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British aid worker executed by ISIS

What is needed is to have these guys dealt with by the kinds of the Italian mafia who, if news reports are correct, fed another major boss to hungry pigs. Alive.
Since he died it was merciful, cruel and painful but merciful. It would be more civilized if the killer is give a sentence of painful physical and mental torture for the rest of his life publicly.
Killing an unarmed "Journalist" an "Aid Worker"...What kind of message is this?? You (ISIS) call yourself fighters?? Now why don't you give the fellow that you want to kill a gun or a knife?? Dwell with him before you kill him or him killing you!! You cowards, you cannot do that, right??

Guy Fieri, the early years.
It is an unfortunate reality that there will probably be no coalition. But I simply stated what I actually wanted. What can I do if there is no regional coalition? Doesn't change my opinion regarding what is happening.

They have claimed Pakistan and our own troublemakers are showing enthusiasm for their cause. I think it is important to confront them or show that they have no place in the ME or South East Asia. Even airstrikes and backing would suffice.

Lol, that's not even a surprise. This Muslim ummah, coalition thingy is a dream for many, but with misplaced priorities against non Muslims
that's good....

You must be a deeply twisted individual to think that an innocent getting beheaded is something "good". People like you are a danger to society. The day white skinheads start beheading muslim immigrants with short blunt knives, I'll see how "us" muslims will feel. Secondly, this is not the Islamic way. Beheading with short knives is a beduoin tradition, about which there is nothing Islamic. There is nothing "Islamic" about this ISIS movement. The early muslim armies never beheaded their enemies with a blunt knife. They always used a long sharp sword for a quick execution. Beheading with a long sword, like it's done in Saudi Arabia today, was the universal mode of execution back then.
Q: What is ISIS?

A: ISIS is an ideology which is 1500 year old.. Dividing the humanity in two part (Kaffir and Momin) and annihilate the later.

Q: Who can join it?

A: From USA to Japan whoever got rabid can join it. Once Churchil said "Religion is like rabies, It take time to reach the brain , but when it reach there, the infected person start biting others "

Q: Who are fighting the war?

A: From 23 countries numerous Jihadis are fighting the war. from India Many want to join the war.

Q: what is there short term target?

A: To eliminate Shia and Majidis (Dharmic Ppl) .

Q: And long term target?

A: To eliminate Christians, Hindus and Jews from earth .

Q: Can we kill ISIS?

A: No its like "Lernaean Hydra" cut one head two will grow..

Q: so what is the solution?

A: These ppl are not afraid of death, so they can't be controlled by Armed forces Actions. The Human race should attack there very belief. The Strong threat should go "If you don't leave us to live in peace", we can take any action live blowing up your holiest place/book/idols or anything. Or treating the way Colenol Black-Jack tamed Philipines terrorists in Philipines..

I like the way you are defending ISIS.

It is difficult to find brave person like you in this world.

Keep the good work going.

Allah bless you.
You must be a deeply twisted individual to think that an innocent getting beheaded is something "good". People like you are a danger to society. The day white skinheads start beheading muslim immigrants with short blunt knives, I'll see how "us" muslims will feel. Secondly, this is not the Islamic way. Beheading with short knives is a beduoin tradition, about which there is nothing Islamic. There is nothing "Islamic" about this ISIS movement. The early muslim armies never beheaded their enemies with a blunt knife. They always used a long sharp sword for a quick execution. Beheading with a long sword, like it's done in Saudi Arabia today, was the universal mode of execution back then.
right, so there's good and bad ways of beheading people ? :angel:
right, so there's good and bad ways of beheading people ? :angel:

Wow, don't be that typical Indian. What I was saying was that yes early muslims did behead their enemies, but it was the universal form of execution at that time. These terrorists claim to be following early muslims, but there's nothing Islamic about what they're doing.
Wow, don't be that typical Indian. What I was saying was that yes early muslims did behead their enemies, but it was the universal form of execution at that time. These terrorists claim to be following early muslims, but there's nothing Islamic about what they're doing.
eheh, just joking.. I got what you were saying.

O Yes! ....In Washing Machine to better wash away his Previous Sins :whistle:
wut o_O

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