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British high commissioner calls CPEC ‘game changer’

There's nothing wrong with imports.

Imports kills off home made products and causes balance of payment deficit. You only become a consumer and not a producer. So there is a problem!

Look at Singapore, close to billions are made from storage, combined with a second to none logistical service that they've invested heavily in. Ports of Singapore?

We are talking about importing goods which we can make at home and that is a deal breaker. All nations have to import something; electronics, expertise, etc. Logistical INVESTMENT is totally different, it helps the speed at which goods can be loaded and unloaded to be more efficient and helps exports as well.

Although this thread is NOT about logistics, but it has a major impact on trade. The GT Road needs to be upgraded to 3 lane Expressway in each direction with traffic control cameras to attend to ANY congestion hot spots and accidents. The GT Road is the backbone of trade from North to South (port) of the country!

Hey, even Madrassa students know this!
Interesting to see the British ambassador taking interest in CPEC. Back in the colonial times Britain and Russia were playing a game of domination of Islamic lands. They called it the "Great Game". The game is still on but it has certainly changed. Now it is a game of trade and prosperity being played by Pakistan and China.Today both Britain and Russia are spectators in this new great game. Enjoy the game from the sidelines.

I respectively disagree. We have gone back to 1900 when they initiated 'Operation Mad Mullah'. This was to destroy the Islamic Ottoman Empire and occupy the lands and resources. What is going on now is no different. Smashing Muslim countries and leaving them in chaos, then creating a narrative to stop the terrorists in those, same broken countries to invade it. They're waiting to go back in, and they will go in.

All this has been foretold in Al-Shaam, Land of the two rivers and Misr's destruction is yet to come.

I wear when i want to mostly in summers i say jumma in jeans most of the time

What is wrong with salwar kameez? Are you ashamed of being Pakistani?

GT Road goes from Kabul to Calcutta.

N-5 National Highway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I respectively disagree. We have gone back to 1900 when they initiated 'Operation Mad Mullah'. This was to destroy the Islamic Ottoman Empire and occupy the lands and resources. What is going on now is no different. Smashing Muslim countries and leaving them in chaos, then creating a narrative to stop the terrorists in those, same broken countries to invade it. They're waiting to go back in, and they will go in.

All this has been foretold in Al-Shaam, Land of the two rivers and Misr's destruction is yet to come.

What is wrong with salwar kameez? Are you ashamed of being Pakistani?

N-5 National Highway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Whats wrong with jeans made in Pakistan?

But that's not a shalwar, that's a patiala! :D
Western plan is working they have to put their weight behind it ..its their plan not to take gas from Iran but from centeral Asia. Afghan gov is continuesly threating Pak cuz india is behind their menagment. Foreign forces are their they will check on Pak by the gas pipeline when ever they like they will blow up unless india will get benifited hugely...
Afghan will demand Pak to give india route to centeral Asia..
We sud be very careful..
High Commissioner used lip service. Game changer is for China. It gets to charge exorbitant loan rates, gets zero taxation access on its goods, royalties paid by Pakistan on top of an interest payback, employs thousands of chinese and chinese companies, while ignoring pakistanis, and flood chinese goods killing Pakistani manufacturing.
Majority of China lives on east side. Chinese west is desert. Apart from connecting Xinajang to sea, I don't see how Chinese can benefit much from CPEC.

CPEC is a tiny project from chinese/indian/us perspective but it's the biggest thing pakistan's ever had. So in that way, it will have impact on Pakistan. It's like "something vs nothing". Something is infinitely better than nothing.

I think the Chinese are trying to connect East China with its muslim areas to pakistan, for trade and because they would/should get along quiet good due to common religion etc. And offcourse East China is really backwards so this could help develop East China.

N-5 is not the Grand Trunk Road, Sir.

NH-5 is part of the GT road. I just looked it up. :P
High Commissioner used lip service. Game changer is for China. It gets to charge exorbitant loan rates, gets zero taxation access on its goods, royalties paid by Pakistan on top of an interest payback, employs thousands of chinese and chinese companies, while ignoring pakistanis, and flood chinese goods killing Pakistani manufacturing.

Interesting! Only Hindustanis have been jumping on that point. So...you have Hindustani heritage! That sums up your hatred.
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