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Britain's RAF Reaper drone backs French Isil air strikes on Raqqa

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RAF Reaper drone backs French Isil air strikes on Raqqa
An RAF Tornado jet also bombed a group of 30 Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isil) fighters who were preparing to counter attack Kurdish fighters outside Sinjar


An MQ-9 Reaper UAV drone from the British Royal Air Force Photo: EPA

By Ben Farmer, Defence Correspondent

12:08PM GMT 17 Nov 2015

A British Reaper drone provided surveillance for massive French air strikes on the Islamic State capital of Raqqa in the wake of the Paris attacks it has been disclosed.

The remotely-piloted aircraft flew over the town feeding back intelligence to French warplanes as they hit around a dozen targets on Sunday night.

Two French Rafale jet fighters fly over Iraq last week Photo: AP

An RAF Tornado jet also bombed a group of 30 Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isil) fighters who were preparing to counter attack Kurdish fighters during fighting outside Sinjar, the Ministry of Defence said.

The attack with a Paveway IV bomb was described as “highly effective”, with most of the fighters believed to be dead.

Islamic State ride in a convoy through Raqqa in Syria Photo: AP

A statement said the MQ-9 Reaper, which is believed to have been flown from RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, “conducted routine intelligence collection against ISIL and provided surveillance support to the major French air strike on a large terrorist facility near Raqqa”.

French jets launched a wave of attacks 48 hours after Isil-linked gunmen and suicide bombers killed at least 132 in a string of attacks in the French capital.

Syrian activists said they counted at least 30 strikes on 12 different targets in the town, which has become the de facto capital of the militants’ extremist caliphate.

Strikes continued early on Tuesday, with France saying it had destroyed a command post and training camp.

An MQ-9 Reaper UAV drone from the British Royal Air Force Photo: EPA

British drones and spy planes regularly make surveillance flights over Syria but David Cameron has said Britain will not join international air strikes without authorisation from Parliament.

A British Reaper from RAF Waddington also accompanied US drones last week then they are believed to have killed Mohammed Emwazi, the British Isil executioner known as Jihadi John.

The MoD said the strike near Sinjar had come as RAF Tornado GR4 jets based at Akrotiri in Cyprus had been covering Kurdish fighters.

The statement said: “The GR4s were able to guide a Paveway [laser guided bomb] onto a large group of over 30 [Isil] terrorists who were massing for a counter-attack; the Kurdish unit subsequently reported that the air strike had been highly effective.

Syria: timeline of British involvement
A timeline of Britain’s involvement in Syria since 2013
August 2013
Parliament recalled to discuss UK response to Syria

A Syrian victim who allegedly suffered a chemical attack at Khan al-Assal village
Following the confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians near Damascus, Prime Minister David Cameron announces Parliament is being recalled to discuss the UK’s response to Syria.
August 2013
MPs reject military action in Syria
After eight hours of parliamentary debate, MPs reject the government’s motion in support of military action in Syria. Following the vote, Mr Miliband said: “Military intervention is now off the agenda for Britain. There would have been nothing worse than intervention without full international support.”
September 2013
Miliband criticised for Syria position

Former party leader Ed Miliband is criticised for hardening his position over Syria by saying that Labour would only support military action against the Assad regime if Britain’s national security was threatened. A concerned Labour MP said: “I am very worried that this could lead us to a position where Britain is not able to mount a military response if needed.”
September 2014
Cameron: “Strong case” for UK military intervention in Syria
The Prime Minister says military intervention in Syria would be lawful on the grounds of intervening to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. He adds the government would seek Parliamentary approval for the extension of air strikes against IS extremists in Iraq to Syria.
February 2015
UK to play a "leading role" in fight against IS
The UK says that no decision had been made about how it would be involved in the fight against IS, but that it would play a "leading role".
June 2015
Britain moves a step closer to bombing IS targets in Syria

A man prays after laying flowers on Marhaba beach where 38 people were killed
Labour says it would consider backing any military response to the Tunisian beach shootings in which 30 Britons were killed by gunman Seifeddine Rezgui.
July 2015
Public learn that British pilots have been killing IS fighters

British military pilots conduct air strikes over Syria for first time
British ministers are accused of deceiving the public after it emerged that at least three Royal Navy pilots had been killing IS fighters in Syria, even though MPs voted against military action there.
August 2015
First targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen in Syria

British jihadist boasts of fighters preparing for 'martyrdom'
Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, and Ruhul Amin, from Aberdeen, are reported to have died in Raqqa, in the first targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen. In reference to Khan, David Cameron says: “There was a terrorist directing murder on our streets and no other means to stop him.”
November 2015
Britain works "hand in glove" with US to kill Jihadi John
David Cameron praises British intelligence agencies and armed forces for working "hand in glove" with the US to carry out an air strike in Raqqa, targeting Mohammed Emwazi - the Isil executioner known as Jihadi John.

RAF Reaper drone backs French Isil air strikes on Raqqa - Telegraph

@FrenchPilot , @Taygibay Britain always stands side by side with its french brother.

Hopefully Germany will soon join as well. @Bundeswehr time to shed that neutral image and assume your own great power status while protecting Europe.
I'm not sure intervening in Syria is a good idea because we don't have a long term strategy. We might be against ISIL but who are we for? Assad? The Kurds? Al Qaeda? The Muslim Brotherhood? None of these are traditional friends.
I'm not sure intervening in Syria is a good idea because we don't have a long term strategy. We might be against ISIL but who are we for? Assad? The Kurds? Al Qaeda? The Muslim Brotherhood? None of these are traditional friends.

Too late, USA is a world leader, they say jump, we ask how high.:D
Public learn that British pilots have been killing IS fighters

British military pilots conduct air strikes over Syria for first time
British ministers are accused of deceiving the public after it emerged that at least three Royal Navy pilots had been killing IS fighters in Syria, even though MPs voted against military action there.
August 2015
First targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen in Syria

British jihadist boasts of fighters preparing for 'martyrdom'
Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, and Ruhul Amin, from Aberdeen, are reported to have died in Raqqa, in the first targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen. In reference to Khan, David Cameron says: “There was a terrorist directing murder on our streets and no other means to stop him.”
November 2015
Britain works "hand in glove" with US to kill Jihadi John
David Cameron praises British intelligence agencies and armed forces for working "hand in glove" with the US to carry out an air strike in Raqqa, targeting Mohammed Emwazi - the Isil executioner known as Jihadi John.

RAF Reaper drone backs French Isil air strikes on Raqqa - Telegraph

@FrenchPilot , @Taygibay Britain always stands side by side with its french brother.

Hopefully Germany will soon join as well. @Bundeswehr time to shed that neutral image and assume your own great power status while protecting Europe.

When will you guys join the dance ? :taz:
It seems that Cameron will soon start a new offensive to convince the parliament to back his decision to strike in Syria...

I'm not sure intervening in Syria is a good idea because we don't have a long term strategy. We might be against ISIL but who are we for? Assad? The Kurds? Al Qaeda? The Muslim Brotherhood? None of these are traditional friends.

Hollande seems to have changed his view on the Syrian crisis after the attacks.....
He knows that he has to collaborate with the other side to obliterate them..... He is now seeking an alliance with Russia. (He will meet Putin at the end of this month,and asked his navy to collaborate as allies with the French naval group that will soon join the Eastern mediterranean.)
It will be hard for him to accept or admit/realize that he has to collaborate with Assad if he wants to destroy them.
I'm not sure intervening in Syria is a good idea because we don't have a long term strategy. We might be against ISIL but who are we for? Assad? The Kurds? Al Qaeda? The Muslim Brotherhood? None of these are traditional friends.

We should only strikes those that threaten our interests, in this regard ISIS and other extremists groups who do threaten our country/interests(even remotely)should be dealt with,even if the Kurd's were threatening us and our interests, we will do the same to them.:bounce:
As for Syria, the U.S/France/Britain and Russia(and its small ally Iran) are simply jostling for Geo political control of the country/region. ISIS and other small Islamist extremists groups are merely insignificant NUISANCE/side effects in this game. So these powers might cooperate when they face similar/same threats, but outside that, they will carry on as they did in the past. Realpolitik.:chilli:

Too late, USA is a world leader, they say jump, we ask how high.:D
speak for your home country Pakistan not ours.:pop:

When will you guys join the dance ? :taz:
It seems that Cameron will soon start a new offensive to convince the parliament to back his decision to strike in Syria...

LOL We have been doing the dance even before France bro(even though it has been done secretly/quietly so as not to draw public attention who was against any more foreign intervention after the Iraq Fiasco).
So we are already doing just that, and yes i'm sure this time it will pass in parliament, as many Labour MPs (bar the delusional Labour leader Corbyn) are in favour of our forces increasing presence their presence in Syria.

British PM to press for UK air strikes against IS in Syria| Reuters
David Cameron to seek Parliamentary approval to bomb Isis in Syria | UK Politics | News | The Independent

Just hang in there bro. We will soon be expanding our strikes in Syria and aiding our allies (irregardless of the fact that our forces have long been involved covertly even without Parliamentary approval. lol). :smokin:
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there needs to be a political strategy to contain the fallout too.

Sure. Longterm solution require political and economic solutions as well, not only military ones. But like during WW2 against the nazis, let we have to annihilate whats left of ISIS.
there needs to be a political strategy to contain the fallout too.

Only plan in place right now is to kill these fucks ... which isn't a full blown one either that's why the west needs to add in plan be boots need to be on the ground as well .. plan for fallout comes in the end with all good things.
Only plan in place right now is to kill these fucks ... which isn't a full blown one either that's why the west needs to add in plan be boots need to be on the ground as well .. plan for fallout comes in the end with all good things.

To be honest, i don't think we should(or will) send in any boots on the ground per se(well, that's not obviously counting our special forces who have long been involved in special operations against ISIS and other extremists groups in Syria), since launching a full scale ground invasion of Syria will attract even more naive youth Muslim sympathizers all over the world to join ISIS and other radical Islamist extremists groups against 'infidel invaders'.lol This will also echo well with neighboring countries like the Ayatollah Mullahs(and maybe even Assad himself) of Iran who will again use this as another excuse to support/arm their own terrorists groups to wage Jihad against infidels invading 'holy Muslim lands' just like they did after the Iraqi invasion. lol So it will only make things worse. So i don't think we should launch a full scale ground invasion, as it will serve no real purpose to us.:bounce:We should just increase our support to other groups on the ground with whom we share common interests.:pop:
To be honest, i don't think we should(or will) send in any boots on the ground per se(well, that's not obviously counting our special forces who have long been involved in special operations against ISIS and other extremists groups in Syria), since launching a full scale ground invasion of Syria will attract even more naive youth Muslim sympathizers all over the world to join ISIS and other radical Islamist extremists groups against 'infidel invaders'.lol This will also echo well with neighboring countries like the Ayatollah Mullahs(and maybe even Assad himself) of Iran who will again use this as another excuse to support/arm their own terrorists groups to wage Jihad against infidels invading 'holy Muslim lands' just like they did after the Iraqi invasion. lol So it will only make things worse. So i don't think we should launch a full scale ground invasion, as it will serve no real purpose to us.:bounce:We should just increase our support to other groups on the ground with whom we share common interests.:pop:

Boots on the ground needs to be special forces in good numbers is what I meant ... its the only way to defeat them.
I would love to see tactical nukes used on ISIS strongholds in Raqqa and Mosul.
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