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British-Bangladeshi family killed after joining IS in Syria


Jul 30, 2015
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Sylhetis have put Bangladesh to shame. These people are becoming radical day by day for unknown reason. Something is seriously wrong with Sylhetis. 90% Bangladeshi militants are from Sylhet.

British-Bangladeshi family killed after joining IS in Syria
Tribune Desk
  • Published at 07:26 pm June 28th, 2019

The Mannan family (pictured) from Luton, Bedfordshire, came to the world's attention in May 2015 when 12 of them left the UK to join ISIS in Syria.

Three sons from the Mannan family were killed fighting for the extremist group

A British-Bangladeshi family of 12 who fled their home to join IS in Syria are now all dead, reports the Mirror UK.

Three sons from the Mannan family were killed fighting for the extremist group while seven more - including three young children - died in an airstrike.

The elderly parents both died of natural causes. When they fled in 2015, it was reported Muhammed Mannan had diabetes and his wife Minera Khatun had cancer.

The Mannans included the oldest and youngest British people to have defected to IS.

The 12 relatives had not been seen in four years after visiting their home country of Bangladesh.

It is believed the family stopped in Turkey on their way home before entering the war-torn country.

At the time, a statement from relatives back in the UK said they were "devastated" and the disappearance was "out of character."

Speaking to the MailOnline, Mannan's son Shalim said: "They are all dead. It's over, finished. We had been trying to find out for some time what had happened to them and it was only confirmed to us recently from Syria.

"It's a tragic end and we have drawn a line under it all and are now trying to get on with our lives."

On leaving the UK, the family included Muhammed Abdul Mannan, 75, and his wife Minera Khatun, 53, their daughter Rajia Khanom, 21, and sons Mohammed Zayd Hussain, 25, Mohammed Toufique Hussain, 19, Mohammed Abil Kashem Saker, 31, and his wife Sheida Khanam, 27. Joining them were extended family members Mohammed Saleh Hussain, 26, and his wife Roshanara Begum, 24, along with three children, aged between one and 11.

The family was reported missing to police by two sons, understood to be Mannan's from a previous marriage, who live in Luton.

Two months after arriving in Syria, the family released a statement declaring their support for ISIS and their happiness at being in a land "that is free from the corruption and oppression of man made law and is governed by the Sharia."

It added: "Yes, all 12 of us and why should this number be shocking, when there are thousands and thousands of Muslims from all corners of the world that are crossing over land and sea everyday to come to the Islamic State?

"Don't be shocked when we say that none of us were forced against our will. In fact it is outrageous to think that an entire family could be kidnapped and made to migrate like this."

Speaking back in 2015, a community leader said he had known the family for 35 years, with Mannan going to the local mosque a number of times a day.

He said no-one knew if they had joined a specific extremist Islamist group but people in his community had told him some women in the family might have been radicalised and taken the rest of the family with them to avoid detection.

The Mannan's Luton home is currently being rented out and neighbours said that they too had been informed by relatives that the entire family is now dead.

আইসিসে যোগ দেওয়া ব্রিটিশ-বাংলাদেশি পরিবারটির ১২ সদস্যই এখন মৃত
জুন ২৮, ২০১৯ | ৩:৫৩ অপরাহ্ণ

সারাবাংলা ডেস্ক

আইসিস-এ যোগ দেওয়া ব্রিটিশ-বাংলাদেশি পরিবারটির ১২ জনই এখন মৃত। ঠিক এভাবেই শিরোনাম দিয়ে খবরটি প্রকাশ করেছে যুক্তরাজ্যের প্রধানসারির সংবাদপত্র দ্য ডেইলি মেইল। সংবাদপত্রটি দাবি করেছে- পুরো পরিবারের ১২ সদস্যের মধ্যে ১১, পাঁচ ও এক বছরের একটি শিশুও ছিলো। যারা আইসিসে যোগ দিতে লন্ডন থেকে বাংলাদেশ হয়ে তুরস্কের পথ ধরে সিরিয়া পৌঁছায়। পরিবারটির সকলেই এখন মৃত।

‘মান্নান পরিবার’ হিসেবে উল্লেখ করে প্রতিবেদনের প্রধান প্রধান ফাইন্ডিংসে বলা হয়েছে-

– পরিবারটি যখন যুক্তরাজ্য ছেড়ে আইসিসে যোগ দিতে সিরিয়া যায় তখনই বিশ্বের নজরে পড়ে।
– ২০১৫ সালের মে মাসে পরিবারটি বৃটেন থেকে প্রথমে বাংলাদেশে আসে এখানে থেকে তুরষ্ক হয়ে সিরিয়া পৌঁছায়।
– সিরিয়া পৌঁছানোর দুই মাস পরে মান্নান পরিবারের সদস্যরা একটি বার্তায় ইসলামিক স্টেটের প্রতি সমর্থন ঘোষণা করে।
– লন্ডনে তাদের অন্য আত্মীয়-স্বজনের পক্ষ থেকে বলা হচ্ছে- মান্নান পরিবারের সকলেই মারা গেছে।
– তাদের মধ্যে সাত জন বিমান হামলায় মারা গেছে, আর তিন ভাইকে আইসিসের জেহাদে অংশ নেওয়ায় হত্যা করা হয়েছে।
– পরিবারটির প্রধান মুহাম্মদ মান্নান ও তার স্ত্রী মিনারার স্বাভাবিক মৃত্যু হয়েছে।

পরিবারটি যুক্তরাজ্যের লুটনে বাস করতো। সেখানেই বাস করছেন মান্নানের আগের একজন স্ত্রীর ঘরের ছেলে সেলিম। তার বরাত দিয়ে মেইল অনলাইন বলছে, পরিবারটির সকলেই এখন মৃত।

‘আমরা অনেকদিন ধরেই তাদের কথা জানার চেষ্টা করে আসছি, আর সম্প্রতি সিরিয়া থেকে আমাদের জানানো হয়েছে, ওরা কেউ বেঁচে নেই,’ ভাষ্য সেলিমের।

বাংলাদেশের সিলেটে পরিবারটির আদি নিবাস। ধারনা করা হয়েছে ২০১৫ সালের মে মাসে বাংলাদেশ থেকে তুরস্ক হয়ে সিরিয়ায় ঢুকে পড়ে মান্নান পরিবার। ওদিকে তারা বাংলাদেশ থেকে বের হয়ে যখন ব্রিটেনে ফিরছিলো না, তখনই উদ্বিগ্ন আত্মীয়-স্বজনরা তাদের নিখোঁজ হওয়ার বিষয়টি পুলিশে রিপোর্ট করে।

সিরিয়া পৌঁছানোর দুই মাস পরে পরিবারটি এক বার্তায় ঘোষণা করে যে তারা ইসলামিক স্টেটের সমর্থন জানিয়ে ওই দেশে অবস্থান করছে। বার্তাটিতে বলা হয়- ‘আমরা এখন সুখি, এমন একটি দেশে আমরা এখন বাস করছি যেখানে কোনও দুর্নীতি নেই, মনুষ্য সৃষ্ট আইনের নিষ্পেষণ নেই, শরিয়া আইনেই যার শাসন চলছে।’

বার্তাটিতে আরও বলা হয়, ‘হ্যাঁ, আমাদের ১২ জনের পরিবারের সবাই এসেছি, আর এই সংখ্যাটি শুনে কেনো আপনারা আহত হচ্ছেন, যখন বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন অংশ থেকে হাজার হাজার মুসলিম প্রতিদিন দীর্ঘ পথ, সমুদ্র পাড়ি দিয়ে চলে আসছে এই ইসলামিক স্টেটে?’

মান্নানই ছিলেন যুক্তরাজ্য থেকে আইসিস সমর্থনে সিরিয়ায় পাড়ি জমানো সবচেয়ে বেশি বয়স্ক কোনও ব্রিটিশ। এসময় আঙ্গুল তুলে আইসিসের সমর্থন জানানো একটি ছবিও প্রকাশ করা হয়। তবে ৭৫ বয়সী এই বৃদ্ধ বাবা তখন ডায়াবেটিসে আক্রান্ত ছিলেন। আর ওই ছবিটি প্রকাশের কিছুদিনের মধ্যে রাক্কায় তার মৃত্যু হয়। পরে তার স্ত্রী মিনারাও একই নগরীতে মারা যান। তিনি ক্যান্সারে ভুগছিলেন।

তাদের দুই ছেলে মোহাম্মদ জায়েদ হোসেন, ২৫, ও মোহাম্মদ তৌফিক হোসেন, ১৯, পরে আমেরিকার মদদপুষ্ট সেনাবাহিনীর বিরুদ্ধে সংঘঠিত রাক্কা যুদ্ধে মারা যায়। পরে ওই সেনা সদস্যরা ২০১৭’র অক্টোবরে শহরটির দখল নিয়ে নেয়।

পরিবারের অন্য সদস্যরা সিরিয়ার অন্য জিহাদীদের সাথে পালিয়ে যেতে সক্ষম হয়, তবে তাদেরও শেষ পরিণতি ঘটে গত বছর বাগুজে। ইসলামিক স্টেটের হাতে থাকা এই শেষ ভু-খণ্ড দখলে যে যুদ্ধ চলছিলো তাতে গুলিবিদ্ধ হয়ে নিহত হন মান্নানের অপর ছেলে মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাশেম, ৩১।সেখানেই ভয়াবহ যুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে জঙ্গিবাদি গ্রুপটির শেষ পরিণতি ঘটে। বারগুজ থেকে পালানোর পথে তখনকার উপযুপুরি বোমা হামলায় পড়ে পরিবারের অন্য সদস্যরা নিহত হন। এরা হচ্ছেন মান্নানের মেয়ে রাজিয়া খাতুন, ২১, ছেলে মোহাম্মদ সালেহ হোসেন, ২৬, ও তার স্ত্রী রোশনারা বেগম, ২৪, তাদের তিন সন্তান ও মান্নানের আরেক পুত্রবধু সাইদা খানম, ২৭।

মান্নানের এক চাচাতো ভাই আবদুল খালিদকে উদ্ধৃত করে মেইল অনলাইন জানায়, বারগুজ থেকে পরিবারের সদস্যদের পালানোর চেষ্টা এবং বোমা হামলায় তাদের মৃত্যু হওয়ার বিষয়টি তারা নিশ্চিত করেই জেনেছেন।

লুটনের একটি মসজিদে নিয়মিত নামাজ পড়তেন মোহাম্মদ মান্নান। সেখানে প্রায় সকলেই জানেন, পরিবারটির সকল সদস্যই এখন মৃত। মসজিদ কমিটির সভাপতি আবুল হোসেনকে উদ্ধৃত করেছে ডেইলি মেইল। তিনি বলেন, যখন জানতে পারলাম পরিবারটি সিরিয়া চলে গেছে, আমরা খুবই মর্মাহত হলাম। আমরা বিশ্বাসই করতে পারছিলাম না, পরিবারটি এমন কিছু করতে পারে। আমরা যে মান্নানকে চিনতাম তার সঙ্গে এই আচরণ কোনওভাবেই মিলছিলো না।‘

লুটনের যে বাড়িটিতে মান্নানরা থাকতেন সেটি এখন অন্য একটি পরিবারের কাছে ভাড়া দেওয়া হয়েছে। বাড়িটির বর্তমান বাসিন্দারাও জেনেছেন, পরিবারটির সকলেই এখন মৃত।

একজন বললেন, ‘এখানে এখন সকলেই পরিবারটির পরিণতির কথা জানে। আসলে বিষয়টি ভাবাই কঠিন ইংল্যান্ডে এমন নিরাপদ জীবন ছেড়ে কেউ গোটা পরিবার নিয়ে সিরিয়ার এমন বিপদসংকুল পরিবেশে চলে যেতে পারে। বিশেষ করে ঘরের ছোট ছোট বাচ্চাগুলোকে নিয়ে।



Twelve members of the British-Bangladeshi militant family are now dead.

June 28, 2019 | 3:53 PM

Sarker Desk

Twelve people of the British-Bangladeshi family who have joined Isis are now dead. This is how the British Prime Minister's newspaper The Daily Mail has published the news with the title. The newspaper claimed that there were 11, 5 and 1 year old children out of 12 members of the whole family. Those who arrive in Syria to Turkey via Turkey to Bangladesh to join ISIS. All of the family are now dead.

The main findings of the report, referred to as 'Mannan family'

- When the family leaves the United Kingdom to join Isis, then the world is caught in the glance.
- In May 2015, the family arrives in Bangladesh from Britain and arrives in Syria to Turkey.
- Two months after reaching Syria, the family members of Mannan announced support for Islamic State in a message.
- On behalf of their other relatives in London, it is said that all the family members of Manan died.
- Seven of them died in air strikes, and three brothers were killed after taking part in ISIS jihad.
- The family's main leader Muhammad Mannan and his wife Minarar have died due to natural death.

The family lived in London's Luton. There lived a man named Mannan's former wife Salim. Citing the mail online, all of the family are dead now.

"We have been trying to know about them for a long time, and recently we have been told from Syria that no one survives," Salim said.

Family house of Sylhet. It has been suggested that in May 2015, the families of the Mannan family entered Turkey via Turkey. On the other hand, when they did not return to Britain when they were away from Bangladesh, the concerned relatives reported their disappearance to the police.

Two months after reaching Syria, the family announced in a message that they are staying in the country supporting Islamic State. It is said in the message: "We are happy now, in a country where we are now living, there is no corruption, there is no crushing of the man made law, whose rule is under Sharia law."

The message further says, 'Yes, all of our family of 12 people have come, and why are you wounded when you hear this number, when thousands of Muslims from different parts of the world are going through long distances, going through the sea this Islamic State?'

Mannan was the oldest British British to travel to Syria in support of Isis from the UK. A photo released by Isis was released in this regard. However, this old aged 75 was suffering from diabetes. He died in Rakka within a few days of publication of the film. Later his wife Minara died in the same city. He was suffering from cancer.
Their two sons, Mohammad Zayed Hossain, 25, and Mohammad Toufiq Hossain, 19, died in a Rakkah war against the US-backed army. Later, the army took possession of the city in October of the year 2017.

Other members of the family were able to escape with other jihadists in Syria, but their end result was last year in Baguje. Mannan's second son, Mohammad Abul Kashem, was killed in the war that was under the control of the Islamic State. Mannan's second son, Mohammad Abul Kashem, was 31. There was a final outcome of the militant group through a terrible war. On the way to flee from Barghas, the other members of the family were killed when a helper bomb attack took place. They are Manya's daughter Razia Khatun, 21, son Mohammad Saleh Hossain, 26, and his wife Roshnara Begum, 24, their three children and another daughter of Mannan Saida Khanam, 27.

Quoting Mannan's cousin Abdul Khalid, he told Mail Online that they knew the family members fleeing from Baruguz and their death in a bomb attack.

Muhammad Mannan regularly used to pray at a mosque in Lootan. Almost everyone knows that all members of the family are dead now. Daily Mail quoted president of mosque committee Abul Hossain as saying. When he came to know that the family had gone to Syria, we were very shocked. We could not believe that the family could do something like this. This behavior was not mixed in any way we knew Mannan. '

The house of Looton, which was owned by Mannan, is now rented to another family. The residents of the house also know that all of the family are dead now.

One said, "Everyone here knows about the outcome of the family. It is hard to believe that leaving such a safe life in England, one can leave the Syrian family in such an alarming environment. Especially with small children in the house.

Sarabangla / MM

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Sylhetis have put shame to Bangladesh. These people are becoming radical day by day for unknown reason. Something is seriously wrong with Sylhetis. 90% Bangladeshi militants are from Sylhet.
You guys should make Sylhet as an autonomous district of Bangladesh as a protest... :D
So sad and screwed up...
hi bro what is sad here ? its a good news these scums their kids even sperms should be killed .imagine one of them blow up in middle of a crowded city market or in mosque or a gathering ?
i wonder why the wives and the children went along.... daughters well went to be whores of isis and the sons... well "mujahideens" it's so fucked up.... good these rodents had their end there....
Sylhetis have put Bangladesh to shame. These people are becoming radical day by day for unknown reason. Something is seriously wrong with Sylhetis. 90% Bangladeshi militants are from Sylhet.

They tend to be much nicer and more open-minded than other people from BD (esp recent migrants.) Most US BD immigrants are from this region and they tend to be pro-Pakistan and mesh well in non-BD communities overall.

It is worrying though that Daesh of India has found recruits in Bd, if true.

You never know with Hasina gov though as facts get muddled for political objectives.
Sylhetis have put Bangladesh to shame. These people are becoming radical day by day for unknown reason. Something is seriously wrong with Sylhetis. 90% Bangladeshi militants are from Sylhet.
This is something i wholeheartedly agree to, having seen them from close quarters in my state it is obvious to me that they are the most staunch fundamentalists and prone to radicalization.

Sylhetis, both Hindus and Muslims in India(and perhaps BD too if i were to hazard a guess) seem to be motivated by a sole aim, to get out of the country and settle elsewhere.

Coming back to the topic @Riyad, i would like to know more from you about what is leading them towards this part of extremism, what could be the probable causes that are influencing them.

I, for one, think that they take their religion all too seriously, my muslim Sylheti mates in college and university were all devout adherents, they led the prayer meets and discussed the issues of the Islamic world all the time even if it didn't concern them. I have seen Sylheti co-passengers offer namaz even during their train journeys which is otherwise rare to see in my place.

This trend of Sylhetis picking up arms is troubling as sooner or later that may have spillover in our countries.
Its very sad that this Khawarij mentality is spreading in many countries. These two extremist groups, Khawarij like ISIS on one side and Liberal/Secular/Atheist dictators /rulers have infested the Muslim countries and crippling them from the roots. Muslim rightly following Quran & Sunnah must act now to take the control of these nations to save them from these internal as well as external enemies of Islam & Muslims.
Specially Bangladeshi Muslims need to get rid of these two ideologies and to be strong militarily and economically to counter its enemies.
This is something i wholeheartedly agree to, having seen them from close quarters in my state it is obvious to me that they are the most staunch fundamentalists and prone to radicalization.

Sylhetis, both Hindus and Muslims in India(and perhaps BD too if i were to hazard a guess) seem to be motivated by a sole aim, to get out of the country and settle elsewhere.

Coming back to the topic @Riyad, i would like to know more from you about what is leading them towards this part of extremism, what could be the probable causes that are influencing them.

I, for one, think that they take their religion all too seriously, my muslim Sylheti mates in college and university were all devout adherents, they led the prayer meets and discussed the issues of the Islamic world all the time even if it didn't concern them. I have seen Sylheti co-passengers offer namaz even during their train journeys which is otherwise rare to see in my place.

This trend of Sylhetis picking up arms is troubling as sooner or later that may have spillover in our countries.

Sylhetis are different from other Bangladeshis. These are mixed people. They are not Bengali and don't have any attachment for anything Bengali. They have different views on everything. Sylhetis are comparatively much radical than other Bangladeshis because they have different lifestyle, different culture, many have different look also.
Sylhetis are different from other Bangladeshis. These are mixed people. They are not Bengali and don't have any attachment for anything Bengali. They have different views on everything. Sylhetis are comparatively much radical than other Bangladeshis because they have different lifestyle, different culture, many have different look also.
Huh. Most Bangladeshis here are Sylhetis and they're proud Bangladeshis.
Sylhetis are different from other Bangladeshis. These are mixed people. They are not Bengali and don't have any attachment for anything Bengali. They have different views on everything. Sylhetis are comparatively much radical than other Bangladeshis because they have different lifestyle, different culture, many have different look also.
That's because they are neither Bengalis nor Assamese, mongrels of both cultures with their own language and culture. I can somewhat understand a Bengali from Brahmaputra valley speak slowly but it is near impossible to comprehend the Sylheti language though there are resemblances to Assamese. Tbh, i find it amusing the way the Sylhetis speak amongst themselves.

Huh. Most Bangladeshis here are Sylhetis and they're proud Bangladeshis.
Is it? Didn't know about that, i thought there was only one abusive member from Sylhet.
Huh. Most Bangladeshis here are Sylhetis and they're proud Bangladeshis.

Off course there are Bangladeshi Sylhetis who are nice people but over the years what my relatives living abroad observe is they live as a group and don't actually mix with other district people easily because of cultural difference.
That's because they are neither Bengalis nor Assamese, mongrels of both cultures with their own language and culture. I can somewhat understand a Bengali from Brahmaputra valley speak slowly but it is near impossible to comprehend the Sylheti language though there are resemblances to Assamese. Tbh, i find it amusing the way the Sylhetis speak amongst themselves.

Is it? Didn't know about that, i thought there was only one abusive member from Sylhet.
I meant British Bangladeshis.
That's because they are neither Bengalis nor Assamese, mongrels of both cultures with their own language and culture. I can somewhat understand a Bengali from Brahmaputra valley speak slowly but it is near impossible to comprehend the Sylheti language though there are resemblances to Assamese. Tbh, i find it amusing the way the Sylhetis speak amongst themselves.

Sylheti sounds more harsh/rough than other Bengali dialects, Dhakayas would say Kawa Dawa, we would add a Xh/Kh at the start.
depending on whom is speaking though. It usually sounds like we're all fighting.

Riyad tries his utmost best to paint a false narrative and that radicalism has gripped the Sylheti community. His attempts to slate the Sylhetis and tries to create a distinction between a district of BD and the rest of the country, when there really isn't one. Then pushes a false stat 90% of militants hail from this region, when that is totally untrue.

PS. Sylhet is only a 4-5 hour car journey from Dhaka. (this should really tell you everything).

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