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British & French nationals join AQ to fight Kurds in Syria

ای ایران

Apr 3, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Why are Somalians, Pakistanis etc that grew up in Europe and have nothing to do with Syria or the Middle East joining terrorist groups to attack the Kurds? What business do Africans and Pakistanis have trying to interfere in Syrian Kurdistan?

Kurdish YPG will kill these people, they are no joke.

These idiots should stay home in the UK and France or go back to Africa or Pakistan where their roots are from. Syrian Kurdistan is not their land or their business to tell Kurds how to live and in what type of system.

Why just Somalians and Pakistanis.

The ideology they follow attracts people from all over the world with the same beliefs, none of them recognize nationality, they do not recognize borders either thus the rules do not exist for them.
There all sorts of psychopaths flocking in large numbers to Syria. Whole Syria can be named as one large mental hospital. Sooner or later these people will return to their host countries with a dangerous ideology and intention to commit terrorist acts.

Typical second gen pakistani/arab/african immigrants.

I've got one of them living in my apartment (pakistani). I'm actually paranoid that he's gonna do something to me. The guy looks like a proper wahabi (long pubic haired beard), disgusting hair, disgusting clothes and he walks around with a radio that has azan playing. He's had azan playing on the radio in public twice now.

These second gen muslim immigrants are honestly worse than their parents. They have a hard time assimilating so they become the way they are. Fucking Western governments. Don't have the slightest clue why they let these wahabi fucks roam around freely.
Typical second gen pakistani/arab/african immigrants.

I've got one of them living in my apartment (pakistani). I'm actually paranoid that he's gonna do something to me. The guy looks like a proper wahabi (long pubic haired beard), disgusting hair, disgusting clothes and he walks around with a radio that has azan playing. He's had azan playing on the radio in public twice now.

These second gen muslim immigrants are honestly worse than their parents. They have a hard time assimilating so they become the way they are. Fucking Western governments. Don't have the slightest clue why they let these wahabi fucks roam around freely.
Well, they even let you roam around freely, why not them. :undecided:
Typical second gen pakistani/arab/african immigrants.

I've got one of them living in my apartment (pakistani). I'm actually paranoid that he's gonna do something to me. The guy looks like a proper wahabi (long pubic haired beard), disgusting hair, disgusting clothes and he walks around with a radio that has azan playing. He's had azan playing on the radio in public twice now.

These second gen muslim immigrants are honestly worse than their parents. They have a hard time assimilating so they become the way they are. Fucking Western governments. Don't have the slightest clue why they let these wahabi fucks roam around freely.
they are a minority being retarded. and legally they cannot do anything , except if these guys are illegal or doing illegal things.
for the fun : my wife having a Kenyan friend in Paris : when she first came in France she was surprised Paris had so many Africans. The face of Europe changed, white people will disappear
it is not only a problem of salafis here (very small group) , it is a huge problem of immigration of poor people too
in USA they were smart to make it much better way: a part with lottery and a part of taking brains
here in France they only take poor people only (or a few from very rich who offer appartments in the best parts of Paris)
JEW Europa send their shit in Syria

It's funny how they are despised by the europeans and still do what their politicians want

They are called heroes by the europeans when they go to Syria kill arabs
Weren't these idiots fighting the Assad regime? Why are they now fighting fellow Sunni Kurds? I will never understand this mentality. They are clearly controlled by foreign powers. If they really are Sunni Muslims then go fight your enemy. Do not fight other of your same kin. But again, they are merily using Islam as a tool unfortunately.
Weren't these idiots fighting the Assad regime? Why are they now fighting fellow Sunni Kurds? I will never understand this mentality. They are clearly controlled by foreign powers. If they really are Sunni Muslims then go fight your enemy. Do not fight other of your same kin. But again, they are merily using Islam as a tool unfortunately.

Kurdish militias in Syria are just muslim by name, they hava a different ideology opposite to kurdish nationalism.
Kurdish militias in Syria are just muslim by name, they hava a different ideology opposite to kurdish nationalism.

But the Al Qaeda attack civilians. How I wish they would attack the Kurdish militias. I would be so happy. But they attack Kurdish civilians mostly. The recent bomb in Kobane against an aid centre is pretty evident. Their numerous suicide bombing in Iraq is evident of this. But I am sure you know this.
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