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Brigadier pleads guilty of affair with colonel’s wife, faces 4-year seniority loss


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Brigadier pleads guilty of affair with colonel’s wife, faces 4-year seniority loss
The GCM had started in Binaguri in West Bengal in May this year and was presided upon by the General Officer Commanding of a mountain division in the rank of Major General.

Written by Man Aman Singh Chhina | Chandigarh | Updated: October 11, 2017 7:59 am

A General Courts Martial (GCM) of the Army has sentenced a Brigadier to four-year loss of seniority for promotion purposes and awarded him a ‘severe reprimand’ after he pleaded guilty to charges of committing adultery with the wife of a Colonel.

The GCM had started in Binaguri in West Bengal in May this year and was presided upon by the General Officer Commanding of a mountain division in the rank of Major General. Six other officers of the rank of Brigadier were members of the military trial. The Brigadier had been commanding a Brigade in Sikkim and was attached to the mountain division to face the court-martial.

Sources in Army’s Eastern Command told The Indian Express that the accused officer pleaded guilty to the charges against him. This is perhaps the reason that he was handed over a comparatively lighter sentence instead of five years’ rigorous imprisonment usually awarded in similar cases, said a senior officer.

lol no matter why they are not able to do anything good and just confined them self to fool their common public and enjoy with each others wifes:disagree:
i just cant fathom the life of some people ,their mental condition and self confidence whose entire life is going to be wasted in searching these sort of news day in day out
they deserve sympathy and opportunity for doing something else in life
its human who makes a society so obviously on account of human vices their will be issues with the society too.it is the case with every society be it pakistani or INDIAN
so its better to introspect and correct rather than scoring some brownie point
get a life loosers
Congratulations to Windy... He got the title right after all....

We did Surgical Strike( read screwed} on Pakistan the same way as the brigadier did... ... be happy .. you got screwed again....

Surgical strike lol title :rofl:
i just cant fathom the life of some people ,their mental condition and self confidence whose entire life is going to be wasted in searching these sort of news day in day out
they deserve sympathy and opportunity for doing something else in life
its human who makes a society so obviously on account of human vices their will be issues with the society too.it is the case with every society be it pakistani or INDIAN
so its better to introspect and correct rather than scoring some brownie point
get a life loosers
There's nothing more pathetic when some of you characters come on this forum riding high on your moral mules, pity we don't see such display of ethics when your country fellows post news about young kids and some Madrasa teacher....and the news wasn't exactly carried by some Ethiopian media besides when you descend to cheap propaganda tactics like talking live to some gangster wife, others are bound to introduce you to the real world.....i was merely trying to create some humor so don't get your panties in a twist....besides such stories in the Indian armed forces is nothing new.

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