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Britain is No Longer a Major Military Power

Name some countries with a 70k AC,which produces a 4++ gen Fighter jet,a world class destroyer(maybe the best) and produces almost all of its military equipment in house.

which 70+ AC? The one that's been in construction till perpetuity? A 70+ lumbering giant that's gonna burn diesel and yet deliver on those capabilities. British destroyer is 'best in world' just as astute is 'best in world'. 4++ include the Germans and all of Europe.
You have problem with basic facts. Alcohol consumption per capita in your beloved "UK" is about the same that in Poland (in "UK" 10,6 litres per capita and in Poland 10,3 litres per capita - as of 2012 source)
You are spreding false stereotypes. We should had not defended you during Battle of Britain. We should had let your ally Hitler bomb you to the ground.
whats 300ml? we learn to control drinking heck you can drink when your 16 (under supervision)
clinging on to history is a sign of weakness, how about the present with nato troops defending poland? cant handle the bear?
Indians are always unappreciative creatures of the wild , they just can't understand the way of Gentleman society

Open a job in UK and suggest indians can apply for it and you will see 100 Million applications from India. Same thing they did with H1B
well........... lets see.....
they dont work and live of benefits
they treat our streets like dumps and fly tip all the time.
rob houses/ burgle
attack old people (for money)
get so drunk they sleep under a park bench and sing crappy polish songs at stupid o'clock
drink drive!
Steal cars

also note i said most not all.

I read some British or other Europeans were complaining how they were stealing jobs. True or false? Seems lots of people are labeling Polish people as thieves :cuckoo:
I read some British or other Europeans were complaining how they were stealing jobs. True or false? Seems lots of people are labeling Polish people as thieves :cuckoo:

Lol British are always complaining others a stealing something or the other. The others are more hard working/ more willing to work. That's the general reality.
Lol no shit sherlock!

Britain has a very small army, and a decent air force. Their only face-saving force is their navy and nuclear capability. That's pretty much it.
Technically they were , sorta (Polish, Stealing jobs part), every society can only sustain only so much of influx of sudden rise of population.

Plus it is funny becasue I recall hearing a talk show where Political Analyst were of an opinion of merger of UK / Canada / Australia possibly for a economic bloc of some kind

Approximately 1-2 months ago I heard it on radio

So I don't understand why folk are claiming that UK does not have a political say
their queen and royal family is technically quite welcomed across UK/Canada or even in Australia
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I read some British or other Europeans were complaining how they were stealing jobs. True or false? Seems lots of people are labeling Polish people as thieves :cuckoo:
well most job eastern Europeans do labouring jobs such as, plasterer, bricklayer, labourer etc........
either that or they open up shops specialising in eastern European food.

they dont steal our jobs just leach money in the form of benfits and rent.

most english folk dont wanna do that as its considered as a diry job.

mind you i know a brick layer who earns well over £100k and he's polish

@Guynextdoor2 why are you deleting your posts?????????
whats 300ml? we learn to control drinking heck you can drink when your 16 (under supervision)
clinging on to history is a sign of weakness, how about the present with nato troops defending poland? cant handle the bear?

very rare to see brits who aren't beered up codgers. Plus Britain is delusional. I mean. who'll come up with these kinds of silly series 'kaawl meee lisbeth'. 'maathar, doooter, woooman'

Lol no shit sherlock!

Britain has a very small army, and a decent air force. Their only face-saving force is their navy and nuclear capability. That's pretty much it.
our airforce will send pakistan back to 1971
and your navy???????? what navy lamo
Fairly balanced country UK and with other colony states (Canada/ Australia) quite a bit resources they have and alliances

Quite positive that the above mentioned countries are more closer, even if they might appear to be seperate administratively

I think may be that is the prime reason why UK decided to part ways with Euro Union because they were just paying bill form some countries that clearly were not doing their fair share of load bearing

I honestly don't know what Indians are smoking these days

The queen is still on the Canadian currency just for the record before folks count UK out

Australian currency below again the queen is present

UK-Canada-Australia > Euro Union , financially - economically and strategically paving way for greater collaboration with China other progressive societies like Turkey etc
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which 70+ AC? The one that's been in construction till perpetuity? A 70+ lumbering giant that's gonna burn diesel and yet deliver on those capabilities. British destroyer is 'best in world' just as astute is 'best in world'. 4++ include the Germans and all of Europe.
Why are you so angry,relax man?
Compare the British military to the rest of the world,it will always make the top 10 which is enough to be called a major military power.
Fairly balanced country UK and with other colony states (Canada/ Australia) quite a bit resources they have and alliances

Quite positive that the above mentioned countries are more closer, even if they might appear to be seperate administratively

Lol!!! You think Australia will 'ally' with UK? Adani has invested 22 BILLION in Australia. UK won't get one soldier from Australia to stand against India.


Why are you so angry,relax man?
Compare the British military to the rest of the world,it will always make the top 10 which is enough to be called a major military power.

I'm zealous in my fight for truth. And truth deserves nothing lesser

what ever makes you sleep better now go bed.

They've got tanks and stuff, and guess what? Theirs work. (Sometimes)

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