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British Armed Forces

The UK’s next generation of submarine-hunting Merlin helicopters have been put through their paces on exercise in the Atlantic Ocean after successfully entering service with the Royal Navy four months early.

Embarked on HMS Illustrious, the Merlin Mk2 aircraft took part in Exercise Deep Blue, simulating anti-submarine warfare, maritime patrol and casualty evacuation capabilities.

The new helicopters are part of an £800 million programme to upgrade the Royal Navy’s existing fleet of aircraft. The Merlins, which have been delivered on budget, have state of the art glass cockpits which provide improved night vision capability for pilots, and an updated combat system with touch screen display.

More than 1,400 highly skilled engineers from UK defence companies were involved in the work which took place primarily in Hampshire and Yeovil. Lockheed Martin UK delivered the updated mission systems and training facility, and workers at the Anglo-Italian multinational helicopter design and manufacturing company AgustaWestland upgraded the avionics and cockpit systems in the aircraft.






The best of British and Italian engineering @Markus, @flamer84 ,@Blue Marlin :)
RAF Global arm reach with the Voyager Refueling Atlas

Airbus Defence and Space performed the first air-to-air refuelling of the Airbus A400M new generation airlifter from the A330 MRTT Multi Role Transport Tanker in 2014. In the course of four flights, by day and night, in southern Spain, the A400M received more than 80 tons of fuel in 100 “wet contacts” from a Royal Air Force Voyager version of the A330 MRTT using the tanker´s Fuselage Refuelling Unit. The trials follow dry contacts conducted in an earlier test-phase and support the A400M´s capability to conduct extremely long-range non-stop deployments. The photo shows the two aircraft framed by the wing of an F-18 chase aircraft.



Voyager Refuelling Typhoon and Tornado


The UK Royal Air Force (RAF) took delivery of the ninth Voyager aircraft under the future strategic tanker aircraft (FSTA) programme from AirTanker at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, UK.
The aircraft completes RAF's "core" fleet of the type, and joins the seven multi-role tanker transport (MRTT) fleet, comprising two two-point capable, five three-point capable tankers at the airbase for use by the RAF



These Beast have been providing the Royal NAVY and U.K global Nuclear reach/Deterrence for over 4 decades now. They have not missed a single day on patrol, maintaining the U.K's global MAD capability 24/7, 365 days a year.

Astute Class Royal Navy nuclear submarine HMS Ambush.


HMS Ambush, an Astute nuclear submarine of the British Royal Navy. Submarine


Royal Navy - HMS Tireless (Trafalgar Class Hunter-Killer/Attack Submarine)


HMS Tireless is shown after surfacing in the North Pole ice cap region. The crew are waving to a supply plane as it prepares to land at the US Navy’s Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station (APLIS). HMS Tireless, is a Trafalgar Class Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine (SSN) Fleet Submarine


HMS Trafalgar, Trafalgar Class Attack Submarine


Supersub: Nuclear giant submarine HMS Astute rolls out from factory, the Astute powerful sonars can sit in the British Channel and hear a ship leaving port in New York.:smokin:


Behold the ASTUTE CLASS:cheers:
An Apache helicopter takes off from HMS Illustrious(now decommisoned. :( ). A seaborne exercise saw Apache helicopters from 664 Squadron, Army Air Corps, carry out deck landing practice onboard HMS ILLUSTRIOUS in 2014. They embarked for a two week training package to enable pilots and ground crews to acclimatise to working in a maritime environment.


A British Army WAH-64 'Apache' attack helicopter fires a salvo of CRV7 (Practise) rockets at targets down range. Army Air Corps Apache pilots from 651 (AHF) Squadron based in Middle Wallop, Hampshire attended a two-day live firing exercise at Lulworth Ranges/Bovington Camp in Dorset. The aim of the exercise was to qualify the pilots as instructors so they can teach future pilots in core Apache skills.

The Apache helicopters from 656 Squadron 4 Regiment Army Air Corps joined Illustrious in the waters off the United Arab Emirates as she took part in Exercise Sea Khanjar before then returning to the UK.





Thank you for all your decades of service HMS Illustrious. The queen Elizabeth class Carriers will carry on from where you left.:cray:
Royal Marines of Bravo Company 40 Commando, embark aboard a Sea King Helicopter during Ex Southwest Sword.The Company deployed to the South-west training area to brush up on Amphibious and aviation training before embarking on Ex Joint Warrior in the Spring.



Gosport’ Browndown beach was invaded by more than a hundred Royal Marines and soldiers as part of a major military exercise. Under Exercise South West Sword, the Marines of 42 Commando launched the assault from HMS Albion, which is anchored in the Solent, to prove her capabilities as the UK High Readiness Amphibious Assault Ship..


42 Commando Royal Marines left Devonport, Plymouth to deploy on their 2 month long Exercise Auriga 10 in VA, Virginia, USA.

Royal Marines from Alpha Company, 40 Commando brace themselves against the downdraft from an incoming Royal Air Force Chinook helicopter during Operation DAAS 7B in Afghanistan.

Elements of 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines conducted a WADER training package on the French Island of Corsica.@taygibay
A combination of British Challenger 2 Main battle Tanks(MBT) and the Warrior Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicles on the live firing range at Grafenwöhr (Germany). Exercise BAVARIAN CHARGER is the first of three large contingency operation exercises being undertaken by 20th Armoured Brigade. Contingency Operations training is known as Hybrid Foundation Training or HFT. The aim of this exercise is to train the 5 Rifles, The Queens Dragoon Guards (QDG) Battle Groups and 1 Logistic Support Regiment in combined arms manoeuvre.The exercise is split into 3 main phases. The first phase consists of a two week live firing exercise in Grafenwoer, Southern Germany, that enables the units and soldiers to refine their skills with their equipment and weapons. Training is constructed to develop skills from the individual level through to the Battlegroup level and culminates in a final attack that sees the use of helicopters, tanks, artillery and infantry combined. @Bundeswehr
The AS90 self-propelled gun from 26 Royal Artillery firing the 155mm shells .

A British Challenger 2 main battle tank (MBT) live firing in Grafenwöhr (Germany)


Pictured - A convoy of Warrior Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle from 5 Rifles moves through the training area.





The Challenger needs a worthy Challenger.................maybe the leopard 2?:D
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A soldier with 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (1 RRF) laying down fire during Exercise Southern Warrior.

Brigade Reconnaissance Force (BRF) at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan. The BRF is made up of soldiers from Household Cavalry Regiment (HCR) and the 4th Battalion, The Rifles (4 RIFLES).

Royal Air Force Chinook and Merlin helicopters take off on a mission from Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. The Royal Air Force has played a vital part in Operation Herrick in Afghanistan since 2001.

Royal Air Force personnel during the 25 hour flight from Brize Norton to the Philippines onboard a C17 aircraft carrying vital vehicles, aid and supplies to the typhoon stricken islands.

Snipers and Royal Marines during train

Highly trained Elite Royal marines commandos
British army Warthog in Afghanistan

A soldier with 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (1 RRF) laying down fire during Exercise Southern Warrior.

Brigade Reconnaissance Force (BRF) at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan. The BRF is made up of soldiers from Household Cavalry Regiment (HCR) and the 4th Battalion, The Rifles (4 RIFLES).

Royal Air Force Chinook and Merlin helicopters take off on a mission from Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. The Royal Air Force has played a vital part in Operation Herrick in Afghanistan since 2001.

Royal Air Force personnel during the 25 hour flight from Brize Norton to the Philippines onboard a C17 aircraft carrying vital vehicles, aid and supplies to the typhoon stricken islands.

Snipers and Royal Marines during train

Highly trained Elite Royal marines commandos
They look awesome brother
British army Warthog in Afghanistan
View attachment 281116

They look awesome brother
Thanks for that bro

Talking about the British army Warthog in Afghanistan......
The British Combat Logistics Patrol were pictured arriving at the gates of the major military camp after departing from operating bases across Helmand Province.



First Fusiliers hone infantry skills at STANTA. Soldiers from Y and W Companies, 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers have been honing their dismounted infantry skills during a two-week field firing battle camp in Thetford, Norfolk. As well as training up to platoon and company strength live attacks by day and night, the Fusiliers have also been firing the new Glock pistol and training on the latest infantry thermal imagery sighting systems.





Foxhound is at the cutting edge of protected patrol vehicle technology, providing unprecedented levels of blast protection for its size and weight. Featuring blast survivability close to that of a Mastiff - and just a little bigger than the Snatch Land Rover it replaces – the Foxhound is ideally suited for manoeuvring around the narrow backstreets of Helmand’s towns and villages. Weighing in at six tones, it has a top speed of 70mph and can do 0-50mph in just 19 seconds. Four-wheel steering makes it extra agile, with a 40ft turning circle.


A British ScanEagle is a small, low-cost, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). It is catapulted off the back of ships and then recovered by flying them back to be caught by a wire extended over the side.





Britain's military base in Canada (mainly used for training)

Soldiers of 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh (1 R WELSH) have conducted top-up training for Lead Armoured Battle Group (LABG) sub-units on the first exercise of the season at the British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) in Southern Alberta, Canada. Attached to the 1 R WELSH battlegroup was the Right Flank, Scots Guards, half of B Squadron, the Kings Royal Hussars and B Company, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry - a mechanised infantry unit using third-generation light armoured vehicles. Exercise PRAIRIE STORM focussed on sub-unit training and consisted of three phases over the course of three weeks.




Introducing the Jackal to it's new role. A Squadron The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards have been out for the first time in their Jackal vehicles on Hohne Training Area. As part of the move to A2020 the SCOTS DG are now Light Cavalry giving them the manouevrabliity on the battlefield as part of the Adaptable Force. The low level exercise was designed to introduce the soldiers to the skills required when operating on the Jackal and to rehearse the drills required for contingency operations. The exercise will form the basis of the Regimental Standard Operating Procedures. Photographer - SSgt Mark Nesbit RLC (Army Photographer)


British defence Giant BAE systems Hyper Volocity Projectiles. The HVP is a next-generation, common, low drag, guided projectile capable of completing multiple missions for gun systems such as the Navy 5-Inch, 155-mm, and future railguns. Types of missions performed will depend on gun system and platform. The program goal is to address mission requirements in the areas of Naval Surface Fire Support , Cruise Missile Defense, Anti-Surface Warfare and other future Naval mission areas. Mission performance will vary from gun system, launcher or ship. HVP’s low drag aerodynamic design enables high-velocity, maneuverability and decreased time-to-target. These attributes coupled with accurate guidance electronics provide low-cost mission effectiveness against current threats and the ability to adapt to air and surface threats of the future.

Archerfish Mine Neutralization System. Archerfish is an expendable mine neutraliser or single shot mine disposal system. It is capable of overcoming the threat of modern mines which have become increasingly resistant to traditional methods of mine disposal.

LRLAP, 5" Standard Guided Projectile, 5" Standard Guided Saboted Projectile, and Advanced Precision Kill Weapon (APKWS™) System

Electromagnetic Railgun. Capable of hurling projectiles at an incredible 5,400mph, high-energy electromagnetic railguns, long a staple of science fiction, promise to revolutionize warfare.

Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System

Our Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV)
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