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Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week

How can sea water territory be increased by orion aircrafts?

You really studied Int. Law? No one can claim oil or gas reserves in our EEZ.

Don't pay too much attention to the likes of him, save your sanity, and press the ignore button.

Honorable Khafee,

The reason for my post was to only point out that it is incorrect to assume that 20-billion reserve will last 123 years as the demand rises every year as well.

Sir, your corrections, comments, even just presence, is a blessing for this forum. Having respectable and knowledgeable, members like you really makes it worth coming to the forum.

IMO this more than likely to be a gas field. However, I would prefer to refrain guessing on the probable reserve size in the absence of any concrete data because that is pure speculation.

Sir, you are one person, I sincerely wish, I could share my data with. But IA 20bn BBL is coming.
Lets pray that it is economically viable, and Allah Almighty gives wisdom to those in charge, to use it wisely.
A word of caution is however in order. Arab Gulf states such as Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dabi have a local population of less than 3-million (much less in fact), therefore even the reserves of the size of Kuwait would not make a country with a 210-million nationals very rich.
Aah Socialism. Bhutto was a maniac and he destroyed Pakistan single-handedly; didn't need India to do what Bhutto did to us. I'm very vocal about this and have die hard PPP'ers grab my collar in every discussion.
IK is also flirting a bit with socialism; he has to be careful. Capitalism is the way as China showed us. Build infrastructure and means for business and money will come along the way.
Don't pay too much attention to the likes of him, save your sanity, and press the ignore button.

Sir, your corrections, comments, even just presence, is a blessing for this forum. Having respectable and knowledgeable, members like you really makes it worth coming to the forum.

Sir, you are one person, I sincerely wish, I could share my data with. But IA 20bn BBL is coming.
Lets pray that it is economically viable, and Allah Almighty gives wisdom to those in charge, to use it wisely.
Don't pay too much attention to the likes of him, save your sanity, and press the ignore button.

Indeed United Nations’ Commission on Limits of Continental Shelf (UNCLCS) reviews the decision of any coastal country to claim the land up to 350 tsqkms. If not then resources are being actually explored and exploited by international seabed authority ISA. This institution has contractors including India. Current situation states “All but one of the current areas of exploration are in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, in the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean south and southeast of Hawaii. The remaining area, being explored by India, is in the Central Indian Basin of the Indian Ocean.[9]

I wonder if your points lead to the arrogance you show towards other members instead of your knowledge
Indeed United Nations’ Commission on Limits of Continental Shelf (UNCLCS) reviews the decision of any coastal country to claim the land up to 350 tsqkms. If not then resources are being actually explored and exploited by international seabed authority ISA. This institution has contractors including India. Current situation states “All but one of the current areas of exploration are in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, in the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean south and southeast of Hawaii. The remaining area, being explored by India, is in the Central Indian Basin of the Indian Ocean.[9]

I wonder if your points lead to the arrogance you show towards other members instead of your knowledge

You sure are "Special" :enjoy:
Sir, you are one person, I sincerely wish, I could share my data with. But IA 20bn BBL is coming.
Lets pray that it is economically viable, and Allah Almighty gives wisdom to those in charge, to use it wisely.

You seem very confident. May I know the reason? This confidence points to either direct involvement or very close relationship with someone related to the project!

Anyways Insha Allah, Pakistan will prosper one way or the other
We need money right now.with air space ban,we are losing money and also caps are burning jet fuel.strategy of India is to keep pressure so that Pakistan will pay a heavy price economically.it would be a miracle and gift of God if we find large reserves of oil.we want money right now.we can solve lots of our problems with this oil.
Nothing just praying for golden days of Pakistan :yay:

:offpost:Let them celebrate & wait for the Good.

Finger crossed:-)

My cause is business.
I personally know two families in pakistan infect two persons, they both are extremely talented and have great ideas. But no one there in pak to accommodate them to achieve their objectives, so I decided to invest on them, once they will get success I will not ask them any profit, even I would not ask them to return my invested money. Rather I am willing to build a network in order to help brilliant students. But I have to stay in Europe for equipments delivery. This is what I can do.

Good luck mate.

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