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Breaking: Sat pics shows Indian troops has intruded into mountains in Chinese side of LAC in Galwan

Because India is known for fake news and propaganda fraud in the world. Look it up if Kumar, kutty or patel "experts" didn't remove it from Google.

Bro - move on! We both know credibilites of both media's. I have guts to accept where need to accept but I don't see in most of the Pakistanis.
India and their graphics art lol.
Wrong. Soil erosion has different gradient and looks entirely different. All data available clearly show it is a track
What is all data mate? It's just a guesstimate from a 20 year old armchair analyst. Show me any structures and I will call you papa. Lolol

See below pic by Nathan on supposedly Indian occupation of rock cliff. Unless you are spiderman. I have nothing to say. One minute you are batman, the next you are spiderman. Lololol

Are you gonna call that erosion new Chinese path?
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What is all data mate? It's just a guesstimate from a 20 year old armchair analyst. Show me any structures and I will call you papa. Lolol

See below pic by Nathan on supposedly Indian occupation of rock cliff. Unless you are spiderman. I have nothing to say. One minute you are batman, the next you are spiderman. Lololol
View attachment 644617

Are you gonna call that erosion new Chinese path?
Epic Fail.
Here is a more detailed pic of path

Contours in this area have an opposite orientation so soil erosion is nor even possible in this direction

Shows you Don't know basic geography.
indian chaps on a hiking trip... so cute

hope they brought their diapers this time.

it is common sense

Chinese infantry especially its mountain troops are superior to indians.. indians are crying alot calling for boycott of Chinese goods..Your PM had to come on TV and explain things.. did the chinese do it?

Chinese are not calling for the same. although it could be argued who wants to buy made in india.

i do not know how much they suffered , but putting two and two together it clear india has suffered alot.
Mark my words. In due time China will declare its Deaths as well but with 1 difference, the deaths will be below 20 like 15 or 12✌.
Now why not 5 or 6? Cause no1 will believe them.

I know Pakistani likes to troll & I find it funny bhakt get so triggered by it. But you guys are also a lot like chini bhakt when it comes to India China
Bro - move on! We both know credibilites of both media's. I have guts to accept where need to accept but I don't see in most of the Pakistanis.

You maybe one in a half billion.

And don't compare with Pakistan. I can fhnd you threads on this very forum where Pakistani criticizing something in Pakistan. While you believe your media and army word to word, no matter how naked propaganda is.
while indians here faking sat data BBC is saying something else:lol:

china is building bunker on indian border side and its some 5km inside india as per ajay shukla

وادی گلوان میں چین انڈیا جھڑپ: سیٹلائٹ تصاویر میں انڈین سرحد پر ’چینی تعمیرات‘ دیکھی جا سکتی ہیں



Chinese killed 23 soliders, arrested 10. Killed a CO, arrested bunch of majors. The world was shook at Chinese aggression.

India, Modi humiliated and defeated worldwide. News reports, analysts, news channels discussed Chinese beat down of india.

And the world then moved on.......and here comes indians with their "strategic victory" on media, internet, twitter, and soon Wikipedia :lol:

As always, while the world laughs and humiliates india----indians are stuck with fake news and imaginary victories to soothe their souls
as they shot down f-16 and ask us to prove it wrong . still our SAR working to find wreckage and wc shzaz udeen
Epic Fail.
Here is a more detailed pic of path

Contours in this area have an opposite orientation so soil erosion is nor even possible in this direction

Shows you Don't know basic geography.
You are showing me a 2D pic and telling me about geography, you can't tell contours on a flat pic unless you draw out the contour lines mate. Hahahahhaha. I didn't know soil erosion flows horizontally.


This pic is exactly the one in Nathan's twitter, I just added comments, Indian base is located at a eroded mountain face. That line is another erosion line mate. Unless you are now SPIDERMAN. lol
You are showing me a 2D pic and telling me about geography, you can't tell contours on a flat pic unless you draw out the contour lines mate. Hahahahhaha. I didn't know soil erosion flows horizontally.

View attachment 644713

This pic is exactly the one in Nathan's twitter, I just added comments, Indian base is located at a eroded mountain face. That line is another erosion line mate. Unless you are now SPIDERMAN. lol

They are not spiderman.

Their defence minister calls then hanuman army .


Incase you are wondering what is Hanuman .

Than let me answer you it is a Monkey God according to Hindu Mythology.
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