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BREAKING - US Federal Court issues summons against Narendra Modi.

Worst part of this summon is US Judge intelligence level. I thought that there is some concept as jurisdiction, US court have no Jurisdiction on Gujarat and cannot do anything. So why the hell that judge not applied his mind and rejected the petition? The fools who filled the petition are also some jokers.
Lol -- look at butt hurt Indians - We all know , nothing much can be done against Modi when in US - but its the matter of making the news and reminding Modi what wrong he has done and it will haunt him till his death ---

Actually a US court summoned Sonia Gandhi and Man Mohan Singh too. Not a single hair was moved. That is the job of the courts to respond to petitions.
Good to see US's ranting of justice and human rights is not all talk. This is a decent symbolic step by US federal court. :tup:
How can a racist man like him get reward as PM of India.
May there be some punishment for him in US.
My reaction to this --- LOL

1. Modi as a head of state has blanket immunity. He can get away with murder at this point.

2. US court has no jurisdiction over something that happened in Gujarat, India.

So again my reaction is :lol:

BTW this is not the first time this has happened. If I remember correctly MMS was also summoned before :lol:
His savage past gona follow him every where- even to his grave- and it a matter of time Karma gona hit him hard and put him to sleep forever-
Contrary to that, he has risen to PM of india! If this is the karma you talking about me too want a dose of karma :P

Android Phonwa me Mis-Type Hui Gawa....
I did mean "Against Americans"
Ka ho mardwa sami tu ta bhojpuri nikal gayila
Senior Obama administration officials previewing the visit said in a teleconference that as a visiting head of government, Modi enjoyed complete immunity for the duration of the visit not only from court proceedings, but also from being personally served or handed court summons. "While we cannot comment specifically on this lawsuit, I can tell you that as a general legal principle, sitting heads of government enjoy immunity from suits in American courts," one official said.

"Sitting heads of government also enjoy personal inviolability while in the United States, which means they cannot be personally handed or delivered papers or summons to begin the process of this," the official said, adding that, "as a matter of treaty, heads of delegation to the UN General Assembly enjoy immunity while in New York to attend the UN event."
This Summon is to Modi the person, not to the PMO, so nobody is authorised to collect it except Modi himself.

We assume our PM visit is a bid deal. Reality is that its not such a big deal for the US govt. or Obama as he is on his last legs of his presidency. US presidents receive head of state of every nation on the planet. Especially when the UN session is ON.

NaMo visit is a big deal for India to convince a lot of US Industries to invest in India. No Govt. to Govt. deal is likely to be signed. There is only one of any significant importance and that is the one dealing with US giving us back some of the money Indians have put in their Social security. Let us see how that works out.

This comment is not going to help you in getting a US VISA. Trust me.

Lol -- look at butt hurt Indians - We all know , nothing much can be done against Modi when in US - but its the matter of making the news and reminding Modi what wrong he has done and it will haunt him till his death ---

What Modi did was absolutely correct, and he will be commended for standing up for the people of Gujarat and for Hindus in general.

A befitting welcome for a criminal.

Is Hafiz Saeed still alive?
Worst part of this summon is US Judge intelligence level. I thought that there is some concept as jurisdiction, US court have no Jurisdiction on Gujarat and cannot do anything. So why the hell that judge not applied his mind and rejected the petition? The fools who filled the petition are also some jokers.

The US are self-important fools some times. The "freedom of religion act" allows US court to prosecute any person from any nation for any crime committed in any nation if the crime is said to be a religious act.

Who do these Americans think they are? They think their courts have the jurisdiction to try, convict and punish a citizen of any nation irregardless of where the alleged crime was committed? What absurdity and self-important BS.

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