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Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

The china side lost because the audience were mainly Indians. Sadly China will never be able to out brag India, they are simply too strong in this field.

Looks like the chinese trolls in pdf missed the show. Otherwise they would have beaten everybody with their megaton fart$ ,, they are simply too strong in this field.
Why 2030? Even 2040 China would be ahead by inches from us Indians. Thread close please... otherwise another troll-fest ****.
Not so soon. Today, I was at investment fund conference 2013 at London Stock Exchange. There was a panel discussion regarding investments in investment trusts and alternative listed vehicles. The panelists spend almost 15 min on China vs India when the topic of emerging markets funds came. :lol:

On the question of who will be ahead by 2030, certainly China. But after 2020, India may grow faster as compared to China and gap could narrow.

Actually, you can find sites that predicted that India would grow faster than China by 2008,2009,2010, 2011,2012 and now 2013. I just won't believe any of it until it happens. If we can gamble on this prediction, people who bet on China would have win big in the last few years. While people who bet on India would have lost big.

Why 2030? Even 2040 China would be ahead by inches from us Indians. Thread close please... otherwise another troll-fest ****.

Agree, until India grow consistently faster than China in a regular basis, its useless to make this prediction. Any such prediction is wrong as China currently has a faster rate of growth and it has an economy that is 3-4 times that of India.
Canada. We are the sole superpower. In fact, we are a Universal power.
Actually, you can find sites that predicted that India would grow faster than China by 2008,2009,2010, 2011,2012 and now 2013. I just won't believe any of it until it happens. If we can gamble on this prediction, people who bet on China would have win big in the last few years. While people who bet on India would have lost big.

Agree, until India grow consistently faster than China in a regular basis, its useless to make this prediction. Any such prediction is wrong as China currently has a faster rate of growth and it has an economy that is 3-4 times that of India.

India vs China is more of a media creation. Investment community invests millions to even billions dollars into emerging markets. Investments are more about choice, risk and return. So, while investing, it is never China vs India. It is more about risk and return.
Asia cannot be bridged with either India or China missing. The two make up close to 40% of humanity and powerful engines of the economy of the new world. Quite a contradiction in terms actually. The old world coming full circle as the new world.
I was convinced India would take the lead after i finished watching the superpower India 2030 video. China is no where close importing Caucasians as slaves.
Come on, it is not too late for you to apply for being a friend of India. In 2030 or something superpower India will see China as a good slave. :rofl:
Hong Kong will be ahead. :D

Unfortunately, Hong Kong has begun moving the wrong direction .. and no one knows where it will stop.

In few years, we may have Hong Kong Vs Lagos comparisons.. instead of the current Hong Kong Vs Singapore comparisons (which actually sound obsolete now).
Unfortunately, Hong Kong has begun moving the wrong direction .. and no one knows where it will stop.

In few years, we may have Hong Kong Vs Lagos comparisons.. instead of the current Hong Kong Vs Singapore comparisons (which actually sound obsolete now).

Very Indian-like comment and very virtualized. I think the whole world will become India's slave according to the famous superpower Indian 203 movie.:omghaha:
Very Indian-like comment and very virtualized. I think the whole world will become India's slave according to the famous superpower Indian 203 movie.:omghaha:

I just stated the facts... and what you are saying is totally irrelevant.

My chinese colleague (in singapore) refused a relocation to HongKong, even though that would take her closer to her home and parents in PRC -- she stated, she wants be settle down in singapore because HongKong is too crowded and polluted now.

There is trouble filling up the position.. no one wants to move.

Ditto for many other companies and people relocations ... I have heard in my circle.

People in HK are also concerned at Beijing smog moving towards HK.

HK isn't a nice place if you're foreigner and expecting a baby.

Even if you have baby, the air pollution won't be good for him/her.

Yes, it not all gone bad ... but only the direction in which HongKong is moving isn't good.
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