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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

no they are not, the first and most violent of sunni insurgencies are done by this guy, which is very very anti Iranian

you might recognize his successor group, the So called daesh

No dumbass, a few guys like al Zarqawi dont make all sunni patriot iraqis support him and his ideology. What a stupid moron you are.

Mohandis is an iranian collaborator during iran iraq war, which happen to have an iranian mother

Mohandes was living in Iraq, had Iraqi father and Iraqi nationality. What does that make him you dumbass ? a Dominican

wow that must be the passenger of ukrainine airlines 752 after Iran retaliates by totally accurately sending missile to the americans for soleimani
WOW, or it must be the few peasant afghanis that crashed in the heart of the US. I laugh at US incompetence. Constantly being killed by Irans friends.

But we had nothing to do with this for sure.

No dumbass, a few guys like al Zarqawi dont make all sunni patriot iraqis support him and his ideology. What a stupid moron you are.
I never said all sunnis, its a matter of HARD AND COLD FACTS, that most US casualties are as a result of the sunni Insurgency under zarqawi (which totally completely hate Iran) and most of the most gruesome battle are between the US and Sunni insurgency, Shia insurgency just pale in comparison.

just look at the multiple battle of fallujah as exmaple.

so your claims that those are under iranian blessing's are totally ridiculous.
most of the US casualties are by the sunni insurgency in the baghdad,ramadi and fallujah triangle. + and this 4000 deaths happened before Soleimani killing. so it doesnt count as "retaliation"

US could not invade and destroy Afghanistan and Iraq without full Iranian assistance.

Today Taliban don't even want to hear their excuses. Iraqi Sunnis and Kurds are trying to get them out of Iraq.
Btw, any news about your beloved CIA guy ?

I heard he enjoys Iranian Chole kabab in some nice villa :)

Mohandes was living in Iraq, had Iraqi father and Iraqi nationality. What does that make him you dumbass ? a Dominican

Mohandes was living in Iraq, had Iraqi father and Iraqi nationality. and somewhat fighting for iran during iran iraq war that makes him a traitor thank you

US could not invade and destroy Afghanistan and Iraq without full Iranian assistance.

Today Taliban don't even want to hear their excuses. Iraqi Sunnis and Kurds are trying to get them out of Iraq.
as I said before this people are full of delusion of themeselves.
I never said all sunnis, its a matter of HARD AND COLD FACTS, that most US casualties are as a result of the sunni Insurgency under zarqawi (which totally completely hate Iran) and most of the most gruesome battle are between the US and Sunni insurgency, Shia insurgency just pale in comparison.

just look at the multiple battle of fallujah as exmaple.

so your claims that those are under iranian blessing's are totally ridiculous.

True, Daesh took advantage of Sunni sentiments. However US also helped Daesh along and later into Syria to discredit FSA.
I never said all sunnis, its a matter of HARD AND COLD FACTS, that most US casualties are as a result of the sunni Insurgency under zarqawi (which totally completely hate Iran) and most of the most gruesome battle are between the US and Sunni insurgency, Shia insurgency just pale in comparison.
BULLSHIT, the most severe battles happened in Shia iraqi cities where the Americans got constactly killed and maimed by Iraqi shia. You dumbass.

All the evidence are there. Not to mention the Iranian funding of Sunni resistance by allowing the Shia in Iraq to collaborate with their Sunni brothers to kill Americans.

so your claims that those are under iranian blessing's are totally ridiculous.
Haha, every Joe knows that you dumbass. Have you been living under a rock since 2003 ?
Btw, any news about your beloved CIA guy ?

I heard he enjoys Iranian Chole kabab in some nice villa :)

wow , I think soleimani cute and hot daughter have to live up with this:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:

totally not so handsome father anymore:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Screenshot (394).png
Mohandes was living in Iraq, had Iraqi father and Iraqi nationality. and somewhat fighting for iran during iran iraq war that makes him a traitor thank you
Dumbass, if Mohandes is a traitor or not :rofl:... is up to the Iraqis to decide that...and not a gypsy like you.

We saw what position Mohandes had in Iraq. With full blessing of Iraqi people

wow , I think soleimani cute and hot daughter have to live up with this:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:

totally not so handsome father anymore:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
View attachment 622723
You know how easy it is to post photos American dead bodies torn apart by IED shrapnels ? Only gypsies like you go against forum rules to post graphic images :D

wow , I think soleimani cute and hot daughter have to live up with this:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:

totally not so handsome father anymore:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
View attachment 622723
Imagine, going to a country. Having a death and injured figure of 36.000+ and at the end leaving the country to Shia patriot Iraqis and their neighbouring friends .:cheesy::rofl:

What a failure, you dumbass.
BULLSHIT, the most severe battles happened in Shia iraqi cities where the Americans got constactly killed and maimed by Iraqi shia. You dumbass.


all in sunni area, these are the worst and serious combat the US have to deal with, many later inspiring american war movies like this (based on 1st battle of ramadi) and battles against abu musab al zarqawi

We saw what position Mohandes had in Iraq. With full blessing of Iraqi people
a position he had after the US invasion of Iraq and the puppet goverment loyal to iran. theres a difference LOLZ
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Imagine, going to a country. Having a death and injured figure of 36.000+ and at the end leaving the country to Shia patriot Iraqis and their neighbouring friends .:cheesy:

Their biggest success was turning Sunnis and Shias against each other. We are still fighting today in Syria and Yemen.

They opened Pandora's box in Iraq and Afghanistan by patronage to Shia militias.
US superpower diplomats aka spies captured and humiliated infront of the world.

Imagine, going to a country. Having a death and injured figure of 36.000+ and at the end leaving the country to Shia patriot Iraqis and their neighbouring friends .:cheesy::rofl:

What a failure, you dumbass.

lol they're not leaving. in fact they just transfer more patriots to the country

Their biggest success was turning Sunnis and Shias against each other. We are still fighting today in Syria and Yemen.

They opened Pandora's box in Iraq and Afghanistan by patronage to Shia militias.
every claims they made about themselves, I easily debunked all that claims.

like I said the prize of the so called MARTYR SOLEmani= 2 ordinary soldier and they need months to achieve just that.

Dumbass, the Sunni factions in Iraq, -apart from the ISIS hardcore likes of zarqawi- got their direct support and funding of Shia groups in Iraq. Ask the USSD, Pompeo will tell you :rofl:

Shia militias struggle against the US occupation


Anyway, we are proud to have funded the killing of Americans in Iraq. With pleasure...

Superpower US army owned by Iranian sandstorm :rofl:


There are photos of American pigs laying dead in a very horrible manner. But i wont post them :flame:

lol they're not leaving. in fact they just transfer more patriots to the country
You are withdrawing from Iraqi bases, dumbass. Al Assad base is just one of the few left. Eventually you will all be kicked out by patriot Iraqis.

every claims they made about themselves, I easily debunked all that claims.
You didnt debunk anything you dumbass. You lack any historical knowledge of the Iraq war and the region. You constantly embarass yourself.
like I said the prize of the so called MARTYR SOLEmani= 2 ordinary soldier and they need months to achieve just that.
Ehm, no dumbass. According to your own US state department the reason Soleimani was killed was because of many US casualties caused by him.

Soleimani 4000 - 1 USA
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