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BREAKING: Tsai Ing-wen re-elected as president of Taiwan (Democracy wins again, Xi in shambles)

If you believe that the Great Firewall is to protect the Chinese, then why are you still surfing websites like YouTube which are blocked?

Why are Chinese posters sharing YouTube videos regularly on this forum?

And worse, going around saying that the CPC is wise for blocking YouTube and how the outside world don't understand China when there's limited interaction due to self-inflicted isolation?

Don’t forget defence.pk is also banned for their “self protection”.

Can we please get over the fact that despite the Chinese firewall, we have several Chinese on this forum expressing *their* views on world affairs? I thought we were *for* freedom of speech, folks..
I think that will only make more Taiwanese even more pro independence( including those in the minority who have been neutral or opposed so far).
The one question China should be asking itself is why her soft power is barely existent even in her own immediate neighbourhood and in sinosphere countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam etc. Countries who all seem to despise the mainland. China really needs to rebuild her image and brand. So far they have done a poor job in this sector.
Russia has done a better job in this regard than China. Just watching RT and CCTV as an example will give you an idea of what I mean. Even Crimea which was annexed by Russia, people there in an overwhelming majority were pro Russia. That I admit myself (even though the covert invasion and annexation was illegal).

it is the exact opposite. they're hard power worshippers. they worship those with power and the will to apply it arbitrarily and cruelly.

Look at Vietnam. France enslaved it for 50 years. They love France. Japan enslaved it for another 10 years. They love Japan. We all know what US did in Vietnam. They love US.

Look at HK. UK shot 50 protestors in 1967, UK is worshipped. China shot 0 protestors in 2019, China is demonized.

All the evidence points towards these people being worshippers of hard power. They love the strong and cruel, and hate the merciful or weak (which to them are the same thing).

So you tell me, why does soft power matter in dealing with them, when all evidence points to soft power not working and hard power working especially well?
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Can we please get over the fact that despite the Chinese firewall, we have several Chinese on this forum expressing *their* views on world affairs? I thought we were *for* freedom of speech, folks..
Do you realize that China is now suffering US propaganda war? When you are in war, some of citizen rights will be limited. Which applies to every country.
Do you realize that China is now suffering US propaganda war? When you are in war, some of citizen rights will be limited. Which applies to every country.

Please enlighten us all on the specific details. Somehow the US is forcing Chinese citizens to visit certain sites so they can read them and be brainwashed. Your Great Firewall has conveniently blocked those sites to defend your citizens from this incredibly insidious plot.

Considering PDF is on the list maybe you can tell us of your daily struggle to avoid the urge to overthrow your government after reading and posting on this site for 8+ years.


Can we please get over the fact that despite the Chinese firewall, we have several Chinese on this forum expressing *their* views on world affairs? I thought we were *for* freedom of speech, folks..

Nothing wrong with it.
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Please enlighten us all on the specific details. Somehow the US is forcing Chinese citizens to visit certain sites so they can read them and be brainwashed. Your Great Firewall has conveniently blocked those sites to defend your citizens from this incredibly insidious plot.

Considering PDF is on the list maybe you can tell us of your daily struggle to avoid the urge to overthrow your government after reading and posting on this site.


Nothing wrong with it.
Please enlighten us all on the specific details. Somehow the US is forcing Chinese citizens to visit certain sites so they can read them and be brainwashed. Your Great Firewall has conveniently blocked those sites to defend your citizens from this incredibly insidious plot.

Considering PDF is on the list maybe you can tell us of your daily struggle to avoid the urge to overthrow your government after reading and posting on this site for 8+ years.
US forces Chinese to visit certain sites? Why US has to do so with the fact that US dominates internet and US comanies penetrate every corner of the net? Do you think google has to force Huawei to use its softwares? Thank Chinese government for its blocking google otherwise Huawei would have died already on the day US government issued Huawei ban.

As far as I know, US government is planning to ban TikTok. This is also a firewall set for Americans. Enjoy.
As far as I know, US government is planning to ban TikTok. This is also a firewall set for Americans. Enjoy.

LOL! They can pass a law that says everybody has to wear pink shirts 24 hours a day but that doesn’t mean it will pass Constitutional muster. It will be thrown out as violating people’s rights. So don’t worry about it. However Apple and Google can refuse to put it in the store.

We should all be envious of the stamina you possess in not rushing your local government offices in a maniacal manner after reading this CIA controlled Pakistan Defence Forum whose sole purpose is to brainwash the unsuspecting Chinese minority English language readers (not Pakistani or others BTW).

Or do you think a more likely reason for the PDF ban is somebody posted a Winnie-the-Pooh pic and some automated Chinese web crawler saw it and blacklisted the entire site.
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Do you realize that China is now suffering US propaganda war? When you are in war, some of citizen rights will be limited. Which applies to every country.
that 'propaganda war', if there even is one, was caused by China's policies of stealing intellectual property rights of foreign companies operating in China.

and even in 'propaganda war', there is little valid reason to 'limit the rights of the citizens'.
prove me wrong, if you can.
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