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Britain's RAF Reaper drone backs French Isil air strikes on Raqqa

90% world follows USA. UK itself has no independent foreign policy, its USA's poodle. :lol:

How unfair of you to say that! The whole world knows that UK and US have many shared interests so their foreign policies are intertwined you're not breaking news to anyone. But to suggest that UK is US's poodle would be unfair. We all witnessed how British Parliament voted against air strikes in Libya despite US's insistence and how we joined Asaian Development Bank despite US opposition. Every country does what is in their best interest.

Btw do you ever wonder how is your life in UK compared to how it would have been in Pakistan if it wasn't for this country?
Hit them hard... time to send in the special fofces
Btw do you ever wonder how is your life in UK compared to how it would have been in Pakistan if it wasn't for this country?

Its fantastic, Thanks for asking. I'm happy to be both British and Pakistani, you seem ashamed of your origin.
How unfair of you to say that! The whole world knows that UK and US have many shared interests so their foreign policies are intertwined you're not breaking news to anyone. But to suggest that UK is US's poodle would be unfair. We all witnessed how British Parliament voted against air strikes in Libya despite US's insistence and how we joined Asaian Development Bank despite US opposition. Every country does what is in their best interest.

Btw do you ever wonder how is your life in UK compared to how it would have been in Pakistan if it wasn't for this country?

LOOL Why do you even bother with that troll? He is like many of his delusional Islamic Muslim brethren who were lucky enough that their parents fled their backward failed state country Pakistan for the U.K to give their children a better life. So dont be surprised that people like him whose parent made the ultimate sacrifice to get here so they can give a better life for their children which they never had, yet most of them grow up with an even more backward extremist/radical view of the very same country who welcomed them and gave them a better life. This is one thing i was discussing on another thread with my french friend and other members : i.e Many of these Islamist/Muslims who LUCKY ENOUGH to flee their country(or whose parents did) for the west, yet they are the most extremist/radical in their views even when compared to their brothers who stayed back home in their country. Its a phenomenon i'm still trying to understand. I'm working hard on it though.
As you said i wonder what he will have been if his parents didn't flee their country for the U.K.:lol: Anyway he is just one of the lucky few, reason he comes on PDF to write bullshits.. I can understand him
So i will advice you not to waste your time on that Pakistani Islamist troll.:astagh::pop:

Between, there are lots of them like this in Europe. i.e Hypocrites Islamist/Muslims second generation immigrants who grew up in the west but hate/resent the very same west that brought them up. Ask my German and french friend @Bundeswehr , @FrenchPilot . I guess they feel kind of lost, since they don't contribute anything per se to their host/adopted country neither do they contribute anything to their real home country, it's like they are nowhere. So they get kind of angry with everything/anything.:sick:

Its fantastic, Thanks for asking. I'm happy to be both British and Pakistani, you seem ashamed of your origin.

Why you avoided his Question?:cheesy:. Guess you know the answer isn't such a rosy one isn't it?.:rofl:
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LOOL Why do you even bother with that troll? He is like many of his delusional Islamic Muslim brethren who were lucky enough that their parents fled their backward failed state country Pakistan for the U.K to give their children a better life. So dont be surprised that people like him whose parent made the ultimate sacrifice to get here so they can give a better life for their children which they never had, yet most of them grow up with an even more backward extremist/radical view of the very same country who welcomed them and gave them a better life. This is one thing i was discussing on another thread with my french friend and other members : i.e Many of these Islamist/Muslims who LUCKY ENOUGH to flee their country(or whose parents did) for the west, yet they are the most extremist/radical in their views even when compared to their brothers who stayed back home in their country. Its a phenomenon i'm still trying to understand. I'm working hard on it though.
As you said i wonder what he will have been if his parents didn't flee their country for the U.K.:lol: Anyway he is just one of the lucky few, reason he comes on PDF to write bullshits.. I can understand him
So i will advice you not to waste your time on that Pakistani Islamist troll.:astagh::pop:

Between, there are lots of them like this in Europe. i.e Hypocrites Islamist/Muslims second generation immigrants who grew up in the west but hate/resent the very same west that brought them up. Ask my German and french friend @Bundeswehr , @FrenchPilot . I guess they feel kind of lost, since they don't contribute anything per se to their host/adopted country neither do they contribute anything to their real home country, it's like they are nowhere. So they get kind of angry with everything/anything.:sick:

Why you avoided his Question?:cheesy:. Guess you know the answer isn't such a rosy one isn't it?.:rofl:

I think it's probably because their parents do not want their children to grow up with the "value systems of infidels" or become "too westernised" so they overcompensate by sending them to trojan horse schools and mosques and raise them to be "more Muslim than anyone else".

These are typically the people who probably live on a dole in a council house, have multiple children, literally abuse the welfare system while acting like a fifth column and hating on the very country that gave them a decent, respectful life. :/

@Jaanbaz Ashamed? Do you genuinely think I'm trying to hide my background/ethnicity with a username like "Aakash" and I don't know about your background but unlike most immigrants, my parents didn't come to UK as refugees or asylum seekers or anything. They came under brain-drain system called HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrant Programme). Google it to find out the stringent criteria.
ISIS are a perfect target for tactical nukes. Their more remote facilities should be targeted by tactical nukes.
after or before nuking saudia ? :partay:
Its a phenomenon i'm still trying to understand. I'm working hard on it though.
Probably because of racism and discrimination. Pushes them from society to the extreme points.

Like my friend @Timur explained here;

You can divide the the pressures in some categories
So you got the black sheep label lesser chances
Even lesser than maroc Arabs, teachers will say for what do you Turk need education..

You have to argue your identity your religion and that Turkey is not what they think a camel country..
The intensity of this is important it could be almost daily
They attack tea houses, homes and even our mosques and imams, they throw stones, molotov cocktails, and attack personal
They see you as a gypsy a dumb uneducated person who married his wife by paying some camels
The amazing thing is their stupidity and ignorance of facts even if you tell them something they only hear what they want..
The attacks I mentioned earlier and maybe you remember the foolish German guy in turkey who banged a little English girl and went to arrest.. Belive some germans stopped me at street and started to 'ask' stupid things like how this can be.. Yeah they won't let one of them rott in Turkish hands..

And you will hear from your mom and dad that they were stopped by a car and beeing hard questioned about their identity and religion..
Always the pressures in media.. They keep presenting you and your country as islamist or dangerous
Your little nephew will tell you really elder ppl spitted on him because he is a stinky Turk..

Really there much more things but you have huge pressure on your identity and religion

You know, you kind of love to say...." Lol, look at the Muslims, they say all of their problems created by West. They don't critisize blah,blah, blah"... Yeah, there is some truth in what you say.

But you are not exactly a saint that you are trying to portray....
Damn, I just got declared a Islamist. WTF Most Muslims do not even consider me a real Muslim.:lol:

New trend: Any Muslim who disagrees with you, declare him a Islamist/terrorist. Saffron Lungi warriors also jump at this bandwagon.
while I support use of deadly force against the Arab Monarchies funded death cult but I beg to question why the biggest source of finance of this death cult has not been targeted?
yes I am talking about Mousal.. in Iraq which has oil refineries under the control of this ISIS death cult and it is selling oil in the black market to Europe via Turkey..

I wonder if its true that Oil is indeed thicker than the blood of the people of France, Turkey, Iraq and Syria?

someone do a search on air strikes on ISIS's oil reserves and production and tell me how many if any were conducted?
and why still ISIS is able to self finance itself and use the foreign exchange from the oil money to buy the weapons from Free Syrian Army that the West trained and equipped to fight Asad?

Daesh earns $50 million per month from oil sales
Daesh smuggling oil via Turkey, Iraq says | GulfNews.com
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