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Breaking: US to arm Ukraine with advanced antiship missiles, Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles

Because Russia has not been completely cornered yet. Unfortunately US is likely to let that happen. I have to say, Americans are stupid. They are betting their country's future on other country's rationality and endurance. And the country has a history that burnt their own capital Moscow to defeat Napoleon and sacrificed millions lives to defeat Hitler.

I wonder what Americans have gone through after the cold war. Which makes them to lose the sense of danger.
You mean the Russians are stupid. Even one of the former Russian generals has mentioned how stupid it was to go invade Ukraine a month before it actually started.
You mean the Russians are stupid. Even one of the former Russian generals has mentioned how stupid it was to go invade Ukraine a month before it actually started.
Based on what Ukraine had done, if you were Putin, you would do the same. Don't lecture others if you have never suffered things that others suffered. Imagine if Canada did the same as Ukraine did, US would invade Canada too. No doubt about that.
Based on what Ukraine had done, if you were Putin, you would do the same. Don't lecture others if you have never suffered things that others suffered. Imagine if Canada did the same as Ukraine did, US would invade Canada too. No doubt about that.
You mean the nuclear weapons to bioweapons to Nazis to attacking DNR/LNR just right after giving them independence and putting 200k Russian troops at Belarus and Russian border with Ukraine? If I was Putin hell bent on conquering Ukraine, yeah I would do the same.
You mean the nuclear weapons to bioweapons to Nazis to attacking DNR/LNR just right after giving them independence and putting 200k Russian troops at Belarus and Russian border with Ukraine? If I was Putin hell bent on conquering Ukraine, yeah I would do the same.
You definitely have no idea what Ukraine had done to Russia and ethnic Russians. I'm not surprised for that. I mean I know how your media work. As Chinese, I understand Russians' feeling because we experienced Hongkong riots. Back then many Chinese urged government to send troops to Hongkong and end its autonomy. Hongkong and Ukraine were in same scenario. Coincidence? Of course not.
You definitely have no idea what Ukraine had done to Russia and ethnic Russians. I'm not surprised for that. I mean I know how your media work. As Chinese, I understand Russians' feeling because we experienced Hongkong riots. Back then many Chinese urged government to send troops to Hongkong and end its autonomy. Hongkong and Ukraine were in same scenario. Coincidence? Of course not.
You have no idea what Russia has done to Ukraine. You see Russia with those Green men to invade Ukraine with no insignia, claiming to be Ukrainian even though later on Putin admits those were his own troops and bring in their own troops to fight in made up about killing Russian speaking only people when most Ukrainians including their troops that can speak Russian, even interrogating the Russian troops in their own language. Kharkiv to Odessa is Russian speaking majority same as Mariupol and they destroyed it. So much for trying to protect the people Putin claims he's protecting because they speak Russian. Putin will invade the Baltics as well since the population can speak Russian.
You have no idea what Russia has done to Ukraine. You see Russia with those Green men to invade Ukraine with no insignia, claiming to be Ukrainian even though later on Putin admits those were his own troops and bring in their own troops to fight in made up about killing Russian speaking only people when most Ukrainians including their troops that can speak Russian, even interrogating the Russian troops in their own language. Kharkiv to Odessa is Russian speaking majority same as Mariupol and they destroyed it. So much for trying to protect the people Putin claims he's protecting because they speak Russian. Putin will invade the Baltics as well since the population can speak Russian.
You are talking about the results that Ukraine policies led to. Not the reasons. If China sent troops to end Hongkong riot and its automony, you would say how China brutally treated Hongkong people. But what are the reasons for all the messes. There is only one reason. Yes. It is the world peace destroyer---USA. USA is an evil regime because its prosperity is based on robbery and instability of rest of world.

If Ukrainians could go back to 10 years ago, they would hang those US funded traitors.
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You are talking about the results that Ukraine policies led to. Not the reasons. If China sent troops to end Hongkong riot and its automony, you would say how China brutally treated Hongkong people. But what are the reasons for all the messes. There is only one reason. Yes. It is the world peace destroyer---USA. USA is a evil regime because its property is based on robbery and instability of rest of world.
Sorry but thats like saying Hitler invaded the countries because of their policies. Not the reasons. Claims he's protecting the Aryan populace or the German speaking people. Just like the claims Russians invaded Poland and Finland under the guise of protecting the Russian speaking people. This is no different today.
Sorry but thats like saying Hitler invaded the countries because of their policies. Not the reasons. Claims he's protecting the Aryan populace or the German speaking people. Just like the claims Russians invaded Poland and Finland under the guise of protecting the Russian speaking people. This is no different today.
Hitler is a psycho. I don't know why many people think Hitler phonomenon is universal. Fun fact. Compared to Russia, Ukraine is more like Germany before ww2. The only difference is Ukraine is a weak country. A common thing they shared is, both Germany and Ukraine received money from US to weaken Europe.
WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - The White House is working to put advanced anti-ship missiles in the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat Russia's naval blockade, officials said, amid concerns more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships would intensify the conflict.

Ukraine has made no secret it wants more advanced U.S. capabilities beyond its current inventory of artillery, Javelin and Stinger missiles, and other arms. Kyiv's list, for example, includes missiles that could push the Russian navy away from its Black Sea ports, allowing the restart of shipments of grain and other agricultural products worldwide.

Current and former U.S. officials and congressional sources have cited roadblocks to sending longer range, more powerful weapons to Ukraine that include lengthy training requirements, difficulties maintaining equipment, or concerns U.S. weaponry could be captured by Russian forces, in addition to the fear of escalation.

But three U.S. officials and two congressional sources said two types of powerful anti-ship missiles, the Harpoon made by Boeing (BA.N) and the Naval Strike Missile made by Kongsberg (KOG.OL) and Raytheon Technologies (RTX.N) were in active consideration for either direct shipment to Ukraine, or through a transfer from a European ally that has the missiles.

In April, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy appealed to Portugal to provide the Ukrainian military with Harpoons, which have a range of up to almost 300 km.

But there are several issues keeping Ukraine from receiving the missiles. For one, there is limited availability of platforms to launch Harpoons from shore -- a technically challenging solution according to several officials -- as it is mostly a sea-based missile.

Two U.S. officials said the United States was working on potential solutions that included pulling a launcher off of a U.S. ship.

About 20 Russian Navy vessels, including submarines, are in the Black Sea operational zone, the British defense ministry has said.
Bryan Clark, a naval expert at the Hudson Institute, said 12 to 24 anti-ship missiles like the Harpoon with ranges over 100 km would be enough to threaten Russian ships and could convince Moscow to lift the blockade. "If Putin persists, Ukraine could take out the largest Russian ships, since they have nowhere to hide in the Black Sea," Clark said.

Russia has already suffered losses at sea, notably the sinking of the cruiser Moskva, the flagship of its Black Sea fleet.


A handful of countries would be willing to send Harpoons to Ukraine, the U.S. officials and the congressional sources said. But no one wants to be the first or only nation to do so, fearing reprisals from Russia if a ship is sunk with a Harpoon from their stockpile, the third U.S official said.

That U.S. official said one country is considering being the first to supply the missile to Ukraine. Once that "well stocked" nation commits to sending Harpoons, others might follow, the official said.

The Naval Strike Missile (NSM) can be launched from the Ukrainian coast and has a range of 250 km. It also takes less than 14 days training to operate.

The sources said NSMs were viewed as less logistically difficult than Harpoons, because NATO allies could loan mobile ground launchers which are available, and warheads from Norway.

The first two U.S. officials and the congressional sources said the United States was trying to work out a way for Ukraine to obtain NSM and launchers from European allies.

The congressional sources said another option would be for Norway to donate NSMs to Ukraine, an idea supported by Norwegian members of parliament. The Norwegian Ministry of Defense declined to comment on what additional contributions of arms and defense equipment it may consider offering to Ukraine.

All weapons requests that have U.S. content such as Harpoons and NSMs would have to be approved by the U.S. State Department, which takes guidance from the White House.

Another weapon high on Ukraine's shopping list are Multiple Rocket Launch Systems (MLRS) such as the M270 made by Lockheed Martin (LMT.N) which can strike a target 70 or more kilometers away, a three-fold increase over many of their current howitzer rounds.

In recent weeks, the Biden administration decided instead to send M777 towed howitzers which could be deployed faster and shipped in larger quantities, the two U.S. officials said.

The two U.S. officials said the M270 or similar system like the M142 HIMARS would be considered for shipment to Ukraine once Congress passed a $40 billion supplemental funding bill that would authorize an additional $11 billion worth of Presidential Drawdown Authority. That lets the president authorize the transfer of excess weapons from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency.

This is adding fuel to fire .
Ukrainian Neptune missile is also sub sonic like the Harpoon. Did the Russian battlecruiser go too slow?

By your logic, USS should never get hit by slow-moving tankers.

But the truth told a different story. The reality is both the sailors on the Russian and US ships were careless. The former never thought Ukraine could hit them with anti-ship missiles because Ukraine had no way of detecting where the Moskve was. Little did they know Americans could help the Ukrainians. The USS sailors would never thought they could be hit by a tanker too. In both incidents you can't conclude the Neptune is a superb missile as much as the tanker a US cruiser killer.
Thanks to Russia, Ukrainians have more tanks than what they started before the war.

Thanks to America, U.S dollar circulatory percentage has dropped by a dangerously significant amount. Inflation hitting 40 year high. Countries around the world are diversifying their reserves in other currencies.

The amount of Ukrainian tanks and IFVs destroyed, videos circulating is just beyond hilarious. In Mariupol, Azov Nazis are surrendering in the thousands.

Don't what fantasy world you're living in. But please continue to live in your fantasy world. Its hilarious how deluded some people are.
You Chinese are the funniest lot out there claiming "Russia is cornered and isolated,they will use nuclear weapons they have nothing to lose" but at the same time claiming "Russia's only isolated by the west who are about 30 countries". You need to chose which logic you are following or either you are just posting for the sake of posting and earning your 5 yuan/posts. Chinese like you think every problem has a solution and it's a nuclear war,you aren't in COD kid.

Everyone knows nuke war is mutually destructive. US' ultimate aim is to destroy Russia anyways. What's the difference between Russia being destroyed by becoming a defeated country/all sanctions and being destroyed by nuke war?

Maybe, after US loses its hegemony in a nuke war, when Russians climb out from their basements, they will find a new world. A world without US bully.

Thanks to America, U.S dollar circulatory percentage has dropped by a dangerously significant amount. Inflation hitting 40 year high. Countries around the world are diversifying their reserves in other currencies.

The amount of Ukrainian tanks and IFVs destroyed, videos circulating is just beyond hilarious. In Mariupol, Azov Nazis are surrendering in the thousands.

Don't what fantasy world you're living in. But please continue to live in your fantasy world. Its hilarious how deluded some people are.

Russia hasn't been able to decesively defeat a country that basically has no navy,no air force and where they lagged behind Russia in every categories. The most hilarious thing is seeing how incompetent the Russian army is,the so called "world's second most powerful army" can't even cross a river without being obliterated and losing several batallions along the way and some thought those drunkards could steamroll Europe in 48 hours. Even Poland could take on Russia seeing how things are going.
You Chinese are the funniest lot out there claiming "Russia is cornered and isolated,they will use nuclear weapons they have nothing to lose" but at the same time claiming "Russia's only isolated by the west who are about 30 countries". You need to chose which logic you are following or either you are just posting for the sake of posting and earning your 5 yuan/posts. Chinese like you think every problem has a solution and it's a nuclear war,you aren't in COD kid.
I'm sorry when did I say Russia would use nuke if it is isolated by west? I don't think being isolated by west is a such a serious problem for Russia that could cause nuke war.
If Ukrainians could go back to 10 years ago, they would hang those US funded trtraitors.
A random Chinese should keep his mouth shut about Ukrainians. You know nothing about them or what they will do.
Ukrainians are currently bravely fighting, and, unfortunately ,many of them,dying, against Russia.
Don't soil their memory by talking in their name!
A random Chinese should keep his mouth shut about Ukrainians. You know nothing about them or what they will do.
Ukrainians are currently bravely fighting, and, unfortunately ,many of them,dying, against Russia.
Don't soil their memory by talking in their name!
Because now they have no chioce. The worst scenario has already happened. If Ukrainians knew what end the color revolution would lead their country to, they would never make that choice. I mean those who brainwashed Ukrainians that a bright future is waiting for them if they join in west deserve to be hanged.
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