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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

not sure how common Pakistan /India are
but i know one striking commonality between indian cow worshippers and a jahil bedou like you..One likes to have cow pee the other likes to have camel pee.
Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a ethnic conflict its basically Persians vs Arabs both the parties lack any brain capacity to find a solution to such a stupid and irrelevant war
its not good for anyone. when there is a chance of peace in thee region then something bad happens
If they were man they would have fought directly only cowards would attack at night ...
If Iran attacks US interests after this, you can bet the US will just assassinate every Iranian military and political leader. US will get damaged, but Iran will get completely destroyed. Don’t get into fights with guys that are bigger than you. Punching above your weight is one thing, getting into a military conflict with the US military is a death wish. That’s why they say don’t write checks you can’t cash.
We'll see
R.I.P He got what he always wanted but I don't think americans are gonna like what they are gonna get...
He is not the first one whom got martyred and surly not the last one ...
Nothings gonna happen to Americans and thats the sad part. A few Americans may die. Muslims will fight Muslims.
And all the costs will be paid by GCC. What a cluster ****.
not sure how common Pakistan /India are
but i know one striking commonality between indian cow worshippers and a jahil bedou like you..One likes to have cow pee the other likes to have camel pee.

Did you inject too much heroin or are you a part of those 40% illiterate of yours? Because those are quite some delusions.:lol:

Nobody is doing that aside from maybe one 1-2 ignorant individuals who follow some ancient fairytales blindly. Although camel urine has been proven to have medicinal benefits.

Finally, recent studies from our laboratory have shown that camel milk and urinepossess potent cardiovascular actions. In separate in vitro experiments, it was shown that camel urine has potent platelet blocking properties similar to the actions of the widely used anti-platelet drugs, aspirin and clopidogre


and a quick google search shows that this is done by some people in Pakistan as well.
Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a ethnic conflict its basically Persians vs Arabs both the parties lack any brain capacity to find a solution to such a stupid and irrelevant war
Couldnt agree more. Both stupid people. Both ignorant and only muslims suffer and only non muslims benefit. These jahil mullahs and jahil sheikhs think they will have power and rule but the west changes them like I change underwear. Daily
Nothings gonna happen to Americans and thats the sad part. A few Americans may die. Muslims will fight Muslims.
And all the costs will be paid by GCC. What a cluster ****.
Only if Iranian and Saudi Arabian government had the brain capacity to resolve issues the middle east and muslims across the world wouldn't be looked upon as terrorists
I hope u say the same about the west and israel. I just see muslims killing muslims and the Christian's of the west and jews rejoicing

Historically it was a kurd called Salahudeen who freed the muslims lands from christian occupation.

Before you say I am Iranian or shia...I am neither. No am I salafi or wasabi or Suri or anything else that may enter your mind

No it was not. Salahhadin was an Arab whose ancestor adopted Kurdish identity for a short while due to living among Kurds, later he became Arabized and his ancestors are Arabs and live in KSA and Jordan.

Why do you care if we Arabs look at the Iranian Mullah's and Iran as a historical enemy? This is a historical fact. What has that to do with other entities and other relations?

I don't consider the Mullah's to have anything to do with Islam or their Wilayat al-Faqih sect. Try that game with another person.
Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a ethnic conflict its basically Persians vs Arabs both the parties lack any brain capacity to find a solution to such a stupid and irrelevant war

Pakistanis should pray these lizard eaters get attacked soon so we are called in by their king to save their a$$ and then we fcking show them the door and a new era begins for the muslim world..

It's one of the options.. what you mentioned + full mobilization and show of force. However we should remain calm and act with patient, based on strategy and long term, not on emotions. Going nuclear is for example a strategy, however we should have strong airforce and army before taking some strategic decisions, so we must not make mistakes now, but we have to react in kind. First decisions should be exit for US troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Anyone who does not agree should be targeted (the diplomats/politicians) by assassinations within these countries and destabilization of their region. KRG could for example become the first target.
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Soon the river "Euphrates" will disclose the treasure (the mountain) of gold, so whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it." Al-A'raj narrated from Abii Huraira that the Prophet (ﷺ) said the same but he said, "It (Euphrates) will uncover a mountain of gold (under it).

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 7119
In-book reference : Book 92, Hadith 66
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 9, Book 88, Hadith 235
(deprecated numbering scheme)
Islamofascist pig was slaughtered today. Pretty soon that will happen on a large scale throughout the country. Your time is numbered. Islamists are the mortal enemy of Iran. They must be exterminated before they destroy Iran.

Today is a great day! more to come...
People like you are Irans enemy
Insha'Allah the Iraqi military will root out every Mullah shill and fifth column from within. Like in the good old days.

Filth like that needs to be mercilessly eliminated.

Time for deportations again.

Afterwards flooding/trashing the stateless Kurds and eliminating that fake KRG entity once and for all.

Radicalism against historical enemies is the only way forward. Peaceful means were tried and we all see the result, a destroyed country being taken advantage of by Mullah shills, fifth columns and Barzanistan. Enough of this comedy.

My father's side is Shi'a and they all conscripted during the wars despite their dislike of Saddam and all his policies. It is very unusual what Ameri and some other senior PMU figures did, to fight against their own country regardless of the regime. It must be that they believed strongly in Khomeini's vision and saw his as the Imam.
Apart from the prophets and messengers noble men and women Allah SWT has bestowed upon Saudi Arabia rest are idiots trying to prove their mettle against Persians the same applies to Iranians
Did you inject too much heroin or are you a part of those 40% illiterate of yours? Because those are quite some delusions.[emoji38]

Nobody is doing that aside from maybe one 1-2 ignorant individuals who follow some ancient fairytales blindly. Although camel urine has been proven to have medicinal benefits.

Finally, recent studies from our laboratory have shown that camel milk and urinepossess potent cardiovascular actions. In separate in vitro experiments, it was shown that camel urine has potent platelet blocking properties similar to the actions of the widely used anti-platelet drugs, aspirin and clopidogre


and a quick google search shows that this is done by some people in Pakistan as well.
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