westerners are hell bent on generalizing south Asians especially Indians, am i supposed to Sit down quietly with thumbs up my *** ? Just because you live in the west does not mean they are immune to criticism.

You clearly have not been reading my posts....

Dont get your panties in a twist mate.. My reply to not generalize was not meant for you either.. It was another poster that just harped about mistreatment of women region wide

And i did not say any country West or not is immune to either sexual harassment or mistreatment of women including Sri Lanka.. But of often seen diverting the blame and playing the victim of conspiracies is becoming lame and mundane
Here you can look at it your self, and see where each South Asian country stands.. It's prepoterous that when ever a social evil of a country is highlighted, People try to drag whole regions in to it.. Just to pacify yourselves

I was looking at WEF gender gap rankings for 2014. Out of 142 countries ranked Sri Lanka stands at 79. Very much the bottom half and much lower than Rwanda, Philipines, Kazakhstan. If you are satisfied with that then good luck to you.

Bangladesh is doing surprisingly well, so please get off your high horse, you still live in the same planet as the rest of us.

Global Gender Gap Report 2014 - Reports - World Economic Forum

And for all those Pakistanis on this thread who are so shocked and horrified by the savagery of Indians, you might be interested to learn that Pakistan stands at number 141 ....only Yemen is a worse place to be born female .
Terrorism in Kashmir is real, people in India have hardly seen a gun, let alone hold one and those terrorists come with AK-47s. Where do they come from ? There has been countless terrorist attacks in Kashmir.

Who hijacked the IC-814, conveniently took it to Kandahar, at a time, when Pakistani military was hand in glove with Taliban in Afghanistan at freed Kashmiri terrorists ?

Who were the perpetrators in Parliament attack, Mumbai attacks ?

Don't give lame arguments like, if our dear neighbour wished then he could have done more damage, you have and you are doing what you can already.

Now just imagine, Naxals / Maoists / Sikhs / Dalits / Christians getting AK47, RPGs etc with all the training and intelligence info about which fault lines to hit and you will have a whole new definition of those insurgencies taking place in India.

This is what India has been doing in the neighborhood, I mean 30+ years of terrorism in Sri Lanka by training and supporting LTTE, before that decades long training and support for Mukti Bahini, BLA and now also TTP.

India is the last nation on earth who has any moral right complaining about cross-border terrorism.

This is something India has introduced to the region.

And I say, rethink your policies, there is still time, before it is too late..

And do not blame others for your false flag ops such as Samjhota Express, Malegaon and so on.
West is far worse when it comes to raping with countires like USA, UK, Sweden being surprisingly at the top. But honestly, do the women feel themselves there unsafe going out on the street? I don't really think so.

Actually women feel more unsafe going out in West than in India.

India is 48th out of 93 countries surveyed Fear of crime > Feels safe walking alone > At night

USA is ranked 60th.

UK is ranked 47th

Canada ranked 59th

India Crime Stats: NationMaster.com

This despite their almost 300% more police to public ratio than India.
I was looking at WEF gender gap rankings for 2014. Out of 142 countries ranked Sri Lanka stands at 79. Very much the bottom half and much lower than Rwanda, Philipines, Kazakhstan. If you are satisfied with that then good luck to you.

Bangladesh is doing surprisingly well, so please get off your high horse, you still live in the same planet as the rest of us.

Global Gender Gap Report 2014 - Reports - World Economic Forum

And for all those Pakistanis on this thread who are so shocked and horrified by the savagery of Indians, you might be interested to learn that Pakistan stands at number 141 ....only Yemen is a worse place to be born female .

Nobody is satisfied.. Lastly not any Lankan, There is always room for improvement and the gender gap ranking does not necessarily correlate with mistreatment or abuse of women,, The crux of the matter here is generalizing the whole region to pacify yourselves of your social ills.. Discuss, argue or for that matter abuse each other just dont bring in others that has nothing to do with it in to the mess unnecessarily
On the bright side, she wasn't gang raped. India is making real progress!

Indian men are ridiculous it's mainly due to social fabric.
Here men are given way too much priority over women.

There are some serious issue with the country. Which must be resolved.

Women empowerment is most important aspect.
You need to come out of your West Bhakti. South Asia does much much better than any international standards. All major countries in SA have had women prime ministers, presidents, and in important posts. You wont find many Western countries doing that. Choosing your own life is a myth again. Are they choosing their lives or being manipulated by media into ruining their lives in the West? If 50% of the households are single parent households in the West which basically means women left to raise her kid alone by her numerous boyfriends/ex-husbands, do you think it was her choice?

Perhaps Sri Lankans are in denial and do not choose to talk about it?

What are you talking of women prime ministers ? Like who ? Indira. Ghandi, who would she be if not for her father. Benazir Bhutto? Again daughter of VIP alpha male, Bangladesh begums ? One is a daughter and one a wife. jayalalitha ? Mistress. Sonia Ghandi ? Wife/daughter in law.

The number of women who made it on their own steam can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Having a women PM did nothing for Indian women. What will change the fate of. Indian women is economic independence , nothing else. How many. Working women do you know who do a full days work and then slip into a housecoat at home to start rolling out the chapattis while men watch TV. Why is it when a man needs a kidney his wife always has her herself tested? Doctors don't even bother asking the indian husband because he knows the answer will be NO.
Based on what? Your hopes?

Stats. Literature.

Request Rejected

1 In 3 Women Has Been Sexually Harassed At Work, According To Survey

Sexual Harrassment - Fact Sheet - Feminist Majority Foundation

Equity in education is compromised and jeopardized by the existence of sexual harassment in educational institutions. In the 1993 American Association of University Women (AAUW) study "Hostile Hallways", 85% of all girls and 76% of boys reported having been sexually harassed at school. But, says Anne Bryant, former director of AAUW, "The impact on girls is far more devastating". Many more girls than boys said that, as a result of the harassment, they were afraid in school or less confident about themselves.

Stop Street Harassment

Street harassment is an under-researched topic, but it’s clear from the few studies that exist that it is a significant and prevalent problem.

In 2014, SSH commissioned a 2,000-person national survey in the USA with surveying firm GfK. The survey found that 65% of all women had experienced street harassment. Among all women, 23% had been sexually touched, 20% had been followed, and 9% had been forced to do something sexual. Among men, 25% had been street harassed (a higher percentage of LGBT-identified men than heterosexual men reported this) and their most common form of harassment was homophobic or transphobic slurs (9%). Read more findings.

More studies about the street harassment of women and female-identified individuals:

1 — Forty Academic & Community Studies

2 —- Two Online Studies by Stop Street Harassment

In one of the surveys of 811 women, 99 percent experienced street harassment, including:

More studies about the street harassment of LGBQT individuals:

* According to a report by the Center for American Progress, LGBT individuals report high rates of discrimination in public spaces, so did gay New York residents who took a 2001 survey.

* Transgender individuals face particularly high rates of public discrimination according to a report by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) and the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE).

* 2013 study of 93,000 LGBQT individuals in the European Union found that half avoided public spaces sometimes because of street harassment and most reported high levels of fear in locations like restaurants, public transportation, streets, parking lots, and parks.

* When Patrick Ryne McNeil surveyed 331 gay and bisexual men around the world about their experience with street harassment for his master’s thesis in 2012, about 90 percent said they are sometimes, often, or always harassed or made to feel unwelcome in public spaces because of their perceived sexual orientation.

Okay, so I have stats backing me. What did you have when you made assumption that India is unsafe for women than the rest of the world other than your inferiority complex?

Now just imagine, Naxals / Maoists / Sikhs / Dalits / Christians getting AK47, RPGs etc with all the training and intelligence info about which fault lines to hit and you will have a whole new definition of those insurgencies taking place in India.

This is what India has been doing in the neighborhood, I mean 30+ years of terrorism in Sri Lanka by training and supporting LTTE, before that decades long training and support for Mukti Bahini, BLA and now also TTP.

India is the last nation on earth who has any moral right complaining about cross-border terrorism.

This is something India has introduced to the region.

And I say, rethink your policies, there is still time, before it is too late..

And do not blame others for your false flag ops such as Samjhota Express, Malegaon and so on.

Quite a picture, over there. It's not like Pakistan has not been involved in these cases. I can go section by section on this.

But, here's the thing you need to understand, India is the bigger power in the region, in every possible parameters that matter. One should know better than trying to hurt the bigger power. Because when you do, something like Bangladesh happens..
So, don't try to hold India or Indians hostage by talking about Naxals/Maoists/Khalistanis etc. etc. , for you simply don't have that capability. Only if you knew the language of peace!! But that's not who you are, what nerves! Openly threatening about Naxals and what not!! If we let out army into these naxal belts like you do, we will exterminate them in less than a week, but we judiciously use power..

Talk for yourself, if you have any specific topic to talk about, create a new thread, cut the jingoism and talk.
If we let out army into these naxal belts like you do, we will exterminate them in less than a week,

and why do you wish that??

why not have the indian airforce bomb rss offices and practice grounds and the offices of ram sena??
Quite a picture, over there. It's not like Pakistan has not been involved in these cases. I can go section by section on this.

But, here's the thing you need to understand, India is the bigger power in the region, in every possible parameters that matter. One should know better than trying to hurt the bigger power. Because when you do, something like Bangladesh happens..
So, don't try to hold India or Indians hostage by talking about Naxals/Maoists/Khalistanis etc. etc. , for you simply don't have that capability. Only if you knew the language of peace!! But that's not who you are, what nerves! Openly threatening about Naxals and what not!! If we let out army into these naxal belts like you do, we will exterminate them in less than a week, but we judiciously use power..

Talk for yourself, if you have any specific topic to talk about, create a new thread, cut the jingoism and talk.

You are all over the place my dear, all over...now focus..

Being a bigger in area or population does not give you ANY right to first sponsor cross-border terrorism in neighboring countries and then run around the world like a headless chicken, when some neighbor pays you back in the same coin.

This is 21st century and world does not have time or stomach for your little dramas anymore.

Instead of supporting this policy of cross-border terrorism, you should condemn it and ask your govt to rethink about it, before it is too late. Learn something from China about how you earn respect.

This all I have to say about this topic in this thread.
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