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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Lol not after another Vietnam just remember how the coward Reagan ran away from Hezbollah in Lebanon so how can he handle invading Iran?!
Why are you talking about things from so many years ago? If the US wills, it will absolutely wreck Iran, turn it into a bowl or glass, and make sure not even a cockroach ever land its feet there for the next century.

Remember Operation Praying Mantis, that was utter humiliation for Iran. And recently Soleimani got fried by the US.

Would only happen after Iran and Israels destruction
Israel won't get destroyed
Why are you talking about things from so many years ago? If the US wills, it will absolutely wreck Iran, turn it into a bowl or glass, and make sure not even a cockroach ever land its feet there for the next century.

Remember Operation Praying Mantis, that was utter humiliation for Iran. And recently Soleimani got fried by the US.

Israel won't get destroyed
You speak as if using a nuclear weapons are some kind of game and that Iran can’t hit back with nukes/dirty bombs/EMPs.
Why are you talking about things from so many years ago? If the US wills, it will absolutely wreck Iran, turn it into a bowl or glass, and make sure not even a cockroach ever land its feet there for the next century.

Remember Operation Praying Mantis, that was utter humiliation for Iran. And recently Soleimani got fried by the US.

Israel won't get destroyed

That operation you talk about, happened in 1988. After going through a turbulent revolution and 8 years of bloody war and a wrecked and fatiqued army, Iran couldnt do much against the US.

Back then Iran had no ballistic missiles, no submarines, no forces in the region, no anti ship missiles, no drones.... nothing, nada, zero.

Thank god US military planners arent as dumb as you are.

About Soleimani, are you kidding right ? He was responsible for the coordination and funding of slaying of atleast 4000 American occupying soldiers. 4000 Americans vs 1 general is fair enough to me.

And recently more Americans were blown up at their base. This will continue my settler friend, Irans retaliation will continue during Trump and long after he is gone.

Dumb mistake.
That operation you talk about, happened in 1988. After going through a turbulent revolution and 8 years of bloody war and a wrecked and fatiqued army, Iran couldnt do much against the US.

Back then Iran had no ballistic missiles, no submarines, no forces in the region, no anti ship missiles, no drones.... nothing, nada, zero.

Thank god US military planners arent as dumb as you are.

About Soleimani, are you kidding right ? He was responsible for the coordination and funding of slaying of atleast 4000 American occupying soldiers. 4000 Americans vs 1 general is fair enough to me.

And recently more Americans were blown up at their base. This will continue my settler friend, Irans retaliation will continue during Trump and long after he is gone.

Dumb mistake.
Your friend here is talking about Vietnam and you're crying about 1988? Iran was humiliated, is being humiliated, and will be humiliated, by both the US and Israel, countless of times.

All your weaponry is nothing compared to what the US has to offer and a single US carrier group can wipe the floor with Iran.

And all it took to kill your most important general, second most important man in Iran, was a single drone, and a simple order to execute.
And all Iran could do in response was fire 13 ballistic missiles that did absolutely nothing at an unprotected airbase, and then get sanctioned to hell to make it even more of a poor shithole than it was the day before.

You're a delusional schizophrenic if you think Iran is winning in any shape or form, whether it is militarily, economically or politicially.

You speak as if using a nuclear weapons are some kind of game and that Iran can’t hit back with nukes/dirty bombs/EMPs.
It doesn't need nukes to defeat Iran.

Iran can't, it doesn't have the means themselves, nor the means to deliver them.
Your friend here is talking about Vietnam and you're crying about 1988? Iran was humiliated, is being humiliated, and will be humiliated, by both the US and Israel, countless of times.

All your weaponry is nothing compared to what the US has to offer and a single US carrier group can wipe the floor with Iran.

And all it took to kill your most important general, second most important man in Iran, was a single drone, and a simple order to execute.
And all Iran could do in response was fire 13 ballistic missiles that did absolutely nothing at an unprotected airbase, and then get sanctioned to hell to make it even more of a poor shithole than it was the day before.

You're a delusional schizophrenic if you think Iran is winning in any shape or form, whether it is militarily, economically or politicially.

It doesn't need nukes to defeat Iran.

Iran can't, it doesn't have the means themselves, nor the means to deliver them.
i hope when the day comes you can say these words again without shitting your pants.
Your friend here is talking about Vietnam and you're crying about 1988? Iran was humiliated, is being humiliated, and will be humiliated, by both the US and Israel, countless of times.
I thought the Israelis would know what humiliation means when a few south Lebanese peasants sent your soldiers home in bodybags to their weeping mothers ?

Or US losing in Vietnam...or the US losing thousands of well equipped servicemen to ragtag flipflop wearing civilians armed with old rifles and stones.

If you were a American,Israeli dad or mom, wouldn't you be shocked and ashamed to know your son or daughter, despite having the best equipment and ammunition than anyone in the world have been killed by a former Iraqi taxi driver or a Lebanese peasant?

Thats incredibly shameful and a huge humiliation imo. Iran humiliated the US many times since 1980's. I wouldnt even go into the details as i have no time to write everything but will for sure do if you are cheeky enough. :)

All your weaponry is nothing compared to what the US has to offer and a single US carrier group can wipe the floor with Iran.
They would have done it if they could when Iran openly declared war on the US government in 1980 by seizing dozens of US diplomats and military personnel.

True, US has a trillion dollar army, which can quickly turn into a 10 bilion$ organization with just 2 noor and qader anti ship missiles.

And all it took to kill your most important general, second most important man in Iran, was a single drone, and a simple order to execute.

And even with a simple order now, the supreme leader of Iran can order to fire thousands of ballistic missiles into densely packed Israeli cities, leaving Israeli infrastructure cratered and paralyzed for the next decades.

Oh and there would be no warning, this time.

See my settler friend. If Iran's strategic game was based on one or two emotional and rash decisions we would have never been able to make so many friends in the region, you know.

And all Iran could do in response was fire 13 ballistic missiles that did absolutely nothing at an unprotected airbase,

Oh ofcourse it did nothing, just smashed their facilities into rubbles.




and then get sanctioned to hell to make it even more of a poor shithole than it was the day before.
Sanctions dont mean anything when the government is still able to troll the US and Israel.

It also dont mean anything when the average Iranian lives on par with the average Israeli despite being sanctioned since 1980.

You're a delusional schizophrenic if you think Iran is winning in any shape or form, whether it is militarily, economically or politicially.
To correct you : You're a delusional schizophrenic if you think whats being played out on the ground RIGHT NOW is some kind of US win.

It doesn't need nukes to defeat Iran.
Just like how you don't need nukes to defeat a few Iraqi or Afghan peasants, right ?

Iran can't,

Can't what ? Build nukes ? Its a 40'tech. It can easily be achieved by Iranian scientists. But the decision for making is something else.

it doesn't have the means themselves, nor the means to deliver them.

There is no need for developing nukes, at this point, really. Not worth it considering the political opposition. What will it achieve for Iran, anyway ? We can't use them. Nukes are trash. They cant be used because no one will launch the first one. Its a imaginery weapon.

Look at that destroyed US base, that was achieved with pinpoint technology, even without armed warheads. Just empty heads.

Considering Israel's size (its 2,3 times bigger than the US airbase) , it can easily be destroyed with highly advanced BM technology.
I thought the Israelis would know what humiliation means when a few south Lebanese peasants sent your soldiers home in bodybags to their weeping mothers ?

Or US losing in Vietnam...or the US losing thousands of well equipped servicemen to ragtag flipflop wearing civilians armed with old rifles and stones.

If you were a American,Israeli dad or mom, wouldn't you be shocked and ashamed to know your son or daughter, despite having the best equipment and ammunition than anyone in the world have been killed by a former Iraqi taxi driver or a Lebanese peasant?

Thats incredibly shameful and a huge humiliation imo. Iran humiliated the US many times since 1980's. I wouldnt even go into the details as i have no time to write everything but will for sure do if you are cheeky enough. :)

They would have done it if they could when Iran openly declared war on the US government in 1980 by seizing dozens of US diplomats and military personnel.

True, US has a trillion dollar army, which can quickly turn into a 10 bilion$ organization with just 2 noor and qader anti ship missiles.

And even with a simple order now, the supreme leader of Iran can order to fire thousands of ballistic missiles into densely packed Israeli cities, leaving Israeli infrastructure cratered and paralyzed for the next decades.

Oh and there would be no warning, this time.

See my settler friend. If Iran's strategic game was based on one or two emotional and rash decisions we would have never been able to make so many friends in the region, you know.

Oh ofcourse it did nothing, just smashed their facilities into rubbles.




Sanctions dont mean anything when the government is still able to troll the US and Israel.

It also dont mean anything when the average Iranian lives on par with the average Israeli despite being sanctioned since 1980.

To correct you : You're a delusional schizophrenic if you think whats being played out on the ground RIGHT NOW is some kind of US win.

Just like how you don't need nukes to defeat a few Iraqi or Afghan peasants, right ?

Can't what ? Build nukes ? Its a 40'tech. It can easily be achieved by Iranian scientists. But the decision for making is something else.

There is no need for developing nukes, at this point, really. Not worth it considering the political opposition. What will it achieve for Iran, anyway ? We can't use them. Nukes are trash. They cant be used because no one will launch the first one. Its a imaginery weapon.

Look at that destroyed US base, that was achieved with pinpoint technology, even without armed warheads. Just empty heads.

Considering Israel's size (its 2,3 times bigger than the US airbase) , it can easily be destroyed with highly advanced BM technology.

few sentence for Israeli members here.

keep dreaming that JCPOA ( Iran nuclear deal ) has stop or postponed or stop R&D on Iran nuclear program

as IAEA been told to f**** off and there is no more inspection
IAEA again demands ‘immediate cooperation’ from Iran on nuclear sites

and Iran has told whole world Iran has no more commitments

and as COVID-19 going true U.S and making is downfall coming through faster and U.S soft power going down day by day by stealing EU, Canada ( allies) mask and it losing its international states

you Israeli members can keep dreaming, I as Iranian have no problem with it

but I hold you accountable here after decade here in forum

Trump and Netanyahu promised world that Iran will be not allowed to make nuclear
will see about that
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Not if Iran tests their patience.
Republicans acting like they have stamina for a new, larger war = a bluff.

What a joke.

Assad owns Hezbalshaytain and Israel owns Assad. That's how it works.
How can Assad Own hezbollah when Hezbollah(and Iran) were critical to him surviving till today? can you make that make sense? how did the one who needed help(Assad) turn into the one in control(over Hezbollah)? once again, you are here feeding PDF lies and propaganda.

Not if Iran tests their patience.
Iran is testing them today, because Iran knows they dont have stamina for an Iran situation. You are smart, so i hope and assume you've looked at the "numbers" and realities on ground. US will achieve in Iran what Turkey will achieve in Syria- after all the bombing, they will each carry their record of enemies killed and # of destroyed equipments. thats it. no territory, no change of regime,zip.

Bruh if the US wanted war Teheran would have had an American flag after the Praying Mantis operation
nothing that happens inside the space of theory matters.
That operation you talk about, happened in 1988. After going through a turbulent revolution and 8 years of bloody war and a wrecked and fatiqued army, Iran couldnt do much against the US.

Back then Iran had no ballistic missiles, no submarines, no forces in the region, no anti ship missiles, no drones.... nothing, nada, zero.

Thank god US military planners arent as dumb as you are.

About Soleimani, are you kidding right ? He was responsible for the coordination and funding of slaying of atleast 4000 American occupying soldiers. 4000 Americans vs 1 general is fair enough to me.

And recently more Americans were blown up at their base. This will continue my settler friend, Irans retaliation will continue during Trump and long after he is gone.

Dumb mistake.

Another video from the drone of the Al-Thairan group
This time over Ayn al-Assad
What happened to the air defense system they deployed ?

and this is an Iranian backed group not IRGC itself they are much more powerful than a rag tag group

Ironic, since you've been out there claiming you would easily defeat the US and Israel theoretically, yet never achieved anything close to such an achievement.
Stop misquoting me, i never said Iran can defeat US and ISrael. What i do know is that US and ISrael today cant defeat IRan though, which is the big problem. Why do u think America is so mad these days? the country cant beat up any countries anymore without paying a high cost, same goes for Israel.

IN short, US and ISrael's decades of dominance are essentially over- all your Iron domes, F35s etc cant achieve what they used to achieve b4. look at US ,about to get kicked out of IRaq, by whom and for what? Look at US relying on Taliban so US can extricate itself out of Afghanistan.

bro, keep thinking we are in year 2000!

That's the point. Hezbalshaytan thugs are dying for Assad's family luxory cars and villas. That's despide the fact that Assad slaughtered hundreds of them in Lebanon.

In short Khamenaists and Hezbies are b&&tches of Assad and Assad is a b&&tch of Israel.
OK.....AANNNNDDD????????? why dont u mind your biz and let Hezbollah and Assad handle their own relationship?
funny to see them still bitching about bombing some hangar in iraq.

dude,they kill your most powerful general and this is the only retaliation you'll ever get.not more not less.
funny to see them still bitching about bombing some hangar in iraq.

dude,they kill your most powerful general and this is the only retaliation you'll ever get.not more not less.
Comment screenshot completed.
Stop misquoting me, i never said Iran can defeat US and ISrael. What i do know is that US and ISrael today cant defeat IRan though, which is the big problem. Why do u think America is so mad these days? the country cant beat up any countries anymore without paying a high cost, same goes for Israel.

IN short, US and ISrael's decades of dominance are essentially over- all your Iron domes, F35s etc cant achieve what they used to achieve b4. look at US ,about to get kicked out of IRaq, by whom and for what? Look at US relying on Taliban so US can extricate itself out of Afghanistan.

bro, keep thinking we are in year 2000!
Stopping the US from destroying Iran, is called defeating the US. And you're not able to do that.

How our F35s and Iron Domes any weaker? What are you even talking about?
Stopping the US from destroying Iran, is called defeating the US. And you're not able to do that.

How our F35s and Iron Domes any weaker? What are you even talking about?
Anyone can destroy anything but can they achieve victory no just like you destroyed Lebanon after they massacred your soldiers.
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