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British aid worker executed by ISIS

Whatcha ya gonna do rats, when the bombs and RAF run wild on you!?

I have no faith in the US, and would prefer a regional force.
None? Not just a tiny fraction of a tiny bit of faith? Anyways I too prefer a regional force but that would only probably be realistic if the US and Europe had a minor part in it such as intel.
Since I'm not about to believe that there is something like resting in peace, I would much rather want his killers to be resting in pieces.
I would much rather see his killers tortured for life, death would be merciful.
None? Not just a tiny fraction of a tiny bit of faith? Anyways I too prefer a regional force but that would only probably be realistic if the US and Europe had a minor part in it such as intel.

I think many Yank troops genuinely believe in helping them. The alarming rise in private contractors is something which worries me.
Whatcha ya gonna do rats, when the bombs and RAF run wild on you!?


I'll tell you what they'll do brother. they're gonna dress up like woman and run or go hiding underground.

I would much rather see his killers tortured for life, death would be merciful.

The problem is that ISIS knows that they are essentially dealing with "civilised" nations that no matter how much the may bomb or target individuals, they are never likely to match the gory methods of these killers. They also know that they have the maximum impact with the populace of such nations using these methods. What is needed is to have these guys dealt with by the kinds of the Italian mafia who, if news reports are correct, fed another major boss to hungry pigs. Alive.

I believe that in dealing with stuff like this, Marquis de Sade may well have been right. Too much "civilisation" may be a bad thing.......
So its proven fact that You violate PDF's TOS knowingly, but charge others into indulging into it albeit inadvertently (As they might have) ?

I am one example...

You were doing it while participating in an active discussion with me. We moved from ISIS to you asking me to identify Russians who spoke against the government? I simply responded to a post which took a supported stance on this website and would not derail the entire thread.

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