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Britain is No Longer a Major Military Power

Just the recently announced defence deal between UK and Turkey , just shows both nations embarking on new chapter in cooperation
yeah okie dokie
poland shupa powa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you cry and b!tch to nato for troops

you lot run around here stone dead drunk and living of benefits

did it happen???
argentina cant even afford to buy new fighters. they only have one sub!
why dont you sell them the brahmos!!!!!!!!

I thought you would have stopped reading this pile of rubbish when he cites a historian recounting the failure of the British forces early on in the war, then in the next sentence cites the same author who outlines the numerous victories that came after. So the British became better right? He hilariously writes about he failure of the British to contain the NI insurgency, when the entire movement, including half the IRA leadership were infiltrated by the British services. They were bought crashing down from the inside! By their own admission their last major meeting clearly stated "we can't win the war".
The man is a Buffon and being cheered on by a number of known anti-British posters here, half of whom were never around during any of the events they speak of.

The British remain a top level military power with reach.


A new era is dawning.
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I thought you would have stopped reading this pile of rubbish when he cites a historian recounting the failure of the British forces early on in the war, then in the next sentence cites the same author who outlines the numerous victories that came after. So the British became better right? He hilariously writes about he failure of the British to contain the NI insurgency, when the entire movement, including half the IRA leadership were infiltrated by the British services. They were bought crashing down from the inside! By his own admission their last major meeting clearly stated "we can't win the war".
The man is a Buffon and being cheered on by a number of known anti-British posters here, half of whom were never around during any of the events they speak of.

The British remain a top level military power with reach.


A new era is dawning.

result of living in a pond. Punjab militancy was handled far more effectively than IRA. We don't brag about that as a reason for being 'world power'. That ship's performance is nowhere close what they claimed it will be.
On their own they lost all wars of WW2. Dunkirk, Indo- China, they were on a losing streak until the americams came in.

Utter rubbish. Where was the help during the battle of Britain? The Americans entered the war afterwards.

result of living in a pond. Punjab militancy was handled far more effectively than IRA. We don't brag about that as a reason for being 'world power'. That ship's performance is nowhere close what they claimed it will be.

Oh yes with a little help from Benzair handing over the list of known Khalistan activists.
That ship is better than anything your navy will field, now, and in the future. I find your anti British posts tiresome. It seems you are on some sort of quest.
Utter rubbish. Where was the help during the battle of Britain? The Americans entered the war afterwards.

you mean with 2 million Indian troops...THEY NEEDED MORE HELP?

Utter rubbish. Where was the help during the battle of Britain? The Americans entered the war afterwards.

Oh yes with a little help from Benzair handing over the list of known Khalistan activists.
That ship is better than anything your navy will field, now, and in the future. I find your anti British posts tiresome. It seems you are on some sort of quest.

I have clarified my quest is for TRUTH. And as far as this ship is concerned, talk to me after it actually does a fully loaded 30 knots. Right now it's been a tourist attraction barely able to move on it's own power. I don't even want to talk about it's aircraft complement. And no- this ship won't be a scratch on INS Vishal. Vishal will be leagues ahead of this.
you mean with 2 million Indian troops...THEY NEEDED MORE HELP?

Hang on a minute my friend, 45% of those came from Pakistan. You know, your bitter enemy. My entire elder generation fought in that war, very few of them were deployed on the Western front, bar Italy. The fighting in Europe was done by the Brits and allied troops from Canada.
The British remain a top level military power with reach.


A new era is dawning.

I think some people in developing countries have lost their minds and are overestimating themselves to the point of delusion.

Developed countries like Britain are capable of waging multiple wars across the globe, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. This is called real power projection.

Whereas developing countries have a really long way to go in all spheres.
I think it would be very unwise to underestimate these old-world developed countries.

They industrialized over a century ago, while we are still finding our feet.

Their power projection means that they are currently engaged in fighting a war in another continent. Which is a trait of all the P5 members (USA, Russia, Britain, France...) all except China which is still a developing country.

Exactly the reason why this nation of dragon shall rise to unprecedented levels.

Extremely Humble and hard working. Long live the red roaring dragon
I have clarified my quest is for TRUTH. And as far as this ship is concerned, talk to me after it actually does a fully loaded 30 knots. Right now it's been a tourist attraction barely able to move on it's own power. I don't even want to talk about it's aircraft complement. And no- this ship won't be a scratch on INS Vishal. Vishal will be leagues ahead of this.

You clarified nothing but hot air. The sea trials begin in the Summer. I'll post the pictures up and tag you. Lol@INS Vishal, when that even takes to the surface let us know. I can't believe you are even comparing the two.
Hang on a minute my friend, 45% of those came from Pakistan. You know, your bitter enemy. My entire elder generation fought in that war, very few of them were deployed on the Western front, bar Italy. The fighting in Europe was done by the Brits and allied troops from Canada.

yeah bro- I forgot how Pakistan existed well before 1947 and Pak fauj, fizia etc. were fighting in the 2nd ww. Anyway that's beside the point. The point is how there is always an excuse for the brits getting a thrashing ---and let's be clear, they ONLY got thrashings until the yanks came in. Lose Singapore and Indo- China-- oh we were fighting in Europe. Take a thrashing in Europe and withdraw from Dunkirk is 'glorious'. When Stalin was burning bridges and Russian troops fought street for street.
:o::o: what did they do?
@waz do you support @Blue Marlin claim that we are "bloody leeches" ?
Blue Marlin sad that he:
hate most pole's anyway. bloody leeches.

Some 2,600 British ex-soldiers jailed last year for violent, sexual crimes
Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:13AM
Nearly 2,600 British war veterans deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan during the US-led invasion of the two countries have been imprisoned over the past year over committing violent crimes as well as sexual offences.

The figure represents between four and five percent of Britain’s total prison population, according to UK’s Ministry of Justice (MoJ), prompting concerns about the impact the military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq has had on the mental health of former members of the British armed forces, The Guardian reported Saturday.

The MoJ began identifying the convicted ex-soldiers as they entered the prison system in January 2015 after concerns over the management of British war veterans were raised in a review of the criminal justice system.

Based on the figures, the former members of the armed forces accounted for 721 of the “first receptions” from July to September 2015, the initial period when they were released.

The numbers, the report adds, appear to have dropped since, 545 arrived in the system in the same period a year later. In the year leading up to last September, 2,565 veterans were imprisoned.

The development came after historic murder conviction against British soldier Alexander Blackman, who shot dead a seriously wounded Taliban prisoner in Afghanistan, was overturned earlier in the week and replaced with the lighter charge of manslaughter on the grounds of “diminished responsibility,” according to the report.

Blackman’s lawyers argued that he had adjustment disorder at the time of the killing after “serving for months on the frontline in terrible conditions.”

Although the British veterns of the US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan represent five percent of UK’s prison population, “but they represent a disproportionate number of serious violent offences and sexual offences, and that raises questions that need answering,” said Fraces Crook, the chief executive of independent charity organization, the Howard League for Penal Reform.

“These are not victimless crimes. They have a terrible effect on the victim,” he added.

Crook further added that several factors contributed to the number, including alcohol abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Research by the organization also found that 25 percent of former combat forces were in prison for sexual offences, compared with 11 percent of the civilian prison population.

The report further quoted a Defense Ministry spokesperson as saying, “Most former service personnel return to civilian life without problems and are less likely to commit criminal offences than their civilian counterparts, but we’re determined to help those who fall into difficulty, and last year awarded £4.6m to schemes targeted at tackling this issue.”

“The government has enshrined the Armed Forces Covenant in law to make sure veterans are treated fairly and receive the support they deserve, including with mental health issues, getting on the housing ladder, and applying for civilian jobs,” the official added.

British soldiers represented the second largest contingent of mostly Western military forces that took part in the US-led occupation of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 under the purported “war on terror” schemes. Nearly 15 years later, both countries are struggling with unrelenting incidents of terrorism amid growing suspicions that they have directly and indirectly aided the establishment of some terrorist elements in both countries.
Source: http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2017/...of-Justice-prison-population-Iraq-Afghanistan
I think some people in developing countries have lost their minds and are overestimating themselves to the point of delusion.

Developed countries like Britain are capable of waging multiple wars across the globe, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. This is called real power projection.

Whereas developing countries have a really long way to go in all spheres.

Bro he is literally comparing a carrier that is still in development phase with a ship that is about to undergo sea trials. I'm not sure what to make of that.
You clarified nothing but hot air. The sea trials begin in the Summer. I'll post the pictures up and tag you. Lol@INS Vishal, when that even takes to the surface let us know. I can't believe you are even comparing the two.

I know you can't believe that bro. I'm constrained by the fact that the Brits have nothing beyond QE class. As far as 'sea trials' are concerned. I'm sure they'll turn around wayyyyyyy better than Astute. You are aware that they wanted to sell one of these off to IN? We said...no dudes, we won't want you to lose your 'royalty'.

Bro he is literally comparing a carrier that is still in development phase with a ship that is about to undergo sea trials. I'm not sure what to make of that.

You said 'you will never field anything like this'. So I can compare.
I think some people in developing countries have lost their minds and are overestimating themselves to the point of delusion.

Developed countries like Britain are capable of waging multiple wars across the globe, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. This is called real power projection.

Whereas developing countries have a really long way to go in all spheres.
Every country having a second strike capability is a major military power,developing or not.
And quit calling your country ''developing'',you know thats not true anymore.:pissed::pissed::pissed:
I think some people in developing countries have lost their minds and are overestimating themselves to the point of delusion.

Developed countries like Britain are capable of waging multiple wars across the globe, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. This is called real power projection.

Whereas developing countries have a really long way to go in all spheres.

This is what I was talking about earlier. ...:)

Every country having a second strike capability is a major military power,developing or not.
And quit calling your country ''developing'',you know thats not true anymore.:pissed::pissed::pissed:

No you should read between the lines.
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