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British aid worker executed by ISIS

It's a good thing. Now UK will step into the war too with their butt-buddies, the US and they'll reduce what's left of Iraq into rubble, but what the heck! It's Islamic fundies, right?

Please explain what you are getting at. Would it pain you to see UK or US destroying ISIS?

(I don't think it will happen - both those countries are war weary, and wouldn't want to commit blood and treasure to eradicate an evil that cannot strike at them in the near future. But I'm wondering why you seem to be angrier at them than at ISIS.)
Please explain what you are getting at. Would it pain you to see UK or US destroying ISIS?

(I don't think it will happen - both those countries are war weary, and wouldn't want to commit blood and treasure to eradicate an evil that cannot strike at them in the near future. But I'm wondering why you seem to be angrier at them than at ISIS.)

It pains me to see the US and UK doing it, yes. They have been meddling around too much, and do not belong in the Middle East anymore. They are criminals who have caused great problems in the Middle East and most of the population would not support an occupation by them which would inevitably lead to greater conflict. What I want to see is a regional effort by the countries in the Middle East with countries like Pakistan also helping out by crushing the ISIS fighters. They'd have a little more support among the local population and would bring more enthusiasm to the war effort against ISIS in the Muslim World.

And i should believe muslim fundamentalist all over the world are supporting it !! Keep these theories to entertain yourself and other like minded
Hey, you know what the say, Ignorance is bliss. You can go to bed believing that those Yanks are a hundred miles away ready to kill those boogeymen who want to eat you up. Just another lost cause.
What I want to see is a regional effort by the countries in the Middle East with countries like Pakistan also helping out by crushing the ISIS fighters.
Nope stay out of it our own house if far from in-order
It pains me to see the US and UK doing it, yes. They have been meddling around too much, and do not belong in the Middle East anymore. They are criminals who have caused great problems in the Middle East and most of the population would not support an occupation by them which would inevitably lead to greater conflict. What I want to see is a regional effort by the countries in the Middle East with countries like Pakistan also helping out by crushing the ISIS fighters. They'd have a little more support and would bring more enthusiasm to the war effort against ISIS in the Muslim World.

That would be the ideal course - regional powers crushing ISIS by themselves. (Although I don't understand why Pak needs to be involved.) But assuming that that won't happen, wouldn't the next best thing be for US or UK or anybody else with the capability to do it crushing ISIS? Regional powers are not going to fight ISIS - do you see Saudi Arabia with it's shiny and expensive military hardware going to fight ISIS? DO you see Jordan or Syria or Lebanon or Iraqis themselves doing it? No, none of them are fighting ISIS. In such a situation, what would you rather have - US or UK or NATO bombing the hell out of ISIS, or ISIS ruling and maybe even expanding the area under their control?

Nope stay out of it our own house if far from in-order
Yes, Pakistan would be wise to stay out of those conflicts.
It pains me to see the US and UK doing it, yes. They have been meddling around too much, and do not belong in the Middle East anymore. They are criminals who have caused great problems in the Middle East and most of the population would not support an occupation by them which would inevitably lead to greater conflict. What I want to see is a regional effort by the countries in the Middle East with countries like Pakistan also helping out by crushing the ISIS fighters. They'd have a little more support among the local population and would bring more enthusiasm to the war effort against ISIS in the Muslim World.

Hey, you know what the say, Ignorance is bliss. You can go to bed believing that those Yanks are a hundred miles away ready to kill those boogeymen who want to eat you up. Just another lost cause.

You and all other countries of world did nothing for almost two months ..why you gave them a chance ?
It pains me to see the US and UK doing it, yes. They have been meddling around too much, and do not belong in the Middle East anymore. They are criminals who have caused great problems in the Middle East and most of the population would not support an occupation by them which would inevitably lead to greater conflict. What I want to see is a regional effort by the countries in the Middle East with countries like Pakistan also helping out by crushing the ISIS fighters. They'd have a little more support among the local population and would bring more enthusiasm to the war effort against ISIS in the Muslim World.

Hey, you know what the say, Ignorance is bliss. You can go to bed believing that those Yanks are a hundred miles away ready to kill those boogeymen who want to eat you up. Just another lost cause.

In essence, you desire that the Muslims sort out their shit themselves. Doesn't look like they are doing a great job or are being mighty selective about it.

The Syrian crisis has been on going for two years now with millions dead and affected. There was no international intervention there. Where is this regional grouping thar you dream about?
I doubt it.
Europe is now becoming closely associated with the Far-Right.

far right nationalism in europe is on the rise and by any radical group i meant those related to religion not nationalism . Nationalistic parties are and will sweep elections in europe . Apart from global economic meltdown , recent wave of refugees and immigrants who are very uncouth towards european way of life are to be blamed as well .
That would be the ideal course - regional powers crushing ISIS by themselves. (Although I don't understand why Pak needs to be involved.) But assuming that that won't happen, wouldn't the next best thing be for US or UK or anybody else with the capability to do it crushing ISIS? Regional powers are not going to fight ISIS - do you see Saudi Arabia with it's shiny and expensive military hardware going to fight ISIS? DO you see Jordan or Syria or Lebanon or Iraqis themselves doing it? No, none of them are fighting ISIS. In such a situation, what would you rather have - US or UK or NATO bombing the hell out of ISIS, or ISIS ruling and maybe even expanding the area under their control?

First of all, I want Pakistan also involved because it is our duty to fight against the extremists and also because it would make the idea of war against ISIS more popular. Most religious extremists have gained great support because they tell recruits that the Christian West is killing fighters and occupying their country. If a coalition of countries which are predominantly Muslim are participating in the war against ISIS, what could extremist groups say?

Iraqis are fighting. I understand there is a very little chance of a regional coalition. I am still distrustful of the American intentions. The last time they entered Iraq, they left it in ruins and sectarian violence was a greater problem then before. Before that, they were arming Saddam themselves with chemical weapons. If you do research, you'll find out CIA was involved in the coup which brought him into power. I do not trust them. I guess the ugly truth is, the US will be involved, but I am highly against it and deeply lament the future.
I predict that this is the end of the "War on Terror" to be honest. A showdown. A frankenstein made up of generals and militants filled with murderers and criminals who have formed their own barbaric state to be crushed by the heroic Yanks.
In essence, you desire that the Muslims sort out their shit themselves. Doesn't look like they are doing a great job or are being mighty selective about it.

The Syrian crisis has been on going for two years now with millions dead and affected. There was no international intervention there. Where is this regional grouping thar you dream about?

It is an unfortunate reality that there will probably be no coalition. But I simply stated what I actually wanted. What can I do if there is no regional coalition? Doesn't change my opinion regarding what is happening.

Nope stay out of it our own house if far from in-order
They have claimed Pakistan and our own troublemakers are showing enthusiasm for their cause. I think it is important to confront them or show that they have no place in the ME or South East Asia. Even airstrikes and backing would suffice.
i think there is a lot of proof already that showing that these beheading are staged
far right nationalism in europe is on the rise and by any radical group i meant those related to religion not nationalism . Nationalistic parties are and will sweep elections in europe . Apart from global economic meltdown , recent wave of refugees and immigrants who are very uncouth towards european way of life are to be blamed as well .

And hatred for liberals and leftists.
They have claimed Pakistan and our own troublemakers are showing enthusiasm for their cause. I think it is important to confront them or show that they have no place in the ME or South East Asia. Even airstrikes and backing would suffice.
They have even claimed Spain infact even India...even if you ignore the fact that we still face a very strong terrorist movement plus a hostile neighbour to the east Pakistan should at no point get directly involved in this mess...What we can do is may be train some Iraqi units and share our experience with them when it comes to dealing with these type of thugs and i think we are already doing that
They have even claimed Spain infact even India...even if you ignore the fact that we still face a very strong terrorist movement plus a hostile neighbour to the east Pakistan should at no point get directly involved in this mess...What we can do is may be train some Iraqi units and share our experience with them when it comes to dealing with these type of thugs and i think we are already doing that

Spain is not in threat. Remember Afghanistan? Remember how Afghanistan is home to a certain militant organisation which manages to find its way into our Northern Areas?
ISIS is crawling with fighters from the entire world and no doubt, they've got Afghan and Pakistanis in it too. When Iraq is taken, they'll want to come back, won't they? Along with the rest of their allies.

We should contribute a few soldiers, but I think our role should be more support based. Give them training, supplies, some aid etc.

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