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Britain may take 3+ Million Hongkonger

Is Boris Johnson serious?

3m+ plus chinese in UK?
3 million, good, then Hong kong needs to be repopulated, China's poverty alleviation project is going to have another option, relocate poor people in the mountains and deserts to Hong kong.
I'd say they are more then welcome, as long as they build their own homes or better yet create a new coastal city in the UK. The house prices are getting beyond ridiculous here due to outsiders...

we will call it Vice city...

I think it is an excellent idea, a neat way to solve the housing problem in HK. I wish them find true happiness in the motherland. :tup:
Big talk...the prepostrous tally is a give away
3 million, good, then Hong kong needs to be repopulated, China's poverty alleviation project is going to have another option, relocate poor people in the mountains and deserts to Hong kong.

Hong Kong would just become an extension of Shenzhen, sort of like an East Berlin/West Berlin unification. Considering the cost of living in Hong Kong, more rich mainlanders would move to Hong Kong and those that remain, especially among the young, would move to a more affordable part of Shenzhen.

The high cost of living is one of the major issues for the young of Hong Kong.

Many will leave to the UK, Canada or other Commonwealth nations, as well as Singapore and Malaysia. Some may even go to Taiwan. But a lot of people will accept continuing to live in Hong Kong because they love their city, as the last speaker in the second video refers to.

They will see the transition as something that just came 27 years early. For many in Hong Kong, its the Hong Kong culture they will try to hold on to if they have to move to the mainland or overseas.

If many young people move to Shenzhen and commute to Hong Kong daily, they may get to afford a house or large apartment of their own and still continue to enjoy their city.

For those who cant accept living under Beijing’s rule, will leave and they will just become new voices in the diaspora communities, which may lead to a political contest between Beijing and the Diaspora at some future time.

Just an observation of Hong Kong specific situation
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Good, so now Hong Kong can finally ship all the one million+ vietnamese boatmen rioters to Britain now.
U racist, thats why Tibetan, Xinjiang ppl trying to seek help to get rid of racist Han.
UK is hoping to lure the rich Hong Kongers away but China needs to write into law, as part of the new security reforms, that anyone accepting a British passport are officially defectors and traitors to Chinese Motherland. They should have any HK/Chinese citizenship rights revoked, be subject to sanctions and all their assets frozen and seized and used for the betterment of China. Let's see if UK still wants these broke Hong Kongers and live by their moral code.
Japanese, koreans Taiwanese and Hong Kong are first world it’s better to take them instead of taking middle easterners and North Africans I wonder if the liberal leftists will say this is racism:lol:

also the Asians were the only race after the white Europeans and Jews who made advanced and industrial countries like Korea,Japan,Taiwan,China,Hong Kong, and Singapore

It doesn't matter, the tribalism is still prevalent in most western societies.

Those Caucasian-looking immigrants from the third world countries may still blend better into the white societies than the immigrants from Japan and South Korea.
Here is the translation of this information delivered to Hongkong thugs: "Fight China and destory Hongkong as possible as you can. Don't worry UK will be your backup."

After all messes. UK:"Never mind. I was joking".
Pure lip service, there is no way British whites support/allow importing 3 million Asians, basically that' why they voted to leave EU
UK want quality immigrant not refugee from EU.
If UK wants those hker, I will say take it. Nobody will force them to stay in HK.
UK want quality immigrant not refugee from EU.
If UK wants those hker, I will say take it. Nobody will force them to stay in HK.

nah you overestimated whites morale standard, deep down they are racists, they dislike yellows as much as blacks.

200 years ago they sold blacks to slaves , today blacks still got killed randomly
Boris Johnson just published a op-ed in South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. In it, he is talking about possible ways to give 3M Hongkongers plus their family to become British citizen.

He also seems to really want to have a good working relationship with China even with this.

I think this is a great win-win for all.

3 million Hongkongers can finally feel like they are in the companies of superior people (their fellow British people). British get 3 millions of highly productive people. China gets to relocate 3 million mainlanders to Hong Kong.

Kong Kong can be trusted again by China. 1 country 2 system can be renewed for another 50 years. China might even allow universal suffrage so that she can truly use Hong Kong as an experiment.

I am starting to develop a lot of respect for Boris Johnson.


Boris Johnson vows historic overhaul of visa system to accommodate Hongkongers under national security law
  • Prime minister says if Beijing acts, Britain will have ‘no choice but to uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong’
  • Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab lobbies Five Eyes allies to ‘share burden’ of possible Hong Kong exodus

Stuart Lau
Published: 8:58pm, 2 Jun, 2020

he wrote in an op-ed
published in the South China Morning Post and The Times of London on Wednesday.
In his first direct message to the former British colony amid the recent political furore, Johnson acknowledged that “many people in Hong Kong fear their way of life … is under threat” since the National People’s Congress proposed the law last month.

“If China proceeds to justify their fears, then Britain could not in good conscience shrug our shoulders and walk away; instead we will honour our obligations and provide an alternative,” Johnson said.

“Britain would … have no choice but to uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong.”

Under the new British government plan – which will be put in place when Beijing formally enacts the law – every one of the
3 million Hongkongers who qualify for a British National (Overseas) passport and their dependents could relocate to the United Kingdom
to stay and work or study for extendable periods of 12 months, creating a path to citizenship.
“This would amount to one of
the biggest changes in our visa system in British history
,” Johnson said. “If it proves necessary, the British government will take this step and take it willingly.”

According to Johnson, Beijing’s moves on Hong Kong are in contradiction to what makes the city successful, and fall short of the standard expected of China’s increasingly important role in the international community.

“Hong Kong succeeds because its people are free. They can pursue their dreams and scale as many heights as their talents allow,” he said. The new law, however, would “curtail its freedoms and dramatically erode its autonomy”.

“I also struggle to understand how the latest measure might ease tensions in Hong Kong,” Johnson said. “I still hope that China will remember that responsibilities go hand in glove with strength and leadership. As China plays a greater role on the international stage – commensurate with its economic prowess – then its authority will rest not simply on its global weight but on its reputation for fair dealing and magnanimity.”

Johnson also hit back at what he called Beijing’s “false allegations – such as claiming that the UK somehow organised the protests”, or attempts to cast doubt over
the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which London says is a legally binding international treaty, a claim that Beijing denies
Amid roaring demands for readjusting British-China relations among his Conservative Party members, Johnson attempted to convey a message of calmness and reassurance to Beijing.

“Britain does not seek to prevent China’s rise,” he said. “On the contrary we will work side-by-side on all the issues where our interests converge, from trade to climate change. We want a modern and mature relationship, based on mutual respect and recognising China’s place in the world.”

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says he hopes China will change its mind on the national security law for Hong Kong. Photo: EPA-EFE
Earlier on Tuesday, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told Parliament that Britain has been discussing “burden sharing” with the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand to handle an exodus of Hongkongers.

Raab’s revelation came after US Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo said the US would consider ways to welcome Hongkongers after Beijing formalised the imposition of a national security law
on the former British colony.
“If China follows through on this, the people of Hong Kong can come to the warm embrace of this country,” Raab said.

The “principled and generous” proposal would create a “path to citizenship”, Raab said, though he offered still no details about how many years they would need to stay to obtain British citizenship.

He said Home Secretary Priti Patel had been working with him on the plan since September. At the time, protests were escalating in Hong Kong against a now-withdrawn extradition bill.

Raab also told Parliament that he was working with other like-minded countries in the “Five Eyes” security alliance, which also includes the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, to build up a “groundswell of international support” for action on Hong Kong.

“We are already discussing with our partners in the … Five Eyes’ call yesterday the possibility of, if I can say, burden sharing, if we see mass exodus from Hong Kong,” Raab said, adding that such a scenario was unlikely.

He said he still hoped Beijing would change its mind, but added that Britain would not “turn away” from its historical and moral duties.

“Even at this stage I sincerely hope China will reconsider its approach,” Raab said. “There is still an opportunity for China to step back – we think it’s unlikely that would happen. But we will be absolutely steadfast in sticking to the words we have given to stand by the people of Hong Kong and not just look the other way.”

Members of Parliament from the ruling Conservative Party, as well as the Labour and Scottish National parties, have all supported the government’s plan to extend BN(O) rights.

Raab said the British action was in response to the Chinese government’s breach of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration setting out the rights and freedoms for Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, the chairs of foreign affairs committees at the British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand parliament wrote jointly to Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations, calling for the establishment of a UN special envoy for Hong Kong.

“It is imperative that the international community move rapidly to ensure there is a mechanism for observing and transparent reporting on the impact of the new law on what are currently legal freedoms in Hong Kong,” British MP Tom Tugendhat wrote in the letter, which was also sent to Johnson.

On Monday, Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming stressed the need for the national security laws in Hong Kong, and dismissed claims that China was suppressing Hong Kong protesters with the law.

“What is going on in Hong Kong is violence,” Liu told Sky News. “It is a risk to the national security. … Any responsible government has to take measures.”

This is communal. Britain should take Muslims form muslim countries as well. UK is discriminating to keep Muslims out willfully.
Boris Johnson just published a op-ed in South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. In it, he is talking about possible ways to give 3M Hongkongers plus their family to become British citizen.

He also seems to really want to have a good working relationship with China even with this.

I think this is a great win-win for all.

3 million Hongkongers can finally feel like they are in the companies of superior people (their fellow British people). British get 3 millions of highly productive people. China gets to relocate 3 million mainlanders to Hong Kong.

Kong Kong can be trusted again by China. 1 country 2 system can be renewed for another 50 years. China might even allow universal suffrage so that she can truly use Hong Kong as an experiment.

I am starting to develop a lot of respect for Boris Johnson.


Boris Johnson vows historic overhaul of visa system to accommodate Hongkongers under national security law
  • Prime minister says if Beijing acts, Britain will have ‘no choice but to uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong’
  • Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab lobbies Five Eyes allies to ‘share burden’ of possible Hong Kong exodus

Stuart Lau
Published: 8:58pm, 2 Jun, 2020

he wrote in an op-ed
published in the South China Morning Post and The Times of London on Wednesday.
In his first direct message to the former British colony amid the recent political furore, Johnson acknowledged that “many people in Hong Kong fear their way of life … is under threat” since the National People’s Congress proposed the law last month.

“If China proceeds to justify their fears, then Britain could not in good conscience shrug our shoulders and walk away; instead we will honour our obligations and provide an alternative,” Johnson said.

“Britain would … have no choice but to uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong.”

Under the new British government plan – which will be put in place when Beijing formally enacts the law – every one of the
3 million Hongkongers who qualify for a British National (Overseas) passport and their dependents could relocate to the United Kingdom
to stay and work or study for extendable periods of 12 months, creating a path to citizenship.
“This would amount to one of
the biggest changes in our visa system in British history
,” Johnson said. “If it proves necessary, the British government will take this step and take it willingly.”

According to Johnson, Beijing’s moves on Hong Kong are in contradiction to what makes the city successful, and fall short of the standard expected of China’s increasingly important role in the international community.

“Hong Kong succeeds because its people are free. They can pursue their dreams and scale as many heights as their talents allow,” he said. The new law, however, would “curtail its freedoms and dramatically erode its autonomy”.

“I also struggle to understand how the latest measure might ease tensions in Hong Kong,” Johnson said. “I still hope that China will remember that responsibilities go hand in glove with strength and leadership. As China plays a greater role on the international stage – commensurate with its economic prowess – then its authority will rest not simply on its global weight but on its reputation for fair dealing and magnanimity.”

Johnson also hit back at what he called Beijing’s “false allegations – such as claiming that the UK somehow organised the protests”, or attempts to cast doubt over
the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which London says is a legally binding international treaty, a claim that Beijing denies
Amid roaring demands for readjusting British-China relations among his Conservative Party members, Johnson attempted to convey a message of calmness and reassurance to Beijing.

“Britain does not seek to prevent China’s rise,” he said. “On the contrary we will work side-by-side on all the issues where our interests converge, from trade to climate change. We want a modern and mature relationship, based on mutual respect and recognising China’s place in the world.”

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says he hopes China will change its mind on the national security law for Hong Kong. Photo: EPA-EFE
Earlier on Tuesday, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told Parliament that Britain has been discussing “burden sharing” with the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand to handle an exodus of Hongkongers.

Raab’s revelation came after US Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo said the US would consider ways to welcome Hongkongers after Beijing formalised the imposition of a national security law
on the former British colony.
“If China follows through on this, the people of Hong Kong can come to the warm embrace of this country,” Raab said.

The “principled and generous” proposal would create a “path to citizenship”, Raab said, though he offered still no details about how many years they would need to stay to obtain British citizenship.

He said Home Secretary Priti Patel had been working with him on the plan since September. At the time, protests were escalating in Hong Kong against a now-withdrawn extradition bill.

Raab also told Parliament that he was working with other like-minded countries in the “Five Eyes” security alliance, which also includes the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, to build up a “groundswell of international support” for action on Hong Kong.

“We are already discussing with our partners in the … Five Eyes’ call yesterday the possibility of, if I can say, burden sharing, if we see mass exodus from Hong Kong,” Raab said, adding that such a scenario was unlikely.

He said he still hoped Beijing would change its mind, but added that Britain would not “turn away” from its historical and moral duties.

“Even at this stage I sincerely hope China will reconsider its approach,” Raab said. “There is still an opportunity for China to step back – we think it’s unlikely that would happen. But we will be absolutely steadfast in sticking to the words we have given to stand by the people of Hong Kong and not just look the other way.”

Members of Parliament from the ruling Conservative Party, as well as the Labour and Scottish National parties, have all supported the government’s plan to extend BN(O) rights.

Raab said the British action was in response to the Chinese government’s breach of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration setting out the rights and freedoms for Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, the chairs of foreign affairs committees at the British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand parliament wrote jointly to Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations, calling for the establishment of a UN special envoy for Hong Kong.

“It is imperative that the international community move rapidly to ensure there is a mechanism for observing and transparent reporting on the impact of the new law on what are currently legal freedoms in Hong Kong,” British MP Tom Tugendhat wrote in the letter, which was also sent to Johnson.

On Monday, Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming stressed the need for the national security laws in Hong Kong, and dismissed claims that China was suppressing Hong Kong protesters with the law.

“What is going on in Hong Kong is violence,” Liu told Sky News. “It is a risk to the national security. … Any responsible government has to take measures.”
He needs permission from the British people first.
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