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Featured BREAKING: Taiwan signs deal to buy 66 F-16 jets from US defence giant Lockheed Martin

J-10C is superior to F-16V and on top of that J-20 is a beast that trashes any F-16 out there.

F16 V will come with AIM 120 D the top of the line US BVR missile and most advance in the world..... China is developing PL15 but I think full integration on J10/J20 will take time..... till then even J20/J10 are at serious disadvantage against Block 72 with AESA and AIM 120 D.....
F16 V will come with AIM 120 D the top of the line US BVR missile and most advance in the world..... China is developing PL15 but I think full integration on J10/J20 will take time..... till then even J20/J10 are at serious disadvantage against Block 72 with AESA and AIM 120 D.....
Pl15 is already integrated and operational. Whereas f16 V will take time atleast 5 years to deliver by then China eill have much more j20 operational. So taiwan will still be at big disadvantage unless they get f35.
Pl15 is already integrated and operational. Whereas f16 V will take time atleast 5 years to deliver by then China eill have much more j20 operational. So taiwan will still be at big disadvantage unless they get f35.
Taiwan won't exist in five years when the F-16Vs are ready for delivery. Reunification by force will happen in a matter of months.
China is not worried. Even with the number of F-16s more than 10 times (666), Taiwan did not dare attack China.
China takes a proactive position. But keeping a chicken for eggs is better than killing it. China is very patient.
Pl15 is already integrated and operational. Whereas f16 V will take time atleast 5 years to deliver by then China eill have much more j20 operational. So taiwan will still be at big disadvantage unless they get f35.

Who knows in 5 years block 72s will even come with AIM 260.....
Taiwan won't exist in five years when the F-16Vs are ready for delivery. Reunification by force will happen in a matter of months.

We are hearing this since decades...... with USA sitting in Pacific its not as easy to take on Taiwan as it's like taking a walk in park...... if really you were capable by now you would have taken it..... Chinese military planners are not kids like you....
We are hearing this since decades...... with USA sitting in Pacific its not as easy to take on Taiwan as it's like taking a walk in park...... if really you were capable by now you would have taken it..... Chinese military planners are not kids like you....
LOL we already invaded India, invaded Hong Kong, invaded South China Sea, invaded East China Sea... it will only be a matter of months before we invade Taiwan too.
China is not worried. Even with the number of F-16s more than 10 times (666), Taiwan did not dare attack China.
China takes a proactive position. But keeping a chicken for eggs is better than killing it. China is very patient.

Why would Taiwan attack China??? Please do some research it's China claiming Taiwan as a part of mainland China...... Taiwan is very happy without China.....
LOL we already invaded India, invaded Hong Kong, invaded South China Sea, invaded East China Sea... it will only be a matter of months before we invade Taiwan too.

Taiwan has agreement with USA that incase of attack on Taiwan USA will get involved...... India and SCS countries don't have such contracts.....and why you take so much pride in INVADING other countries???
LOL we already invaded India, invaded Hong Kong, invaded South China Sea, invaded East China Sea... it will only be a matter of months before we invade Taiwan too.

Taiwan won't exist in five years when the F-16Vs are ready for delivery. Reunification by force will happen in a matter of months.

To attack Taiwan, China needs more preparation. Maybe they're adopting Zuo ZongTang's strategy. The timing of an attack can be late, but sure and effective
Taiwan has agreement with USA that incase of attack on Taiwan USA will get involved...... India and SCS countries don't have such contracts.....and why you take so much pride in INVADING other countries???
USA couldn't help Japan against China. USA couldn't help South Korea against China. Taiwan will be the final showdown between China and the USA in East Asia. After we take Taiwan, then the next target will be Australia.

To attack Taiwan, China needs more preparation. Maybe they're adopting Zuo ZongTang's strategy. The timing of an attack can be late, but sure and effective
The Chinese government already said it plainly: when Taiwan independence becomes a reality, then we attack. All the preparation is done already.
USA couldn't help Japan against China. USA couldn't help South Korea against China. Taiwan will be the final showdown between China and the USA in East Asia. After we take Taiwan, then the next target will be Australia.

The Chinese government already said it plainly: when Taiwan independence becomes a reality, then we attack. All the preparation is done already.

Why Australia??? Please explain... they neither share land border with China nor they have maritime boundaries with you..... so why Australia will be your next target???
Why Australia??? Please explain... they neither share land border with China nor they have maritime boundaries with you..... so why Australia will be your next target???
Australia choose USA over China so they must pay the price.
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