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Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

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There are many things that are said on forums. Saudis are Muslims and good Muslims. I think Iran and Saudis should get to table and talk on Yemen and then both GCC and Iran should help Pakistan fight Kashmir and and then we all should fight to make Palestine free again. Don't you think this is a good suggestion?
We Muslims should also demolish dollar and establish our own trade currency?

Sorry but I am not a supporter of war anywhere until there is no escaping war.
Can Saudis negotiate with Iran alone? Iran wants to negotiate too but its as if US is attached to Saudis(and their oil, lets not forget) so Iran cant neogitate with Saudis if when Iran tries it ends up always "negotiating " with Saudis+ US(and potentially + UK, France, etc)
US recon planes picked up iranian speed boat removing an unexploded limpet mine off of one the ships

Clearly this was Iran, as it had exact knowledge of how to remove and without any apprehension quickly dismantled the mine without a specialized bomb removal squadron.

If it was another state actor who placed it, those soldiers wouldn’t go near that thing without a specialized bomb squad.
Nobody would install the mine that high above water level.


Second arrow on the right is what they claim to be the limpet mine. How can a diver install it that high without being noticed?
That's because syria is a majority sunni country. Most of the officers were however alawite.

Similarly the British kept control of Pakistan,India, bangladesh etc by employing local peoples as soldiers.

It means nothing to throw out the "but his army used to be majority sunni!" line.
I guess it still is majority sunni. If he wanted he could have easily recruited all his men from the 30% non-sunni Syrians. Prime minister and foreign minister of Syria are still sunnis.

I didnt say used to be majority sunni, i just said syrian army was majority sunni when i checked it few years ago. I don't talk without sources about todays situation. Nowadays probably still is majority sunni, but i can't confirm it.
I guess it still is majority sunni. If he wanted he could have easily recruited all his men from the 30% non-sunni Syrians. Prime minister and foreign minister of Syria are still sunnis.

I didnt say used to be majority sunni, i just said syrian army was majority sunni when i checked it few years ago. I don't talk without sources about todays situation. Nowadays probably still is majority sunni, but i can't confirm it.

Could've but then would've been of lesser quality and also would've had to use conscription (like he does currently). Doesn't matter, there are always a few sell outs who get to hold positions and the prime ministers position seems useless since the Assad family rules Syria.

Look your argument is literally the argument that racists make after they do or say something racist "I can't be racist coz I have black friends". That's literally what you're doing.
I honestly believe Trump administration was not expecting this, and probably were advised against oil sanctions but went ahead of it to score a win against democrats. They are making a mistake if they see this as cookie points by scrapping Obama orchestrated deal when this is about to become an international crisis issue. UAE and Saudi Arabia don't know how to go about this, they have a lot more to lose than Iran. People here on other hand understate severity of these oil sanctions, Iran is dependent on oil and they will not wait months or over a year or two in this state. Iran will up the ante and continue laying mines in the area, first hit on tankers left dents but now these explosions are more lethal and big fires breaking out.

International community will not agree with Iran's actions here but they are certainly going to point out it could have been avoided if nuclear deal wasn't scrapped and oil sanctions weren't enforced. So this summer is going to get interesting.
If there is any time in US's recent history where mobilization of allies will be the weakest, its now. Trump's divisiveness has negatively affected US friends and allies also. Some are just hiding their disgust or/and rejection of him.
Whats your evidence an Iranian zulfiqar and Iranian made mine was used?
For zulfiqar US army video of boats near tankers I know you see that you can compare zulfiqar boat with video
For mines you don't need even a picture because Iranians many times said before to closing strait
Relax Assadist, stop getting so emotional.

Ha trying to compare Pakistan to Iran. There is no comparison. The day Pakistan helps someone mass murder and mass rape their civilians - I'll call it out. But Pakistan is not Iran, we do not do rubbish like that, we've had our issues but heck we haven't gone to that extremes like how Iran has done to sunnis in Syria and Iraq.

Pakistan is far ahead of Iran in terms of moral high ground.

^This should be a good lesson for many Pakistanis here. Many of deluded Assadists host vast hatred for our country even though we have stayed mostly neutral. They use the same arguments the west uses against it. Maybe one day these Assadists and Iranian regime fanboys will attack us too and claim to be fighting "terrorists".
You lost the argument. Go relax. You're damn right though that i'm not afraid to tell you all my opinions. i think u got a bit butthurt.
I am leaning more towards that myself

This is 9/11 redeux.

The perpetrators want the Iranians to claim credit, like they want ISIS to claim credit when someone in Europe drops a dish scaring those around. (A Chinese chef dropped a large pot of rice terrifying the guests and ISIS claims credit for the incident, more news at 11)

Iran is not stupid enough to start a conflict. They have the UN JCPOA, an Iranian started conflict will end up like Saddam with UN sanctions and worse.

It is far more sane to build 400 nukes, as the Iranian officials are well aware.

Attacking Japanese shipping while asking the Japanese for help is lower than retarded.

This is 9/11 redeux.

The perpetrators want the Iranians to claim credit, like they want ISIS to claim credit when someone in Europe drops a dish scaring those around. (A Chinese chef dropped a large pot of rice terrifying the guests and ISIS claims credit for the incident, more news at 11)

Iran is not stupid enough to start a conflict. They have the UN JCPOA, an Iranian started conflict will end up like Saddam with UN sanctions and worse.

It is far more sane to build 400 nukes, as the Iranian officials are well aware.

Attacking Japanese shipping while asking the Japanese for help is lower than retarded.
I agree with you but just to your point about UN sanctions, Iran has all the sanctions that anyone could ever put on a country. So I'm sure Iran would never worry about UN sanctions as they won't be any worse than what US has put on Iran.
I agree with you but just to your point about UN sanctions, Iran has all the sanctions that anyone could ever put on a country. So I'm sure Iran would never worry about UN sanctions as they won't be any worse than what US has put on Iran.

It would be more intelligent for the Iranians to attack the US carrier groups, than to attack civilian shipping. Attacking civilian shipping could get a repeat of the First Gulf War where nearly entire world supported Kuwait.

Attacking a hostile carrier group would simply mean war with Amerikka sooner than later. Something Washington is trying to avoid.

This whole issue reeks of zionist jews.

Saying the Straits of Hormuz would be closed was the utmost buffoonery by Iran, I knew it then. It invited false flags.

If Iran wants to not be the victim and attack those waging economic warfare, better to not victimize the world against Iran.
Wow! Those are deadly serious missiles. Obviously, the Iranian military leaders have done their homework.
There is much difference between exhibitions and operational limitations/realities.

Houthi also decided to bite more they could chew in USN near Yemeni shores in 2016: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/uss-...ise-missiles-in-yemeni-waters-in-2016.543523/

- fell flat on their faces.

Irani fanboys here probably live in comfortable environments but they do not realize that a proper war with US will turn ugly for Iran, really fast.

Pride hath a fall.

Earlier American responses were reactionary, and of limited scope, but times have changed now with Iraq done and dusted.

Clock is ticking...
As far as I observed the tankers were damaged from starboard not Iranian side, secondly if you look at video released by american you'll see beside its similarity to IRGC Ashoura patrol boat it lacks rear 23 millimeter gun and Iran's flags while number of crew on such a boat isn't more than 3 we could see at least 7~8 crews ...
The guy on the boat trying to remove the limpet mine or whatever it may be needed to stand on the bow to reach it:
limpet-mine-iran-kokuka-courageous-explosion-tanker.jpg Iran IRGC Navy receives Ashoura & Zolfaqar Speedboats.jpg Iran IRGC Navy receives Ashoura & Zolfaqar Speedboats 1.jpg
The point is the it means the mine was attached at least 3~4 meters above the sea level ... which raise these Qs:
Is it possible for a diver to carry such a mine and attach it in such a level? keeping in mind that Iranian limpet mine weight is around 42 kgs while the guy took the object as if it was much lighter .. If it was attached in the same way by a boat why the crew didn't notice it or there is no report over any suspicious boat around it? the video just shows Iranian boat getting close 10 hours later after distress calls ... they needed 10 hours to decide weather the mines needed to be removed?? in presence of american military aircraft?
The second one is why it was attached there on the hull and not underneath of the boat? attaching a mine in that level could be noticed and seen while tankers were leaving the port .. why no one noticed that before?
And some say Iran removed the mine to prevent it from falling in the hands of american .. the point is if Iran is behind it and didn't want to be caught red handed why using Iranians mines?

On the other hand

Yutaka Katada, chief executive of the Japanese company operating the ship called Kokuka Courageous, one of two vessels attacked near the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, said the damage could not have been caused by mines or torpedos that are shot underwater, since the damage was reportedly above the ship’s waterline.
“It seems that something flew towards them. That created the hole, is the report I’ve received,” Mr Katada said at a press conference in Tokyo on Friday, the Financial Times reported.

As it was expected american immediately blamed Iran for attacks without bringing any concrete evidence .. they've just released a blurry video of a boat removing the mine 10 hours later after distress call ... we should wait to see if more data are gonna get released till then it's not possible to find out whom did it ... Pompeo accused Iran due to the so-called "history" of Iran's past behavior which you could see here:
There is much difference between exhibitions and operational limitations/realities.

Houthi also decided to bite more they could chew in USN near Yemeni shores in 2016: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/uss-...ise-missiles-in-yemeni-waters-in-2016.543523/

- fell flat on their faces.

Irani fanboys here probably live in comfortable environments but they do not realize that a proper war with US will turn ugly for Iran, really fast.

Pride hath a fall.

Earlier American responses were reactionary, and of limited scope, but times have changed now with Iraq done and dusted.

Clock is ticking...
Why are you so pro american/british whole the time, are you some british/american guy hiding behind Pakistani username? or you wish you were british american so that you could teach Iran a lesson now? so that the burning spot would heal...
Ofcourse we already know war against a superpower will turn ugly for us, we're just saying we will not surrender, that's it. We're saying we don't bow down for US and we're independent. Why should this hurt someone? expect if the person is some zionist or some puppet king worshipper who begs US to attack Iran but gets humiliated in public by US president.
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