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British Armed Forces



30 Commando Information Exploitation Group was also known as United Kingdom Landing Force Command Support Group (UKLF CSG)


Training in all environments.
The Unit’s role extends back further to units tasked with signals, reconnaissance and intelligence operations during World War II.

The unit is designed to achieve information superiority within assigned battlespace by all available means, and contribute to component and joint information activity in order to enable 3 Commando Brigade operations.

Much of its capability lies in its four organic squadrons:Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron (SR Sqn) personnel comprise the bulk of the Brigade Reconnaissance Force. This highly trained unit is made up of reconnaissance specialists tasked with operating ahead of the main brigade force.

Y Squadron comprises electronic warfare specialists, able to gain intelligence on the enemy and increase situational awareness by intercepting enemy communications systems

30 Commando Information Exploitation Group
Communications Squadron operates and maintains the wide variety of communications systems and media available to the Commander, and provides personnel to set up and run the Brigade Headquarters when deployed.
Logistics Squadron role is to MOVE, SUSTAIN and PROTECT the Brigade and 30 Commando Headquarters.

30 commando ix in Afghanistan
30 Commando ensures that the Brigade Commander has superior situational awareness, allowing him to make quicker, more accurate decisions and to target his adversary's key capabilities
British military base in Cyprus conducting raids in Iraq and Syria.


British fighter jets were supported by a Voyager air-to-air refueling aircraft, seen here returning to the base


A Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 aircrew prepares to depart RAF Akrotiri for an armed mission over Iraq


Servicemen stand near a British Tornado jet preparing to takeoff at RAF Akrotiri


A British tornado fighter jet crew member stands on the jet at RAF Akrotiri


A British Tornado ready for action.

A RAF Tornado fighter jet is seen at the Akrotiri airbase, near the Cypriot port

Armed: A Tornado at RAF Akrotiri is loaded with a laser-guided bomb

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, pictured with British military personnel in Cyprus
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The equipment, especially the ships look kinda old.

British military base in Cyprus conducting raids in Iraq and Syria.


A Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 aircrew prepares to depart RAF Akrotiri for an armed mission over Iraq


Servicemen stand near a British Tornado jet preparing to takeoff at RAF Akrotiri


A British tornado fighter jet crew member stands on the jet at RAF Akrotiri


These even look like they belong in museum
Let's take a look at British army military equipment.



A British Army sniper showing full combat dress and personal kit

British troops with their military equipment in Afghanistan

Hundreds of British troops,armoured vehicles, and Challenger II tanks congregate on Salisbury Plain


Britain's Warthog all-terrain protected mobility vehicle

British soldiers on the British Army's Warthog All Terrain Vehicle (Protected) ATV(P)

British soldiers load a Wolfhound vehicle with equipment

Some of the 94 armoured vehicles which returned to the UK from Afghanistan

British Army Warrior vehicles in Afghanistan are now better protected and more mobile thanks to a fast-paced major package of upgrades (TES(H) kit) developed and delivered by BAE Systems

Mastiff 1 PPV protected patrol wheeled armoured vehicle Force Protection British Army

British army Military vehicles sit in a compound in Camp Bastion, Afghanistan

Soldiers from 3 Para Mortars disembark from Chinook helicopters at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan

A British Army Warrior armoured fighting vehicle

Operation Black Eagle British Army MOD Tank Challenger in Poland
Old photos
A series of photos taken on the streets of the Yemeni city of Aden in February and March 1967, during the anti-British uprising of Arabs.







Well, at least during our rule, the country was peaceful, stable and fairly prosperous, unlike what it is today.:cray:

Ukraine crisis: Former British Saxon armoured vehicles arrive in conflict zone after being sold off by a British private firm to Ukrainian forces fighting Russian backed rebels and Russian special forces.

4th Battalion, 23th Infantry Regiment inspect their equipment at Camp Tombstone in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

A French airman, center, talks to British military personnel prior to the take off for military operations in Mali against Islamic fighters who overran Malian government forces.2013

A British pilot stands between a French army truck and a medical armoured personnel carrier inside a British transport plane as they head to Mali (AP)

A member of a British Gurkha regiment carried a Javelin antitank missile launcher during exercises this month in Adazi, Latvia. Britain has deployed over 600 troops(out of a planned 1000) to Balkan states to protect against Russian aggression.

SAS equipment display MOD war museum.

The Special Air Service was a unit of the British Army during the Second world war, formed in July 1941 by David Stirling and originally called "L" Detachment, Special Air Service Brigade—the "L" designation and Air Service name being a tie-in to a British disinformation campaign, trying to deceive the Axis into thinking there was a paratrooper regiment with numerous units operating in the area (the real SAS would 'prove' to the Axis that the fake one existed).

Heroic: Pictured in Afghanistan the SAS were helicoptered to the cave where the hostages were being held and stormed it, killing the kidnappers and releasing all four captives alive during a daring operation deep in Taliban territory to free hostages 2012.
The SAS are renowned worldwide as the world's first special forces and Following the post-war reconstitution of the Special Air Service, other countries in the Commonwealth(and in the world) recognized their need for similar units. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Australia, Austria, U.S , New Zealand and many other nations followed in their footsteps.

The SAS was conceived as a commando force to operate behind enemy lines in the North African Campaign and initially consisted of five officers and 60 other ranks Its first mission, in November 1941, was a parachute drop in support of the Operation crusader offensive. Due to German resistance and adverse weather conditions, the mission was a disaster: 22 men, a third of the unit, were killed or captured.Its second mission was a success: transported by the Long Range desert Group, it attacked three airfields in Libya, destroying 60 aircraft with the loss of 2 men and 3 Willys MB.

British SAS in Iraq.
In 1950, a 21 SAS squadron was raised to fight in the Korean War.Later it also volunteered to fight in the Malayan Emergency Upon arrival in Malaya, it came under the command of Mike Calvert who was forming a new unit called the Malayan Scouts (SAS).Since serving in Malaya, men from the regular army 22 SAS Regiment have taken part in covert reconnaissance and surveillance by patrols and some larger scale raiding missions in Borneo.


Special Air Service (SAS) - BOSNIA OPERATIONS

Margaret Thatcher with Special Air Service (SAS) during Iran embassy siege in London

The SAS also carried several countless operations globally: An operation against communist guerillas included the Battle of Mirbat in the Oman They have also taken part in operations in the Aden Emergency,Northern Ireland,and Gambia. Their Special projects team assisted the West German counter-terrorism group GSG9 at Mogadishu. The SAS counter terrorist wing famously took part in a hostage rescue operation during the Iranian Embassy Siege pictured above in London

22 SAS also directed NATO aircraft onto Serb positions and hunted war criminals in Bosnia. They were also involved in the Kosovo helping KLA guerillas behind Serbian lines. According to Albanian sources one SAS sergeant was killed by Serbian special forces.

British special forces(sas) in Baghdad after the mission
The Gulf war, in which A, B and D squadrons deployed, was the largest SAS mobilisation since the Second World War, also notable for the failure of the Bravo two zero mission. In Sierra Leone it took part in Operation Barass, a hostage rescue operation, to extract members of the Royal Irish Regiment. In the Iraq War, it formed part of Task Force Black and Task Force Knight, with A Squadron 22 SAS being singled out for exceptional service by General Stanley McCrystal, the American commander of NATO forces: during a six-month tour it carried out 175 combat missions.

An SASR patrol during Operation Coburg, South Vietnam 1968

In 2006, members of the SAS were involved in the operation to free peace activists Norman Kember, JamesLoney and Harmeet Singh. The three men had been held hostage in Iraq for 118 days during the Christian Peacemaker Hostage Crisis. Operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan involved soldiers from 21 and 23 SAS Regiments.

An armoured jeep of 1 SAS near Geilenkirchen in Germany during Operation Clipper. The SAS were involved at this time in clearing snipers in the 43rd Wessex

SAS in North Africa front against German forces
Lets go back in time and look at role our special forces and troops played during the GREAT WAR

British SAS, North Africa, WW2



A lone British soldier stands up to his knees in spent shell cases. France, WWI


A British soldier hiding from the rain under an overturned Tiger tank. Italy, 1944 WWII

France. Lisieux, August, 1944. A French woman gives a drink to a British soldier


British soldiers liberated from a Japanese POW camp in Sumatra sit on the steps of an Allied ambulance reading about and discussing the American atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima. Singapore. August 1945


British SAS Long Range Desert Group, North Africa

WW2 Photo. British Paratrooper with a Thompson SMG. Wearing Steel Studded Hobnail Ammo Boots. We used these boots on/for parades because they made a cracking noise! But we used to slip and slide all over the place! How these men fought in them for so long, I will never know!

The Brits struck "tank gold" with the Matilda II in the opening stages of World War 2

SAS Jeep N. Africa


German Panzer Ace Waffen SS Captain Michale Wittman single handedly destroyed a British Battalion at Villers Bocage in his Tiger Tank. @Bundeswehr respect.:tup::D


British Churchill Crocodile Tank




BRITISH ARMY NORTH AFRICA 1942 (E 22739) Newly-arrived Royal Armoured Corps troops working on a variety of tank types at a training camp near Abbasia in Egypt, 2 March 1943. In the foreground are a Valentine and Stuart tank, with Crusaders and more Valentines behind. On the right is a Covenanter tank, perhaps the only example of its kind to have arrived in North Africa.


Churchill tank The British tankmen in a Churchill Crocodile flame thrower tank training some where in England for D Day early 1944

World War II search lights in British Regiment - Luftwaffe Blitz of London, 1940.

A British 4.5-inch field gun in action south of El Alamein, July 1942


Rommel, The Desert Fox, in North Arica 1942 Erwin Rommel, Commander of German forces in North Africa 1942


These guys are members of the British Long Range Desert Group. These dudes were the baddest of the bad. The first of the SAS(the world's first special forces). They were a huge part in taking down Rommels army in North Africa during the second world war

Desert Rats Dig In A British gun crew digging-in during an artillery battle in the Western Desert of North Africa, 1942. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)


British soldiers landing on the coast of Normandy. Operation Overlord - D-Day, 6 June 1944

Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division

A Churchill tank of the North Irish Horse crossing the River Senio over two Churchill Ark bridging tanks, Italy, 10 April 1945
Continue with the old and new


British SAS - The true grandfathers of Black Ops. Training the worlds future Elite/SF, from years of experience. They wrote the book on Hostage Rescue! But don't forget the SBS, equally as good


British Soldier - Wiltshire regiment WW2 - a steely determination and a desire to get the job done


UNITED KINGDOM : A female member of the British Home Guard, a civil defence force, learns how to tackle a potential attacker during the Second World War. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)


TOTAL WAR: Second World War British and Allied prisoners working on the notorious Burma-Siam railway. Many thousands died during their ordeal.


22 SAS. Iranian Embassy Siege 1980, OP Nimrod. Maggi Thatcher "Make sure none of them (terrorists) get out alive, make an example of them.":smokin:


British SAS - amazing gear


British SAS


SAS in Afghanistan

An SAS soldier.


Who dares Wins Special Air Service pin

The British paratroopers and commandos meet – at Sword Beach, Normandie / Normandy France ,WWII



A British soldier from the 2nd Warwickshire Regiment takes aim with his rifle while seated in a tree in Rumegies, France. (January 22, 1940, F 2222)


British troops onboard an RAF C-17 transport aircraft enroute to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.
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