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Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week

I didn't mean zakat & sadqa which I do on regular basis, approximately 10% of my wealth can be distributed without any trouble in business.

I wasn't taking about that either.
I am talking about people around you, your immediate or extended family, friends, neighbors. Those you know personally and are sure that the help is needed and deserving.
I spent on things like paying "hospital bills" for those who cannot afford it.
Pay for girls/boys weddings for those who cannot afford it. This month I bear all expenses of a girl wedding in Pakistan. I have paid for more than 25 children's wedding until now, Allahamdullilah.
You can pick up any other cause which you think is suitable.
I am also paying for the education of 3 children at the moment in Pakistan, Allhamdullilah.
Why are PDFians jumping up and down??
Nothing just praying for golden days of Pakistan :yay:

:offpost:Let them celebrate & wait for the Good.

Finger crossed:-)

I wasn't taking about that either.
I am talking about people around you, your immediate or extended family, friends, neighbors. Those you know personally and are sure that the help is needed and deserving.
I spent on things like paying "hospital bills" for those who cannot afford it.
Pay for girls/boys weddings for those who cannot afford it. This month I bear all expenses of a girl wedding in Pakistan. I have paid for more than 25 children's wedding until now, Allahamdullilah.
You can pick up any other cause which you think is suitable.
I am also paying for the education of 3 children at the moment in Pakistan, Allhamdullilah.
My cause is business.
I personally know two families in pakistan infect two persons, they both are extremely talented and have great ideas. But no one there in pak to accommodate them to achieve their objectives, so I decided to invest on them, once they will get success I will not ask them any profit, even I would not ask them to return my invested money. Rather I am willing to build a network in order to help brilliant students. But I have to stay in Europe for equipments delivery. This is what I can do.
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Sir, Your input on this thread, would be highly appreciated.

Honorable Khafee,

The reason for my post was to only point out that it is incorrect to assume that 20-billion reserve will last 123 years as the demand rises every year as well.

IMO this more than likely to be a gas field. However, I would prefer to refrain guessing on the probable reserve size in the absence of any concrete data because that is pure speculation. Even though the cost of production & transportation makes offshore crude & gas manifold more expensive than from onshore deposits and the GOP's share & the royalties would probably amount to less than half of the revenue depending upon the licensing agreement; any decent discovery of 1-billion bbl oil equivalent or more is a bonanza for an energy-starved country.

A word of caution is however in order. Arab Gulf states such as Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dabi have a local population of less than 3-million (much less in fact), therefore even the reserves of the size of Kuwait would not make a country with a 210-million nationals very rich.

Additionally, permit me to explain the reason why Venezuela, a country with 300-billion bbl of oil but is in extremely bad shape.

The problem started with Hugo Chavez. In a way, he was another ZA Bhutto in his policies. He won the election on the promise of eliminating the very rich and sharing the Venezuelan riches with all the Venezuelans. His party (United Socialist Party of Venezuela) was formed in 1997 and won the election in 1999 making Hugo Chavez the President.

He nationalized virtually all the major private enterprises. Instead of creating new job opportunities, Chavez started wholesale recruitment of staff into the national oil company Petroleos de Venezuela ( PDVSA) to provide jobs. However, the income of Venezuela remained the same because of the quota restriction of the OPEC and oil was the primary source of revenue. Nicolas Maduro who took over as President of the country after the death of Chavez in 2013 continued with the same policies.

As long as the oil prices remained close to the $100 per bbl mark, there was no problem as there was sufficient income from the oil exports. However, international oil price fell from $115 per bbl in June 2014 to $35 at the end of February 2016. Gov't could not raise additional revenue from taxation to make up the shortfall because most of the corporations were gov't owned and surviving on the gov't subsidy due to overstaffing. Oil prices are still at around $65 per bbl. Both the Chavez and Maduro had been at odds with the USA for a few years and when you add the effect of the US sanctions to the low oil price, you come up with disaster.

I am not suggesting that Pakistan will become another Venezuela. The purpose of the above over-simplified explanation of Venezuelan economic ills is to point out that one cannot rely on natural resources alone and that economic progress is essentially dependent upon the quality of the human resource.
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For a conventional oil pool with an associated gas gap means it is an undersaturated oil pool. Pakistan will have to produce the oil zone and not the gas cap. Because by producing the free gas you deplete the primary recovery drive mechanism and risk stranding resources.

The "muddy oil" you quote is not muddy because there is mud in the reservoir... It is muddy initially because it oil mixed with your drilling fluid.... It's the initial flow back.

Your dad should also know that you don't book recoverable reserves based upon a single wildcat well. This will take over 5 years to establish what the "true" reserves are once you have enough delineation wells. Commercial reserves are classified as Proved; Probable; and Possible.

Please don't tell people Pakistan will be placed on the list 4,5,6 etc. based upon this one well. It will take much more time to establish that.

I'm sure your dad knows this too.
Its not about pakistan's spot in the world its abiut size of the reserves and future human resource availability. Geologists were worried earth only has 48 years of oil left so new big reserves gives them hope of few more years of extraction.

As for pakistani people getting rick thats not possible we have 200 million ppopulation while biggest oil producers have merely 20 to 30 million population.

It will just end troubles and dependancy on imports. We currently export only 24 billion $ worth of stuff and our imports are at 58 billion$ this will help us sstabilise this phenomena.

Our economy might stabalize like bangladeshi economy if this comes true.
The aim should never be to put oil money into the pockets of the people. The aim should be to use any money (if it materialises) to better the country. Even if we have a cash injection for 20 years, it could be used to improve health, infrastructure, education. The most important asset in the world is a workforce who can innovate and has the skills to create from scratch; end to end.

Who would have thought 20 years ago we'd have touch screen phones in our pockets? Yet there were people who were designing this technology in the 60's. We need a workforce that has that sort of capacity in it, to think of the next idea, to think of how to make a practical application of that idea, to design models, to make business cases, to create prototypes, to have the vision to invest, to have the skills to manufacture, market, export, to have the business acumen to create a product line, rather than a 1 off product.

Natural resources will only get us so far - all successful societies throughout history were driven by enginuity.
So what will be the next step will PPP zardari will have any share in this as they are not going anywhere for next 10-20 years from sindh.
Don't worry NS will also have his share he is out on time,
Pakistan has one of the worst air atmosphere. Gas is considered a cleaner burner w.r.t oil. Thanks that we have CNG or it could have been worse. Gas is not for cooking parathas and qorma everyday.

Gas is not for burning in the vehicles. It should go to industry.
The aim should never be to put oil money into the pockets of the people. The aim should be to use any money (if it materialises) to better the country. Even if we have a cash injection for 20 years, it could be used to improve health, infrastructure, education. The most important asset in the world is a workforce who can innovate and has the skills to create from scratch; end to end.

Who would have thought 20 years ago we'd have touch screen phones in our pockets? Yet there were people who were designing this technology in the 60's. We need a workforce that has that sort of capacity in it, to think of the next idea, to think of how to make a practical application of that idea, to design models, to make business cases, to create prototypes, to have the vision to invest, to have the skills to manufacture, market, export, to have the business acumen to create a product line, rather than a 1 off product.

Natural resources will only get us so far - all successful societies throughout history were driven by enginuity.

Well put, if you want to see who is thinking ahead, it is China now. They are leading the race of innovation. I really wonder how can we do it, as an average Pakistani how can i improve. Any ideas anyone?
Well put, if you want to see who is thinking ahead, it is China now. They are leading the race of innovation. I really wonder how can we do it, as an average Pakistani how can i improve. Any ideas anyone?

What's your educational background? Whatever it is, read the latest professional journals, websites around that, research the latest techniques, learn the latest skills, read books and papers written by people in your field. Get ahead of the curve and remain there. Meanwhile look to see how you can apply what your learning to fix day to day problems.
Well put, if you want to see who is thinking ahead, it is China now. They are leading the race of innovation. I really wonder how can we do it, as an average Pakistani how can i improve. Any ideas anyone?

Back to the basics. Religion makes you a good human being. It involves both knowledge and practice. Rational thought needs to be nurtured through logic. Most discrete maths books cover logical deduction and theorem proving. Maths gives you the ability to pose problems in a rigorous manner. Physics and Chemistry enlighten you about how the world works.

Given this base, you can then start to learn about any domain. Weapons, aircraft, economics. Everything is open to you. Read in-depth, keep an open mind, question everything, and be creative. Above all, seek help from Allah the Almighty, and always try to benefit Islam and Muslims with your knowledge and abilities. May Allah Help us all towards the right path, and Guide us towards Heaven and His Forgiveness. Aameen.
Geologists were worried earth only has 48 years of oil left so new big reserves gives them hope of few more years of extraction.

The entire peak oil theory has been debunked. There is enough oil and gas in the world with the advent of unconventional being the paradigm change. It is about peak demand. Geologists are no longer "worried" about peak oil except for their jobs. Most unconventional are located in known geology in situ. It is about optimal extraction strategy rather than a geological challenge.
Gas is not for burning in the vehicles. It should go to industry.
Whole lot of public buses in Stockholm run on gas as it’s cleaner. I wonder if your opinion is backed by any logic. Industry / Automobiles usage depends what are your needs.
Once u have enough to stop oil imports .. Start cutting energy costs for industry .. But this shud b based on performance strictly...

Most exporting lucriative and innovative shud get zero in gas bills... Free electricity as well if we can manage...

Older less efficient cumbersome units shud b penalised by getting them to pay full bills

This will give incentives to be more eddicient and adopt latest machinery

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