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Breaking.... US cuts off aid to Syrian rebels

This means the rebels are now winning. After some time, when they will be on the backfoot, they will again be supplied by USA. :D
Keeping a war going sure is profitable.
This means the rebels are now winning. After some time, when they will be on the backfoot, they will again be supplied by USA. :D
Keeping a war going sure is profitable.

No.Its possible that Assad has achieved a power brokering agreement also.
This means the rebels are now winning. After some time, when they will be on the backfoot, they will again be supplied by USA. :D
Keeping a war going sure is profitable.

Nope. The Americans had always wanted an in with Iran, barring that possibility they were willing to hit it hard but they always preferred having a chance to co-opt Tehran. While the GCC has a lot of pull, Tehran has stamina and depth- think of it as 60s Indo-Pakistan where Pakistan had taken a clear step into the US camp and came out well equipped and directed while we dithered and tried to make our own way. Tehran's potential simply outstrips that of Qatar and the likes and is only matched by KSA as such. America is simply hedging its bet and not to mention making good on a rapprochement with the Iranians which was facilitated through the sanctions and the isolation of Iran. While America realized that sustaining the Syrian conflict with any support from themselves was growing to be an unpopular move the Iranians realized that another year of sanctions and their economy would be mortally wounded, both parties ergo are now taking an urgent re-look at their respective interests and capabilities. There will be a certain drift between KSA and the US but its not as drastic as people believe, since real force projection in the region is still America's card along with a bit of Russian muscle (we are not talking a solitary amphib here or there) and since KSA's still the richest kid on the block with good pull in countries like Pakistan and Egypt.
Go and open different thread about Georgia.

why dont u go and kiss some more @$$, my point is very relevant to your butt munching. And ps as u indians always cry, its a public forum so live with it.
If bashar can't win he will destroy Syria he have nothing to lose there are no winers in this war
No leader want destabilization for the country they rule, so you're a liar
Well, with the FSA withering, its alqaeda's war now.

Give me 1 single freedom fighter in Syria who don't spend all their time screaming Allahu Ackbar

Congrats Syria, you've won a war against +80 enemies
why dont u go and kiss some more @$$, my point is very relevant to your butt munching. And ps as u indians always cry, its a public forum so live with it.

Keep being dicked around in Kuwait, heard they don't allow Pakistanies like you in their country :rofl: , still using their flags shamelessly :omghaha: and smelling Saudi farts. Public forum doesn't mean derailing the thread ,but yes habitual trolls like you are hardwired for that.
There you go with the Shiite-Sunni sectarian thing again. There is no "Shiite pact"
You always revert back to this backward sectarian mindset. I guess that is the consequence of being ruled by a prehistoric feudal and tribal regime.
Habibi, vast majority of the Syrian military are Sunni. Just ponder on that for few seconds.
Even Western studies show Assad enjoys majority of support in Syria, especially after these terrorists destroyed the country.

And Assad has always accepted to be at the negotiating table, what are you on about?
It is the Syrian opposition that have always had this precondition and demand that Assad must be overthrown first.
Which renders negotiations pointless in the first place.

The conflict in Syria is a sectarian conflict, that's a fact dear. As for the regimes part, they are still ahead of yours in all means by years nonetheless.

Most of Sunni soldiers in SAA have defected and fought along with the FSA, and only Alwaities and some other minorities support Bashar while the majority detest him and his supporters.
The conflict in Syria is a sectarian conflict, that's a fact dear. As for the regimes part, they are still ahead of yours in all means by years nonetheless.

Most of Sunni soldiers in SAA have defected and fought along with the FSA, and only Alwaities and some other minorities support Bashar while the majority detest him and his supporters.

^^ more bullshit
^^ more bullshit

Just a quick look at the strength balance between the FSA and "SAA" tells you about the winner and the popularity of each side. Ask yourself, how strong was the "SAA" and is it strong now?, and the same goes for the FSA. And who is really getting stronger and the one who is getting weaker?
Just a quick look at the strength balance between the FSA and "SAA" tells you about the winner and the popularity of each side. Ask yourself, how strong was the "SAA" and is it strong now?, and the same goes for the FSA. And who is really getting stronger and the one who is getting weaker?

You been saying that since February, hoping for a US attack a few months ago telling us it is over...
Btw, FSA ?

Nusra, ISIS, the other Army of Islam suicide bombers are controlling it not FSA, the FSA flag is barely being used anymore by them, the jihadist took over.
maybe in front but not in the back channel CIA they will secretly divert the fund there
Better Late than never, Intelligence reports and various media reports have stated that, Al-Qaeda and other allied groups are also part of Free Syrian Army and many rebels from Free Syrian army have defected to AL-qaeda groups like Al - Nushra and Islamic State of Levant. I don't want Syria to be controlled by Al-Qaeda and other terror groups who would destabilize the whole region which is already in the turmoil.

Now many groups such as mujahideen shura council in the environs of Jerusalem have emerged which has started attacks against Egypt and Israel. There is also a concern among even western Intelligence agencies that many western Jihadists are also fighting in syria.

Source: BBC News - Who are the British jihadists in Syria?

let us pray that the region is soon stabilized, because some media reports have stated that Al-Qaeda allied groups have secured certain key border crossings near various countries borders with Syria.
Good news, but its rather sad. So many lives were lost in vain.
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