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Britain is No Longer a Major Military Power

That dude is a Russian living in Poland. So chill, his views are expected.

I’m Polish.

Plus they(Russians) hate muslims more than anything western powers can ever do.lol

England hate Muslims.
England uses depleted uranium against Muslims in Afganistan.
England is contaminating Afganistan to kill Muslims. You want to kill Afghans like you killed Natives in North America and Australia. England is commiting another holocaust.

Britain still has the world's second largest defence industry even today. We can produce almost any strategic weapons needed for a war if needed.

England can’t even produce 5th gen. fighter jet and you are saying that “Britain still has the world’s second largest defence industry”. You can’t produce strategic bombers, you don’t have land based nuclear weapons. You are only good in chest-thumping.

The fact that we have a small army/personnel is because we have no real threats ...

You forget about Malvinas and Gibraltar English colonists (illiegal aliens) occupy. You do have real threats. Argentina and Spain will sooner or later kick you out of Malvinas and Gibraltar.

... and we have to justify any high amount of money we spend on our military to our public(we are democracy


The so called “UK” is not a democracy. The so called “UK” is a kingdom run by unelected Nazi Queen of England.

... and prioritise spending on social programs(education,health etc).

Tell this to more than 100000 homeless children in the so called “UK”

......... thats the same ...... :cuckoo:

Prof. Dudek explained that slogan “Polska dla Polaków” does not exclude enyone.

Prof. Dudek: hasło "Polska dla Polaków" nikogo nie wyklucza
2015-11-11, 20:21
Oznacza jedynie, że w tym państwie gospodarzem jest naród polski, co nie musi oznaczać wykluczania kogokolwiek. Oburzałoby mnie wykluczające wszystkich innych hasło ”Polska tylko dla Polaków” - powiedział w programie Gość Wydarzeń w Polsat News prof. Antoni Dudek, politolog i historyk.
Profesor ocenił w ten sposób hasło tegorocznego marszu narodowców "Polska dla Polaków. Polacy dla Polski".

Gość Polsat News przypomniał ostre spory o wizję kraju polityków II Rzeczpospolitej. - Dmowski, Piłsudski, Witos, oni się spierali, ale wszyscy mieli na myśli dobro Polski. Podobnie będzie z dzisiejszymi przywódcami większych obozów politycznych w Polsce. Musimy nabrać dystansu, aby ocenić ich zasługi, a także porażki - powiedział prof. Dudek.

- Jeśli chodzi o bohaterów II Rzeczpospolitej, którzy byli ze sobą w ostrym konflikcie, to wszyscy oni są uznawani za bohaterów narodowych - ocenił profesor, dodając, że nie zauważa ostrego ataku na żadną z postaci. - Oczywiście są ludzie, którzy bardzo nie lubią Dmowskiego i całej tradycji narodowej demokracji. Nieco mniej jest tych, którzy krytycznie mówią o Piłsudskim, ale i ich znajdziemy. Najmniejsze emocje budzi Witos - zauważył.

Profesor przypomniał, że język polityki w czasach II Rzeczpospolitej był bardziej brutalny niż dzisiaj. - Nie było wtedy telewizji, radio raczkowało, gazety czytali nieliczni. W efekcie ten brutalny język nie przedostawał się do świadomości masowego odbiorcy i nie oddziaływał na niego. A dzisiaj otwieramy telewizor i widzimy krzyczących na siebie polityków. Te emocje się na nas przenoszą i zbyt często im ulegamy - powiedział prof. Dudek.

- W tej chwili mamy sytuację, w której jeden obóz polityczny zdobył wszystko i to on będzie nadawał ton polskiemu życiu publicznemu. Albo będzie eskalował język, z którym mieliśmy do czynienia, albo będzie go łagodził. Czas pokaże - dodał.

"Spokojne obchody to dobry znak"

Profesor ocenił również przebieg obchodów Dnia Niepodległości. Próba stworzenia jednego marszu nie została w tym roku podjęta. - To jest trudne, dlatego że zaczęli narodowcy, w opozycji dla tego prezydent Komorowski próbował zainicjować Marsz dla Niepodległej. Duda wycofał się z tego marszu i pozostaje pytanie, co będzie z marszem niepodległości - zastanawiał się gość Polsat News.

Zdaniem profesora, spokojny przebieg marszu niepodległości to dobry znak na przyszłość. - To, że dzisiaj nie mieliśmy awantur, które obserwowaliśmy w minionych latach, jest krokiem w dobrym kierunku - zauważył. - Być może uda się nakłonić organizatorów do zrezygnowania z niektórych radykalnych haseł i wtedy ten marsz niepodległości może stać się tym głównym marszem, w którym także prezydent i władze Rzeczpospolitej wezmą udział - ocenił prof. Dudek.
Source: http://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/...haslo-polska-dla-polakow-nikogo-nie-wyklucza/

Ja nie popieram takich haseł, ale myslę, że za takimi hasłami nie zawsze są złe intencje (dużo zależy od kontekstu w jakim takie hasła padają)
I don't support such slogans, but I don't think that they are offensive.

He is stupid without competition we will buy more expensive stuff...

Or maybe we won’t buy at all :lol:

Not like we need EU:sarcastic: ...

The EU needs us more than we need the EU.

The others should try harder to thats why they lost with Airbus ...
Offers submitted by WSK PZL Świdnik S.A and consortium Sikorsky International Operations Incorporation, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, together with Polish Aircraft Sp. Z. O. Z. Mielec did not meet the formal and technical requirements, among others.

According to Platforma Obywatelska.

The delivery date, helicopter equipment in the system, there is no inaccuracies or false. The French won the tender they had offered for better conditions, despite the fact that the pilot was in a lost position. It is worth the place of senseless speculation and illogical arguments that appear to be satisfying with a well-made choice.

IMO all contenders should try harder.
I’m Polish.

England hate Muslims.
England uses depleted uranium against Muslims in Afganistan.
England is contaminating Afganistan to kill Muslims. You want to kill Afghans like you killed Natives in North America and Australia. England is commiting another holocaust.

England can’t even produce 5th gen. fighter jet and you are saying that “Britain still has the world’s second largest defence industry”. You can’t produce strategic bombers, you don’t have land based nuclear weapons. You are only good in chest-thumping.

You forget about Malvinas and Gibraltar English colonists (illiegal aliens) occupy. You do have real threats. Argentina and Spain will sooner or later kick you out of Malvinas and Gibraltar.


The so called “UK” is not a democracy. The so called “UK” is a kingdom run by unelected Nazi Queen of England.

Tell this to more than 100000 homeless children in the so called “UK”

Prof. Dudek explained that slogan “Polska dla Polaków” does not exclude enyone.

Source: http://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/...haslo-polska-dla-polakow-nikogo-nie-wyklucza/

Ja nie popieram takich haseł, ale myslę, że za takimi hasłami nie zawsze są złe intencje (dużo zależy od kontekstu w jakim takie hasła padają)
I don't support such slogans, but I don't think that they are offensive.

Or maybe we won’t buy at all :lol:

The EU needs us more than we need the EU.

According to Platforma Obywatelska.

IMO all contenders should try harder.
Dude what's the obsession with England ? Are you a Russia fan ?
Just ask ordinary English citizens for their opinion about Polish people and you'll understand why he's so special towards England.
Yup, I'm from Britain and all I can say is , they're like the Afghan refugees of Pakistan(this is not my personal view I have many polski friends, this is the general view of your average white man , not me )
Prof. Dudek explained that slogan “Polska dla Polaków” does not exclude enyone.

Ehhh yee everyone got its explanation but if we start to ignore such slogans there is big chance it will get worse and when i see ONR and "Polska dla Polaków" ... There is nothing to explain.

Or maybe we won’t buy at all

I would not be surprised, looking on his recent fantasies about railguns/lasers etc.

The EU needs us more than we need the EU.

EU is not just subsidy... I watched one movie with this guy he was not very convincing.

According to Platforma Obywatelska.

According to PIS ... PIS did not show nothing that would tell us it was a wrong choice... The problem was offset and no one is showing us anything hiding behind state secret...

IMO all contenders should try harder.

The problem was Swidnik and Mielec didnt so they lost ... and i think the problem got more to do with PIS 500+ and the Schools reform ...
Dude what's the obsession with England ? Are you a Russia fan ?

I’m fed up with Poland-bashing coming from BBC and other English fake news media outlets. England supported Hitler, and now BBC and other goons use term “Polish concentration camps” (source).

Yes I am a Russia fan. But first and foremost I’m a multi-polar world order fan. That’s why I’m also a fan of China, Pakistan and other independent countries.

Ehhh yee everyone got its explanation but if we start to ignore such slogans there is big chance it will get worse and when i see ONR and "Polska dla Polaków" ... There is nothing to explain.

There are haters in every country including Poland. While we should not ignore xenophobia, neither should we overestimate it. Let’s not forget that there are about half a million emigrants from Ukraine in Poland. And let’s not forget about Muslim Tatar Minority living peacefully in Poland for hundreds of years.

According to PIS ... PIS did not show nothing that would tell us it was a wrong choice... The problem was offset and no one is showing us anything hiding behind state secret...

Airbus hasn’t sued us for cancelation of Caracal deal so maybe their offer was not as good as they claim.

The problem was Swidnik and Mielec didnt so they lost ... and i think the problem got more to do with PIS 500+ and the Schools reform ...

It’s possible that Caracal deal was canceled because of lack of money. It’s also possible that Caracal deal was canceled because Mielec is located in Podkarpacie (PiS stronghold), Świdnik in Lubelszczyzna (another PiS stronghold) and Łódź is more pro Platforma Obywatelska. Nethertheless Caracal deal has been canceled so IMO there should be a new tender. And since neither Mielec, nor Świdnik nor Airbus gave us good conditions IMO we should also seek other alternatives (like Z-20 or Z-18 from China or Mi-171A2 from Russia). I know that this won’t happen as long as Macierewicz is “Minister of War”.

And going back to the topic. Supapowa England:
England stronk!!! :lol:

What a pity I can’t insert flag of England (I mean sth like :pakistan: but with flag of England) :sarcastic:
I’m fed up with Poland-bashing coming from BBC and other English fake news media outlets. England supported Hitler, and now BBC and other goons use term “Polish concentration camps” (source).

Yes I am a Russia fan. But first and foremost I’m a multi-polar world order fan. That’s why I’m also a fan of China, Pakistan and other independent countries.

There are haters in every country including Poland. While we should not ignore xenophobia, neither should we overestimate it. Let’s not forget that there are about half a million emigrants from Ukraine in Poland. And let’s not forget about Muslim Tatar Minority living peacefully in Poland for hundreds of years.

Airbus hasn’t sued us for cancelation of Caracal deal so maybe their offer was not as good as they claim.

It’s possible that Caracal deal was canceled because of lack of money. It’s also possible that Caracal deal was canceled because Mielec is located in Podkarpacie (PiS stronghold), Świdnik in Lubelszczyzna (another PiS stronghold) and Łódź is more pro Platforma Obywatelska. Nethertheless Caracal deal has been canceled so IMO there should be a new tender. And since neither Mielec, nor Świdnik nor Airbus gave us good conditions IMO we should also seek other alternatives (like Z-20 or Z-18 from China or Mi-171A2 from Russia). I know that this won’t happen as long as Macierewicz is “Minister of War”.

And going back to the topic. Supapowa England:
England stronk!!! :lol:

What a pity I can’t insert flag of England (I mean sth like :pakistan: but with flag of England) :sarcastic:

The nation and army you are making fun of is among the first contributor to the NATO enhanced forward presence and reassurance mission..... and is fairly commited to the protection of the Baltic states and Poland. In case something ever happens to Poland,they'll be on the frontline protecting you fighting alongside Polish soldiers.


And going back to the topic. Supapowa England:
England stronk!!! :lol:

What a pity I can’t insert flag of England (I mean sth like :pakistan: but with flag of England) :sarcastic:

I take it you are a firm believer that every drill should go smoothly, or troops should't be stretched?
I take it you are a firm believer that every drill should go smoothly, or troops should't be stretched?

Because a random video of guys untrained (these guys are army) in marine landings practicing proves that the U.K military is not a capable force.

The nation and army you are making fun of is among the first contributor to the NATO enhanced forward presence and reassurance mission..... and is fairly commited to the protection of the Baltic states and Poland. In case something ever happens to Poland,they'll be on the frontline protecting you fighting alongside Polish soldiers.


View attachment 399625

Like they “protected” us in September 1939 when Hitler attacked us. Bear in mind that Polish-British common defence pact was signed on 25 August 1939. Hitler could had been easily defeated by us together with England and France, but all England did to help us was dropping leaflets. England founded Hitler and simply wanted Hitler to defeat us. With “ally” like England we don’t need enemies. IMO all those “enhanced forward presence” as you called it has more to do with extorting more money from Poland (and some other European countries as well) by US military industry than with protecting us. Trump has already said he wants more money for US military industry.

I take it you are a firm believer that every drill should go smoothly, or troops should't be stretched?

I take it you are a firm believer that troops from supapowa England should be stuck in mud.

More from English supapowa. English Sea Vixen:
I understand this dude's obsession with England. It's like my obsession with ****. I know it's wrong but once I turn on the computer, boy it's all a river of chewing gum.
I understand this dude's obsession with England. It's like my obsession with ****. I know it's wrong but once I turn on the computer, boy it's all a river of chewing gum.

I'm against English terrorists like Tony Blair or Teresa May who are using depleted uranium against civilians in Afganistan.
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