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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

It's a realistic option. They can unite on same goal: kicking USA dogs out of the region. I don't mind seeing irgc fighting in same front with taliban, it will also serve as a symbolic sign of shia-sunni unity.
In case of a conflict trust me 90% of Pak population will support Iran. Our Govt may keep neutral but we wouldnt support any aggression towards our neighbours.
Even if we have different POVs.

they are using muslims against muslims just like east india company. Hope muslim leaderships come into senses
This thread is a good example of “muslim v muslim”.

Instead of uniting we are finger banging eachother due to sectarian & political differences.
It's funny that so called "refugees" have perfect english when the rest of the population barely knows how to say hello. Go take your jewish propaganda elsewhere
Millions of Syrians speak good English.
Nah, most Trump supporters wants to pull out of the middle east. They don't want to get involve and bring back their troops. Trump action by going deeper into the war is betraying his voter base. On the other hand, the liberals won't agree no matter what Trump did.
My judgement is based on reading replies to the Trump's tweet.
The main point throughout the replies was Benghazi(Obama era) response vs Baghdad(Trump era) response.
Pakistan could well be dragged into this war, whether we like it or not. Muslim world's last stand is about to happen. War has been declared and the first shot fired (for this war) by the Neocons. Time for Pakistan to beef up it's security as we will be attacked by the Neocon poodles India on the Eastern border if we don't play ball with the Neocon agenda.
Not only Pakistan bro but whole region. We must be ready for it. Thanks Allah we have Pakistan with us. Hope you guys will not let us down.
US has been successful in creating a deep Shia-Sunni Rift in the ME. Divide and rule,so far unsuccessful in Pakistan because of wise populace.
Thats because we have a strong society.

Else we have our share of foreign funded cunts. And we have seen our share of blood shed in the past 2 decades and learnt our lesson.
In case of a conflict trust me 90% of Pak population will support Iran. Our Govt may keep neutral but we wouldnt support any aggression towards our neighbours.
Even if we have different POVs.

This thread is a good example of “muslim v muslim”.

Instead of uniting we are finger banging eachother due to sectarian & political differences.
we are acting like pigoen and close our eyes just to avoid the danger. the bitter reality is that after iran next would be Pakistan and then whole arab countries.
we are acting like pigoen and close our eyes just to avoid the danger. the bitter reality is that after iran next would be Pakistan and then whole arab countries.
We have no other option, do we?

We are like a guy whose only now getting better from paralysis.

there is no war on corner . indians are not that stupids they know there are 1bn+ public in their country .you are looking things here very very short sighted sir
I dont think Iran will go to war either.

But you never know Iranian mullahs are unpredictable to say the least.

While the arabis are prolly jumping with joy and want war.. they would welcome a war but would want our blood.
The departed soul was a graduate of pma. That's some real professional high end product coming out of our academy.
But it was old days. Professionals are becoming rare with time. Govt must act fast.
there is no war on corner . indians are not that stupid
they are!, in any case it is up to the USA, indians have no say in it. they'll do anything they are told just to be able to sit at the big boy table, no matter what it costs
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As usual Kurdish jew-puppets acting as barking dog of americans, trying to take the heat away for the yankees:

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi President Barham Salih condemned on Friday the U.S. air strike on Baghdad airport that killed Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s elite Quds force, and urged restraint from all parties.

Iraq must put its put national interest first and avoid the tragedies of armed conflict that have plagued it over four decades, he said in a statement.
whoever votes against kicking them out will become a target. If KRG acts against Iran, soon it will either lose its autonomy or members of barzani family will be kidnapped and found death, same for anyone else that wants that US uses Iraqi soil to attack Iran. This is my analysis about this situation.
and who is exactly the imperialist forces here????? LOL
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