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Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

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Anti-semite is being against israel, against international zionism/jewry and against jews who are pro-israel (98% of them). So go cry saudi zionist and bend for kushner. I'm also against yaudi-arabia :lol: go cry now
Go and read some books or even research in internet Arabs are part of semitic race when you say anti semeti mean anti all people of semitic race include Arabs and Jews my ignorant friend:o:

In December 945 Aḥmad occupied the ʿAbbāsid capital of Baghdad as amīr al-umarāʾ (commander in chief) and, reducing the Sunnī Abbasid caliphs to puppet status, established Būyid rule.

Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi was of Persian origin, from Jannaba in coastal Fars. He was born sometime between 845 and 855, and was reportedly crippled on his left side. He later claimed (or it was claimed by his followers) that he had royal descent from the Sasanian dynasty, but in his early life he was a furrier or flour merchant, initially in his native Jannaba, and later in the vicinity of Kufa, where he moved

Abu Tahir Sulayman al-Jannabi (Arabic: ابو طاهر سلیمان الجنّابي‎, romanized: Abū Tāhir Sulaymān al-Jannābī; 906–944) was the ruler of the Qarmatian state in Bahrayn (Eastern Arabia), who in 930 led the sacking of Mecca.
A younger son of Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi, the founder of the Qarmatian state, Abu Tahir became leader of the state in 923, after ousting his older brother Abu'l-Qasim Sa'id. He immediately began an expansionist phase, raiding Basra that year. He raided Kufa in 927, defeating an Abbasid army in the process, and threatened the Abbasid capital Baghdad in 928 before pillaging much of Iraq when he could not gain entry to the city.

In 930, he led the Qarmatians' most notorious attack when he pillaged Mecca and desecrated Islam's most sacred sites. Unable to gain entry to the city initially, Abu Tahir called upon the right of all Muslims to enter the city and gave his oath that he came in peace. Once inside the city walls the Qarmatian army set about massacring the pilgrims, taunting them with verses of the Koran as they did so. The bodies of the pilgrims were left to rot in the streets or thrown down the Well of Zamzam. The Kaaba was looted, with Abū Tāhir taking personal possession of the Black Stone and bringing it back to al-Hasa.

(End/fall of Abbasid caliphate)

It was Ṭusi’s appropriation of these waqfs that earned him the ire of Sunni Arab chroniclers such as Ebn Aybak Ṣafadi (1296-1363) as much as his involvement in the events in Baghdad. Ṭusi’s role in the fall of Baghdad is fully recorded by Rašid-al-Din Fażl-Allāh (pp. 1007-9), Ḥamd-Allāh Mostawfi (pp. 94-96), Ḵˇāndamir (II, pp. 338-41, tr. pp. 59-60), and even Maḥmud Aqsarāʾi (p. 49), as well as most other Persian chroniclers: “Hülegü Khan commanded him to construct the observatory here in this country, for he had become aware of the goodness of his character and the sincerity of his heart and wished him to be in attendance on him”

Go and read some books or even research in internet Arabs are part of semitic race when you say anti semeti mean anti all people of semitic race include Arabs and Jews my ignorant friend:o:
Jews shoot arab pregnant women with snipers. Is this so called semitism as strong as this arab world thing? the jewish defenition of anti-semitism considers arab as anti-semites.. else they would not attack and defeat arabs in 3 wars.
It is important to note that O'neil had quit his job at the FBI after his investigation into the U.S.S. Cole attack in Yemen was obstructed & sabotaged by U.S ambassador to Yemen, Zionist Barbara Bodine. This is because the U.S.S. Cole was NOT done by Al Qaeda. The USS Cole was hit by an Israeli cruise missile(Source, 39th pp) to sway public opinion against Arabs (Al Qaeda), as well as demonize the democrats (didn't take terror threat seriously) -- so that their puppet George Bush Jr. could be hurled into office in time for 9/11. This was of course completely covered up.

US recon planes picked up iranian speed boat removing an unexploded limpet mine off of one the ships

Clearly this was Iran, as it had exact knowledge of how to remove and without any apprehension quickly dismantled the mine without a specialized bomb removal squadron.

If it was another state actor who placed it, those soldiers wouldn’t go near that thing without a specialized bomb squad.
for me it seems limpet but it was afternoon isn't any higher quality movie

In December 945 Aḥmad occupied the ʿAbbāsid capital of Baghdad as amīr al-umarāʾ (commander in chief) and, reducing the Sunnī Abbasid caliphs to puppet status, established Būyid rule.

Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi was of Persian origin, from Jannaba in coastal Fars. He was born sometime between 845 and 855, and was reportedly crippled on his left side. He later claimed (or it was claimed by his followers) that he had royal descent from the Sasanian dynasty, but in his early life he was a furrier or flour merchant, initially in his native Jannaba, and later in the vicinity of Kufa, where he moved

Abu Tahir Sulayman al-Jannabi (Arabic: ابو طاهر سلیمان الجنّابي‎, romanized: Abū Tāhir Sulaymān al-Jannābī; 906–944) was the ruler of the Qarmatian state in Bahrayn (Eastern Arabia), who in 930 led the sacking of Mecca.
A younger son of Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi, the founder of the Qarmatian state, Abu Tahir became leader of the state in 923, after ousting his older brother Abu'l-Qasim Sa'id. He immediately began an expansionist phase, raiding Basra that year. He raided Kufa in 927, defeating an Abbasid army in the process, and threatened the Abbasid capital Baghdad in 928 before pillaging much of Iraq when he could not gain entry to the city.

In 930, he led the Qarmatians' most notorious attack when he pillaged Mecca and desecrated Islam's most sacred sites. Unable to gain entry to the city initially, Abu Tahir called upon the right of all Muslims to enter the city and gave his oath that he came in peace. Once inside the city walls the Qarmatian army set about massacring the pilgrims, taunting them with verses of the Koran as they did so. The bodies of the pilgrims were left to rot in the streets or thrown down the Well of Zamzam. The Kaaba was looted, with Abū Tāhir taking personal possession of the Black Stone and bringing it back to al-Hasa.

(End/fall of Abbasid caliphate)

It was Ṭusi’s appropriation of these waqfs that earned him the ire of Sunni Arab chroniclers such as Ebn Aybak Ṣafadi (1296-1363) as much as his involvement in the events in Baghdad. Ṭusi’s role in the fall of Baghdad is fully recorded by Rašid-al-Din Fażl-Allāh (pp. 1007-9), Ḥamd-Allāh Mostawfi (pp. 94-96), Ḵˇāndamir (II, pp. 338-41, tr. pp. 59-60), and even Maḥmud Aqsarāʾi (p. 49), as well as most other Persian chroniclers: “Hülegü Khan commanded him to construct the observatory here in this country, for he had become aware of the goodness of his character and the sincerity of his heart and wished him to be in attendance on him”

Jews shoot arab pregnant women with snipers. Is this so called semitism as strong as this arab world thing? the jewish defenition of anti-semitism considers arab as anti-semites.. else they would not attack and defeat arabs in 3 wars.
Assad killed many arab people by your supporting don't cry for Arabs just cry for your poor people cut your hands from Arab world
I advise to you go and read
Assad killed many arab people by your supporting don't cry for Arabs just cry for your poor people cut your hands from Arab world
I advise to you go and read
In arabic assad means lion. Arab world has no meaning for non-arabs, it's just a term like "christian countries", "asian countries", "africans" etc. No unity or anything, almost nothing in common (sudanese, moroccan, syrian, emirati).
Assad's Syria before the West murdered hundreds of thousands over a wicked sectarian conflict, which many of the Sunni FSA repented of and joined Assad's SSA.

Assad's Syria before the West murdered hundreds of thousands over a wicked sectarian conflict, which many of the Sunni FSA repented of and joined Assad's SSA.

It was actually Assad who did most of the murdering and Iran who fanned the flames of sectarianism (even though Assad himself aimed to crush sunnis).

Some rebels turned traitor but that number is small.
Majority of his army was sunni, different defence ministers were sunni.

That's because syria is a majority sunni country. Most of the officers were however alawite.

Similarly the British kept control of Pakistan,India, bangladesh etc by employing local peoples as soldiers.

It means nothing to throw out the "but his army used to be majority sunni!" line.
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