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BREAKING : Pakistani coast guards violate territorial waters; open fire, hold fishermen hostage

Doesn't matter, they were still the ones doing the converting. And like I said before, my entire clan is descended from a Sufi. We're not Kafirs, you only find Muslims among us.

Obviously. They held the land for quite a while (up until partition).

Not now, but you were.

All of Bani Adam, regardless of ethnicity, is equal to each other in our eyes. But being an Indian, I wouldn't expect you to understand.

And I still follow the culture of my anchestors. Not of my invaders. And we have changed the way we live and will continue to evolve to achieve equality. See your Pakistani constitution and see who are equal..........
Looting and terrorizing unarmed civilians, what more can you expect.

Maybe the Indian Coast Guard's offshore patrol vessels will meet one of pcg's measly patrol boats in the open seas next time.

These are the terms Muslims have presented to India for over a thousand years. Considering we ruled over the region for much of it, I'd say it has worked out pretty well for us.
Considering we are now ruling the region and will rule forever, you will submit gradually. I can see the trend.
Looted their belongings:hitwall:, atleast try to make it believeable.
Looting and terrorizing unarmed civilians, what more can you expect.

Maybe the Indian Coast Guard's offshore patrol vessels will meet one of pcg's measly patrol boats in the open seas next time.

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where was the indian coast guard or navy ? did they have mandhi on their hands

good for nothing indian armed forces, specialist in rape and blinding stone pelters :lol: laughing stock of the world
And I still follow the culture of my anchestors.

No you don't. Your culture is largely derived from the Mughals, unless you're a Tamil. In which case, you still don't follow your own culture since you've adopted Hinduism which came from the Vedic people. In fact, even if you're not Tamil, you still follow a religion which came from foreign invaders, not Indians. Hinduism is not native to Bharat.

And why are you so obsessed with ancestry? The Indus has had Muslims for over 1000 years, and all of humanity shares a common ancestry, so your argument doesn't make any sense.

And we have changed the way we live

So you've admitted you don't follow the ways of your ancestors, good to know.

See your Pakistani constitution and see who are equal.

It clearly says all Muslims are equal, which is more than enough to keep me pleased.
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Looks like fake news to me.....
It's too risky to for Pakistan coast guard to enter Indian territorial waters and do these kind of attacks on Indian fisherman and that too without any reason!

The truth could be half way
Well it's ur media...the standards are subpar TBH. I doubt Coast Guard would be interested in crossing over to enemy waters to loot fishermen. It defies all logic.

Most likely the fishermen were apprehended in Pak's territorial waters. This sort of thing happens all the time, where Pakistani fishermen accidentally end up in indian waters(and arrested/jailed) and Indian fishermen in Pakistani waters(arrested/jailed). Fishermen can make that mistake of crossing the boundary but for Coast Guard and Navy having much better equipped ships, that sort of mistake is highly unlikely.
where was the indian coast guard or navy ? did they have mandhi on their hands

good for nothing indian armed forces, specialist in rape and blinding stone pelters :lol: laughing stock of the world

Use that common sense will you, the open seas aren't small and have no defining features, some patrol vessels cannot always be available for thousands of fishing vessels at any given time.
But rest assured pcg's measly boats won't even have the guts to come near our coast guard's hulking vessels if the latter had appeared.

Please don't talk about rapes or pelet guns, literally a country was born because of how much pakistanis raped and persecuted a people. And remember when we use pellet guns during COIN ops, you lot use actual guns, tanks, jets, etc for the same(supposedly) resulting in +1 million IDPs.
No you don't. Your culture is largely derived from the Mughals, unless you're a Tamil. In which case, you still don't follow your own culture since you've adopted Hinduism which came from the Vedic people. In fact, even if you're not Tamil, you still follow a religion which came from foreign invaders, not Indians. Hinduism is not native to Bharat.

And why are you so obsessed with ancestry? The Indus has had Muslims for over 1000 years, and all of humanity shares a common ancestry, so your argument doesn't make any sense.

So you've admitted you don't follow the ways of your ancestors, good to know.

It clearly says all Muslims are equal, which is more than enough to keep me pleased.

Lol. Hinduism is not native to Bharat. So what is? Can you label it? Tamil Literature starts from 400 BC(that' the oldest Tamil Text we have) and it starts and ends with Lord Shiva. Mahabharata supposedly took place even 1000 years before that, and has mentions of Tamil Kingdoms fighting alongside Pandavas and Kauravas. Even if your claim is true( it can be or cannot. I am open minded about it) the formation of Hinduism took place in Indian subcontinent though its possible introduction might be from outside. All the Hindu stories took place with mentions of places in Indian subcontinent starting from Ghandara to Combodia and Mt. Kailash to Lanka. Yes I follow a culture we formed.

The problem is not current "Pakistanis" following Islam. Even Indonesia follows Islam but gives immense respect to its past culture and follows them to a large extent. Ramayana, Mahabharata plays are very famous in the Island and done by local Muslim artists. Their texts are read by their population, government supports their ancient culture through statues, parks, symbols(Garuda airlines for example) at the same time being proud of Islam. Tell me one thing which Pakistan has done to highlight its ancient culture? All it does is badmouth themselves(its anchestors) so it can justify being Muslim.
Lol. Hinduism is not native to Bharat. So what is?

Not Hinduism, I can tell you that much. Aryan migrations are a fact kiddo.

the formation of Hinduism took place in Indian subcontinent

It took place in the Indus, most of which isn't in India:


The problem is not current "Pakistanis" following Islam. Even Indonesia follows Islam but gives immense respect to its past culture and follows them to a large extent. Ramayana, Mahabharata plays are very famous in the Island and done by local Muslim artists. Their texts are read by their population, government supports their ancient culture through statues, parks, symbols(Garuda airlines for example) at the same time being proud of Islam. Tell me one thing which Pakistan has done to highlight its ancient culture? All it does is badmouth themselves(its anchestors) so it can justify being Muslim.

Sorry but we're not Kafirs who are going to celebrate your dirty Mushrik history. We don't have a problem with admiring pre-Islamic history so long as it's actually ours (and not the Akhand Bharat nonsense you guys try to force upon us) and isn't related to anything haram. Indus Valley Civilisation? Gandhara? Other than the statues, no problem. Everyone on this forum loves them. Figures like Porus, or Kanishka? Again, we like them. But early Vedic culture? That stuff might have developed in the Indus, but it's toxic and totally haram so I won't ever view it as my own.

And remember, in Islam, we are all the children of Adam (peace be upon him) as well as Muslim first. So these ethnic divisions mean nothing. My religion could come from Tamils for all I care, I'd still value it over all other identities (as would any rational person if they actually believed in it).
Use that common sense will you, the open seas aren't small and have no defining features, some patrol vessels cannot always be available for thousands of fishing vessels at any given time.
But rest assured pcg's measly boats won't even have the guts to come near our coast guard's hulking vessels if the latter had appeared.

Please don't talk about rapes or pelet guns, literally a country was born because of how much pakistanis raped and persecuted a people. And remember when we use pellet guns during COIN ops, you lot use actual guns, tanks, jets, etc for the same(supposedly) resulting in +1 million IDPs.
Indian navyy is the laughing stock of the world so your comment about 'coast guards hulking vessels' is hilarious and shows you are temple educated and charity food feed indian.

This is the aukaat of the indian navy



look at the state of UN decalred illegally Indian terrorist army occupied kashmir and then talk to me about 1 million IDP's displaced because of the war in Afg boiling over the border and India state funded terrorism into Pakistan through indian proxies in Afg.

And we dont need to call out India for the pellet guns and Rape. The world is naming and shaming India it self for is rape problem and genocide in illegally occupied IOK.
That's surprising.
Aren't they a little too far away from their base? Pakistani Coast Guard seem to have encountered spatial disorientation, thinking that they were in their own territory.

Let's see if this can be resolved through discussions or negotiations.
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