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British aid worker executed by ISIS

Their executing one after another and making western power easy choice to make it as excuse to attack them. what is their logic to bring western bomb on their head other then making it as attack on Muslim and expecting sympathy . if their real intention is to establish Islamic state they can do it though the path might be controversial and not supported by most Ulema in Muslim world but before that, they are creating media hype which only bringing their destruction nearer .
I hear rumours of a 26 year old American girl,aid worker,next in line for execution.Executing a young girl by beheading (i think we never saw this untill now) will be a death blow for them.Outrage will engulfe the entire Western world.

It's another English guy mate, a second male hostage they hold. Even they know a woman will be going too far.

These savages deserve napalm and lots of it.

Sadam knew what to do with them, but he was the "bad guy". Now he's gone, something far worse has emerged.
I hear rumours of a 26 year old American girl,aid worker,next in line for execution.Executing a young girl by beheading (i think we never saw this untill now) will be a death blow for them.Outrage will engulfe the entire Western world.
no way, I read it's another guy, a Brit again..
So , US backed terrorists are preparing everything for their masters in order to stay in Iraq and north of Syria for another decade ?

What a nice plan .

After their Al Qaeda moderates failed in Syria , They started another scenario .

According to recent news , there is another conflict among rebels ( not IS ) in north Idlib which has got dozens from both sides killed and this only shows 1 thing , The so called revolutionists are busted and prefer to kill each other than fighting for democracy ! .
Let me add another angle to your conspiracy theory. The enemies of the west are paying these loonies so that the west remains engaged in war with terrorism for another decade.
Why do people go to these savage lands? People in the West sometimes can't comprehend the savagery. A person that spends his time with helping other people is inherently an optimist in humanity, but Western aid workers need to understand the level of savagery that's inherent in that part of the world.
Let me add another angle to your conspiracy theory. The enemies of the west are paying these loonies so that the west remains engaged in war with terrorism for another decade.

Unlike your dumb f**k claim, there is evidence of US support for the Syrian fighters even as reports of their barbaric actions came to light.
Unlike your dumb f**k claim, there is evidence of US support for the Syrian fighters even as reports of their barbaric actions came to light.

I am not claiming anything.don't be jihadi John about it. I fukken added another fukken angle to the cuckoo jihad conspiracy theory that every noob comes up with. If you were a bit brighter you would have realized that they were aiding rebels, not the fukken ISIS.
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Well quite tragic the events , however we need to put all these ISIS threads in one location , these are all over the place
It's another English guy mate, a second male hostage they hold. Even they know a woman will be going too far.

These savages deserve napalm and lots of it.

Sadam knew what to do with them, but he was the "bad guy". Now he's gone, something far worse has emerged.

the other brit guy works for islamic relief
I am surprised that it took the European countries so long to understand what ISIS was upto or the kind of threat it poses.
Ironically we have less to fear from ISIS than we have to a host of other forces they have unleashed.

Brother you said it all, im amazed as well that our governments in the West(especially in Europe) have been so slow in acknowledging the threat posed by these islamists fighter/extremists/terrorists and 'Freedom heart eating fighters' in syria and Iraq. In fact our media until recently had been actively supporting these groups calling them freedom fighters against tyrany.:lol::disagree:
They tend to look at things only from our point of view, not knowing that the middle east is alot more complex/complicated than that. Just look at what the so called 'Arab spring' has turned into. Nothing has changed, in fact it has instead gotten even more worse. Im sure if given the choice today Syrians, Libyans and even egyptians would rather have had their coutnries the way it was before the so called 'revolution'. lol For this to happen we have to warn/threaten all our sub contractors in the region(namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar and gulf countries, Turkey etc) to stop any support to these 'rebels'.extremsits in Syria, since its in Syria that all these groups have their roots/gained their strength.

Anyway, i just hope our governments stop supporting these scums in one country(Syria) and fighting them in another(Iraq). This doesnt makes any sense at all. Except if there's soemething behind the scenes which they are not telling us.:what: Since i dont understand stuffs like this.......Obama Arms Moderate Syrian Rebel | Steven Clifford :disagree:
Brother you said it all, im amazed as well that our governments in the West(especially in Europe) have been so slow in acknowledging the threat posed by these islamists fighter/extremists/terrorists and 'Freedom heart eating fighters' in syria and Iraq. In fact our media until recently had been actively supporting these groups calling them freedom fighters against tyrany.:lol::disagree:
They tend to look at things only from our point of view, not knowing that the middle east is alot more complex/complicated than that. Just look at what the so called 'Arab spring' has turned into. Nothing has changed, in fact it has instead gotten even more worse. Im sure if given the choice today Syrians, Libyans and even egyptians would rather have had their coutnries the way it was before the so called 'revolution'. lol For this to happen we have to warn/threaten all our sub contractors in the region(namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar and gulf countries, Turkey etc) to stop any support to these 'rebels'.extremsits in Syria, since its in Syria that all these groups have their roots/gained their strength.

Anyway, i just hope our governments stop supporting these scums in one country(Syria) and fighting them in another(Iraq). This doesnt makes any sense at all. Except if there's soemething behind the scenes which they are not telling us.:what: Since i dont understand stuffs like this.......Obama Arms Moderate Syrian Rebel | Steven Clifford :disagree:
Thats right!
Such ambivalent decisions by the so called super powers leaves me flummoxed.
Afaik...the rebels in Syria 're now joined by hardened terrorists from Afghanistan and Paksitan. And Al-Qaeda itself has a new branch in Syria called KHOROSAN which poses more threat than ISIS (for American continent).
Had Al-Maliki been more tolerate in Iraq I think the situations would've been differeny today.
Middle east as you pointed seems more disturbed than ever,there're very few countries which 're peaceful innrelative terms from past few years.
mike2000 said:
Im sure if given the choice today Syrians, Libyans and even egyptians would rather have had their coutnries the way it was before the so called 'revolution'
You've nailed it!
Civil war in these countries has left the innocents dithery.

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