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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

We have no other option, do we?

We are like a guy whose only now getting better from paralysis.
we have to make some options otherwise we are going to sorrounded from all sides except china.
1 China and Russia should be involved to dilute American influence
2 KSA and Iran should be convinced and there should be compromise agreement between then which could satisfy their egoes.
if KSA and Iran are not going to compromise then they would lost what they already have
Did Iran friend India condolence at death of his general ? India should declare war with America for his friend?
n case of a conflict trust me 90% of Pak population will support Iran. Our Govt may keep neutral but we wouldnt support any aggression towards our neighbours.
Even if we have different POVs.
Lol it depends. If Saudia involves then the opiniok will change greatly whether u like it or not. Saudia Arab will have our majority support
they are!, in any case it is up to USA, indians have no say in it. they'll do anything they are told just to be able to sit on the big boy table, no matter what it costs
sir there wil be borders skirmishes if happen indians are not willing a war since last 50 years .
Things are looking bleak in ME. After this Iran has two options. Either they will truly avenge Suleimani or suffice to some symbolic retaliation.

If they just perform a weak and symbolic action their influence in the region will completely collapse and so much of their investments in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen will go to waste. So this is a very hard choice to take.

On the other hand this is such a big attack on Iran that if Iran wants to give a proper response to this it will absolutely start a war between Iran and the US.

Nobody should be disillusioned about this: in case of war Iran is dead. There is no question about it. But Iran will also take down the middle east with it. Such a war will start simultaneously in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and UAE. The extent of the war may also draw in Russia too.

So only two possible outcomes from this: decline of Iran or the the destruction of almost all of ME.

they will choose the latter 100%
I highly doubt Iran will go on a full on confrontation.
They will resort to some low ranking american death or killing american backed militants etc
this will probably be taking place few months later also so as to not directly piss america(they've got a clown of a leader who isn't afraid of repercussions) off, i doubt iran can afford a war with the US(who will use Kuwait,Saudi Arab, Israel etc to help attack Iran)
We have no other option, do we?

We are like a guy whose only now getting better from paralysis.

I dont think Iran will go to war either.

But you never know Iranian mullahs are unpredictable to say the least.

While the arabis are prolly jumping with joy and want war.. they would welcome a war but would want our blood.
we better stay mum even our FO and gov must not comment on it . not even say we want to de escalation . just STFU and forget should be our policy .
Lol it depends. If Saudia involves then the opiniok will change greatly whether u like it or not. Saudia Arab will have our majority support
Thats doubtful.

We wont be going to war with a neighbor (and be surrounded by 3 enemies) for the saudis who cant even control Yemen.
Lol it depends. If Saudia involves then the opiniok will change greatly whether u like it or not. Saudia Arab will have our majority support

Whoever gives us unlimited gas and oil for two decades wins the feud
Personally I am happy that he is dead as he was responsible for throwing into syrian fire thousands of pakistanis that joined via Zainabiyoun.

There is a chance that we will have to fight a war with India and we can't divert resources to our western side.

Hence, we need to just fence up our western border with Iran and be neutral and let our citizens know that anyone who wants to fight for iranians will have his citizenship revoked. They can die in Iran for all we care.
i dont know why we are trying to portray as sectarian thing, clearly every country will be bothered if their general will be killed, and its too bad for ME
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