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'Sanctions and force against Iran illogical and naive' – British MP

Published: 14 March, 2012, 15:01

The West should accept Iran as a legitimate ‘regional superpower’ and drop ‘yesterdays’ rehashed policies of sanctions and military force, a British MP told RT.

*Talking to RT, John Baron, the only UK Conservative MP to vote against military action in Libya, called the potential use of force against Iran “illogical and nai
ve.” He further characterized the Western use of sanctions as “yesterday's failed policies.”

“Iran is not going to be deterred from pursuing its nuclear program,” he said. “It is illogical because we are keeping an option on the table which clearly inflames the situation. People know it would be a disaster if we pursued the option of force. It is not working – the Iranians have turned their mind against it, but at the same time it is an option which makes a peaceful outcome less likely.”

Baron’s motion to the UK government, however, was almost unanimously rejected amid fears Iran could strike first in the region. But, he argues, by taking the option of a peaceful resolution off the table, Britain only reduces regional tensions in the short term. The situation really needs a fresh approach from both sides, as many opportunities to better relations have already been lost.

“After 9/11, Iran was one of the first to show solidarity with the US,” he says, “in contrast to many in the Middle East. Also in the early stages of the Afghan war, Iran made approaches. What was their reward? To be classed as part of the "Axis of Evil" by President Bush. This led directly to the removal of the reformist and moderate President Khatami.”

But, he also says Iran was also wrong to turn their back on President Obama’s initial overtures.

“I am not an apologist for Iran’s human rights record, or its sponsoring of terrorism overseas,” Baron said. “But we’ve got to view and judge it in a balanced way”.

The policy of sabre-rattling and sanctions against Iran has clearly failed, he added.

“Iran is now toying with what it is – actually bringing forward an oil embargo which was imposed by the EU It certainly will bring it forward when it comes to France and the UK.”

Baron explained why it is so important for Iran to continue with its nuclear program – they see it as a means of expressing their power within the region. Status is important in the region, and the West is undermining this fact. The reason Saddam Hussein, for example, did not deny the existence of weapons of mass destruction is because it was in his interest not to do so. A fresh approach to the regional situation should include an implicit recognition of Iran’s status as a regional superpower, he added.

Baron also suggested that Tehran has demonstrated its intent to pursue its nuclear program regardless of sanctions. He therefore advises the West foster better relations with Iran and do what Nixon did with China – not deny the reality of the country’s power. The US therefore should do away with its antagonism towards Tehran.

The US is obviously the “elephant in the room,” he said, as it has continued to ignore the truth about Iran and other regional realities.

“Meanwhile, Israel will not strike Iran if Washington objects, as it is not sure of its military capability to finish the job if it starts it,” he concluded.

I have been looking for an honest statement from and American or British political leader and I finally came across one. Cant believe it. It must be a first. This proves that not all Americans and Brits are liars. Thought I must share it with forum members immediately
Israel will never accept a nuclear Iran the only solution is dialogue, if Iran does still pursue nuclear weapons it will result in war pure and simple.
Israel will never accept a nuclear Iran the only solution is dialogue, if Iran does still pursue nuclear weapons it will result in war pure and simple.

I hear what you say but I wouldn't be surprised if Iran already had nukes. But it's difficult to have dialogue when one person says the to the other I can have a gun but you cant
Israel will never accept a nuclear Iran the only solution is dialogue, if Iran does still pursue nuclear weapons it will result in war pure and simple.

how come israel accepted pakistan to have nukes, dude you over estimate israel, its nothing but a barking dog which seldom bites
how come israel accepted pakistan to have nukes, dude you over estimate israel, its nothing but a barking dog which seldom bites

Yep I agree. Americans and Israelis have been yapping like dogs for 33 years plus and should be put down so we can have some peace and quite,

Back to topic can you believe a western political leader telling the truth. never thought I would see the day
I hear what you say but I wouldn't be surprised if Iran already had nukes. But it's difficult to have dialogue when one person says the to the other I can have a gun but you cant

At the moment they do not have nukes but it will be only a matter of time before they do so unless they change their course of action, Israel will strike before that happens with or without the US.

Not many people know this but some Indian companies have also exported equipment which aids Iran's nuclear program I was talking to one such person at a exhibition in earls court and was shocked to find out they export certain materials to Iran :D

how come israel accepted pakistan to have nukes, dude you over estimate israel, its nothing but a barking dog which seldom bites

Pakistan is no threat to Israel unlike Iran it is a totally diffrent ball game for one your missiles can't even reach Israel.
At the moment they do not have nukes but it will be only a matter of time before they do so unless they change their course of action, Israel will strike before that happens with or without the US.

Not many people know this but some Indian companies have also exported equipment which aids Iran's nuclear program I was talking to one such person at a exhibition in earls court and was shocked to find out they export certain materials to Iran :D

Pakistan is no threat to Israel unlike Iran it is a totally diffrent ball game for one your missiles can't even reach Israel.

Am not sure mate. Maybe we will have peace if Iran gets nukes, because then we would have MAD leading to detente


Pakistan is no threat to Israel unlike Iran it is a totally diffrent ball game for one your missiles can't even reach Israel.

Israelis have stated that they regard Pakistan as a threat
Dont underestimate Israel they have some of the best technology in the world, when it comes to agriculture tech they are the number one in the world bar none India can really learn from them.
Israel will never accept a nuclear Iran the only solution is dialogue, if Iran does still pursue nuclear weapons it will result in war pure and simple.

Did Israel asked permission of neighbour countries before perusing their nuclear weapons?

Why middle eastern countries should not feel threaten with Israeli nuclear programme ?

why double standard here
Am not sure mate. Maybe we will have peace if Iran gets nukes, because then we would have MAD leading to detente

Israelis have stated that they regard Pakistan as a threat

Pakistan and Israel ties have improved due to Mushy they dont see Pakistan state as a threat but perhaps certain terror elements like LET etc

Did Israel asked permission of neighbour countries before perusing their nuclear weapons?

Why middle eastern countries should not feel threaten with Israeli nuclear programme ?

why double standard here

It's a fair question to ask but im not here to say who is right or wrong im just stating that Israel will attack Iran if they continue to seek WMD's.
'Sanctions and force against Iran illogical and naive' – British MP

Published: 14 March, 2012, 15:01

The West should accept Iran as a legitimate ‘regional superpower’ and drop ‘yesterdays’ rehashed policies of sanctions and military force, a British MP told RT.

*Talking to RT, John Baron, the only UK Conservative MP to vote against military action in Libya, called the potential use of force against Iran “illogical and nai
ve.” He further characterized the Western use of sanctions as “yesterday's failed policies.”

This many will most likely be labeled a Racist White Supremacist Nazis and defamed by the Zionist controlled media all because he has objected to the Zionist plan to wage wars in the middle east and spread its tentacles at the expense of millions of lives, just as they did in WW1, WW2, and so many wars that came after.
It's a fair question to ask but im not here to say who is right or wrong im just stating that Israel will attack Iran if they continue to seek WMD's.
It is not question of right or wrong but what is fair for one nation should be fair for another nation..

Israel is such small country and just look at their progress in nuclear weapons..what they are doing it for? obviously not for pro-Israeli west..so every country who feel threaten with Israeli nuclear programme should also have right to build these weapons for self defence ..simple
you are wrong buddy.American and israeli policies goes side by side in parallel.U.S is already present in region;).
while israel still have to get rid of the neighbors while keeping the U.S in this region.

lol: funny guy during the cold war there was even some links with ISI and Mossad during the Afghan war
Dont underestimate Israel they have some of the best technology in the world, when it comes to agriculture tech they are the number one in the world bar none India can really learn from them.

Mate they live on charity. They wouldn't exist without American charity. when America goes bust they will be erased from the face of earth. AIPAC has perverted American democracy and are using Americans

you are wrong buddy.American and israeli policies goes side by side in parallel.U.S is already present in region;).
while israel still have to get rid of the neighbors while keeping the U.S in this region.

No Tel Aviv rules Americans
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