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BREAKING: Tsai Ing-wen re-elected as president of Taiwan (Democracy wins again, Xi in shambles)

And you love to see that, don't you?

Absolutely fantastic result. Good has defeated evil. It is a humiliating result for the despotic regime in Beijing.

Taiwan has Democracy, rule of law, independent judiciary, right to a lawyer, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to protest, freedom of religion, human rights.

Congratulations to the Taiwanese people and the Taiwanese nation.
"Good has defeated evil"..?

prove that the Chinese leaderships are evil, please.
Xi did everything to make sure Tsai wins. It gives the mainland the excuse to reunify by means of war and implement one country one system. The Hong Kong experiment, though well intended, gave too much room to CIA infiltration.

Congratulation to Xi and to the Chinese people. Reunification is just around the corner.
I think that if her opponent from KMT who is more friendly towards China won then you would still have rephrased it in a different way to say: " Xi did everything to make sure she lost and she did". Lol

Anyway, I don't see anything good in this for China. Just means vast majority of Taiwanese are still wary of the mainland/CCP and would rather keep their current independence/way of life.

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In my humble opinion, Singapore has got a great balance in politics so far. Public agenda is set by elected members of parliament in the parliament, not by the media which unelected editors have a great sway of over public opinion.

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Anyway, I don't see anything good in this for China. Just means vast majority of Taiwanese are still wary of the mainland/CCP and would rather keep their current independence/way of life.

I agree. This is bad. How to solve the problem? Simple. Increase military spending, increase economic pressure on Taiwan and reaffirm the will to use force to prevent independence.

What did you think the response was going to be? did you think it was going to be "seems like they don't like us, we're going to decrease military spending and reconsider the use of force."


In my humble opinion, Singapore has got a great balance in politics so far. Public agenda is set by elected members of parliament in the parliament, not by the media which unelected editors have a great sway of over public opinion.

You may not believe this. Taiwanese are more brainwashed than mainland Chinese, even as they said they live in a free and democratic society. They worship west and very naive. When I talk to Taiwan people on net, I always feel IQ superior
You do realize that utility of IQ as a measure of success or intelligence is at best limited. Its real purpose is to find moderate to acute mental retardation.

Lol you can't be sure about that. Taiwanese shows are broadcast in Singapore, and I'm exposed to more Taiwanese shows than Singaporean shows since I was kid as my family watches them. Even the Prime Minister watches them sometimes I guess.


That's just human nature. Even in big companies people play dirty to rise to the top and capture power, much less running a country, whether the country is democratic or undemocratic. You mean to tell me in the mainland the system is all meritocratic and is cleaner than Taiwan, just because the media doesn't wash the dirty laundry in public?

In the mainland if you lose the power struggle and if you're lucky you get a forced retirement. If you unlucky you can be jailed or even put to death, if there's a conflict in interest and you have no political backing. You say Taiwan's politics are dirty because of fake news and because they fight in parliament? Really? What is 王世坚 in comparison?

I can tell you Taiwan's politics and voters (as well as internet) is much more toxic during the times of Chen Shui Bian. They are slowly maturing. Younger candidates and supporters are much more educated and civilized.
Lol you can't be sure about that. Taiwanese shows are broadcast in Singapore, and I'm exposed to more Taiwanese shows than Singaporean shows since I was kid as my family watches them. Even the Prime Minister watches them sometimes I guess.

That's just human nature. Even in big companies people play dirty to rise to the top and capture power, much less running a country, whether the country is democratic or undemocratic. You mean to tell me in the mainland the system is all meritocratic and is cleaner than Taiwan, just because the media doesn't wash the dirty laundry in public?

In the mainland if you lose the power struggle and if you're lucky you get a forced retirement. If you unlucky you can be jailed or even put to death, if there's a conflict in interest and you have no political backing. You say Taiwan's politics are dirty because of fake news and because they fight in parliament? Really? What is 王世坚 in comparison?

I can tell you Taiwan's politics and voters (as well as internet) is much more toxic during the times of Chen Shui Bian. They are slowly maturing. Younger candidates and supporters are much more educated and civilized.
It's not human nature. Okay? No other socalled democratic society is as sick as Taiwan. In youtube I talked with many people from different countries. Most them are normal. On the other hand Taiwanese are very politicalized and meanwhile very dumb in politics. They will pay a huge cost for their stupidity in the future. Let wait and see. I should just stop talking this topic with you.
It's not human nature. Okay? No other socalled democratic society is as sick as Taiwan. In youtube I talked with many people from different countries. Most them are normal. On the other hand Taiwanese are very politicalized and meanwhile very dumb in politics. They will pay a huge cost for their stupidity in the future. Let wait and see. I should just stop talking this topic with you.

Look, I read the comments from time to time. I don't find comments from the mainland any better.

Look, I read the comments from time to time. I don't find comments from the mainland any better.


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I don't understand this self-entitled logic from Chinese netizens. You know, saying stuff like the Taiwanese are ungrateful for the trade surplus and threaten to cut trade.

China runs a trade surplus against the US too, so? China should be 'grateful' to the US then and heed her political bidding? The US runs a trade surplus against Singapore too, so? The US should be 'grateful' to Singapore?

Absolute nonsense. As if China's trade deficit against Taiwan is an act of altruism. It's business, willing buyer willing seller. If I can get a better deal from others, I will.


If you believe that the Great Firewall is to protect the Chinese, then why are you still surfing websites like YouTube which are blocked?

Why are Chinese posters sharing YouTube videos regularly on this forum?

And worse, going around saying that the CPC is wise for blocking YouTube and how the outside world don't understand China when there's limited interaction due to self-inflicted isolation?

It's totally self-contradicting.

But you're right that we may not understand you guys, just like how you guys may not understand us. We have different default views on the very same internet platforms which these discussions are carried out.

We have different bearings, different values, different worldview.
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I agree. This is bad. How to solve the problem? Simple. Increase military spending, increase economic pressure on Taiwan and reaffirm the will to use force to prevent independence.

What did you think the response was going to be? did you think it was going to be "seems like they don't like us, we're going to decrease military spending and reconsider the use of force."
I think that will only make more Taiwanese even more pro independence( including those in the minority who have been neutral or opposed so far).
The one question China should be asking itself is why her soft power is barely existent even in her own immediate neighbourhood and in sinosphere countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam etc. Countries who all seem to despise the mainland. China really needs to rebuild her image and brand. So far they have done a poor job in this sector.
Russia has done a better job in this regard than China. Just watching RT and CCTV as an example will give you an idea of what I mean. Even Crimea which was annexed by Russia, people there in an overwhelming majority were pro Russia. That I admit myself (even though the covert invasion and annexation was illegal).
I don't understand this self-entitled logic from Chinese netizens. You know, saying stuff like the Taiwanese are ungrateful for the trade surplus and threaten to cut trade.

China runs a trade surplus against the US too, so? China should be 'grateful' to the US then and heed her political bidding? The US runs a trade surplus against Singapore too, so? The US should be 'grateful' to Singapore?

Absolute nonsense. As if China's trade deficit against Taiwan is an act of altruism. It's business, willing buyer willing seller. If I can get a better deal from others, I will.
As I said, China mainland offered Taiwan unilaterally favorable EFCA. US didn't do that to China.
If you believe that the Great Firewall is to protect the Chinese, then why are you still surfing websites like YouTube which are blocked?

Why are Chinese posters sharing YouTube videos regularly on this forum?

And worse, going around saying that the CPC is wise for blocking YouTube and how the outside world don't understand China when there's limited interaction and different default view on the very same internet platform which the discussion is carried out?

It's totally self-contradicting.

But you're right that we may not understand you guys, just like you guys may not understand us. Well, then so be it.
Using VPN is not illegal in China, even though we have to pay some money for it. I personally would like to undertake the inconvience brought by firewall block. Because you know if we let American companies dominate China's market, we will eventually pay more money to America. In this regard, we had a very bad experience in the bean oil industry with Monsanto
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The one question China should be asking itself is why her soft power is barely existent even in her own immediate neighbourhood and in sinosphere countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam etc. Countries who all seem to despise the mainland.

Because they suck at propaganda. Every country has their own propaganda, but a good propaganda is a subtle one which the Chinese are obviously unskilled at.

Censorship of websites make it worse, because you lose the moral high ground that you're afraid of what others have to say. Whether you're actually right or wrong, people will instinctively doubt you if you're don't dare to have an open debate.
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Because they suck at propaganda. Every country has their own propaganda, but a good propaganda is a subtle one which the Chinese are obviously unskilled at.

And censorship makes it worse, because you loses the moral high ground that you're afraid of what others have to say.
Nothing about propaganda skill. It's all about hard power you have. US has it. So people buy their propaganda. And you know China adopted "韬光养晦” policy. Keeping low profile is reasonable.

If you believe that the Great Firewall is to protect the Chinese, then why are you still surfing websites like YouTube which are blocked?

Why are Chinese posters sharing YouTube videos regularly on this forum?

And worse, going around saying that the CPC is wise for blocking YouTube and how the outside world don't understand China when there's limited interaction due to self-inflicted isolation?

It's totally self-contradicting.

But you're right that we may not understand you guys, just like how you guys may not understand us. We have different default views on the very same internet platforms which these discussions are carried out.

We have different bearings, different values, different worldview.
More. Besides paying more money. There is also a political risk. You should know the ugly role facebook and Tittwer had played in syria, Hongkong, etc. As I said earlier, China is the major target of America propaganda weapons.
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