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Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week

حضرات کویت سے بھی زیادہ تیل کے ذخائر کے جو خواب یوتھیوں نے آپ کو دکھاۓ تھے وہ تیل سمندر سے نہیں نکلا اس لیے اب آپ سے نکالا جائے گا۔ مزید تبدیلیوں کے لیے تیار ہو جائیں۔
Awaam teihl noonies set nikalay gee hahahaha
They tried

Who knows maybe the so called deep state has actively stopped such people from taking these recourses...
Who knows maybe someone knows.....

No not at all, these investment from Exxon mobil and others which is about $100 million.

Check it out your master NAWAZ SHARIF has done, lost the gold mountain reko diq and cost us $100 million in cases and lost the gold mountain as well or nearly to lost it.

Pakistan paid millions in lawsuits during PML-N rule: Firdous

Chill man it was just a joke to lighten up the mood
investment loss will have negative impact on foreign investors trust in investing in Pakistan and in future they will hesitate from investing in Pakistan due to risk of loss.It would be much better govt asks investment of foreign companies in sectors which have low risk and will be profitable for both public and foreign investors which would have build trust of foreign investors

They already know the negative and positive of drilling, don't try to teach exxon mobil and other countries of pros and cons of drilling it's beyond you and me. By the way which company will drill under the sea or which investor? you should first research on how these company buy block and what is the percentage of oil found. These drilling investment is called waste investment becuase percentage of finding oil is very low to none.
it will have negative impact on overall reputation of oil and gas availability and even if in future these drilling companies will demand high share of return from drilling oil at another place due to high risk of failure which they experienced in previous drilling so term and conditions of next drilling will become more less favorable for us
They already know the negative and positive of drilling, don't try to teach exxon mobil and other countries of pros and cons of drilling it's beyond you and me. By the way which company will drill under the sea or which investor? you should first research on how these company buy block and what is the percentage of oil found. These drilling investment is called waste investment becuase percentage of finding oil is very low to none.
it will have negative impact on overall reputation of oil and gas availability and even if in future these drilling companies will demand high share of return from drilling oil at another place due to high risk of failure which they experienced in previous drilling so term and conditions of next drilling will become more less favorable for us

Remember that ExxonMobil did the surveying. It wasn’t Imran Khan that invited ExxonMobil to start exploring and drilling.
it will have negative impact on overall reputation of oil and gas availability and even if in future these drilling companies will demand high share of return from drilling oil at another place due to high risk of failure which they experienced in previous drilling so term and conditions of next drilling will become more less favorable for us
Bhai there already been 17 drilled before this drilled and yet we found big company invested in the area and this was 18th drilled. In India they found oil on 40 drilling in similar area 39 was empty well.

In Saudia, they studied like from 1939 and kept on studying the area drilled found empty well till 1970+. We think oil just come up as we are doing boaring for water.
Blind followers of PTI will say nawaz sharief has taken these reserves to their own offshore reserves:D:D
i don't know how you people can be so happy about this, its very a unfortunate and bad news for Pakistan, but you blind followers will sell you soul and motherland to support your corrupt leaders...a politician should never become bigger or more important than the state.
i don't know how you people can be so happy about this, its very a unfortunate and bad news for Pakistan, but you blind followers will sell you soul and motherland to support your corrupt leaders...a politician should never become bigger or more important than the state.

Personal grudges. They go deep.
but pti govt took credit of it and said previous govt was disallowing exon
Remember that ExxonMobil did the surveying. It wasn’t Imran Khan that invited ExxonMobil to start exploring and drilling.
mobil from starting drilling in Pakistan
I cautioned against being too excited or too bummed for any potential discovery. Only sustainable way nations get wealthy is hard... hard work. I will wait for the official statements but either way I know that their are many other energy sources that we haven't even exploited yet. Solar, hydro, wind, biomass, shale oil/gas, and Thar lignite....we need to continue work on proven energy sources not get distracted by potential discoveries.
ALLAH is the best planner of all and ALLAH has made Pakistan for a reason. Pakistani people should put their trust on ALLAH (S.W.T).

If found AL HUM DULILLAH, If not we didn't pray enough or there is something (kamzoori in our prayer)wrong from our end.
bani israel used to think like that they are special and beloved creatures of Allah and they kept on committing sins and disobeyed Allah so Allah took the glory away from them and humiliated them and their final humiliation is around the corner. remember Allah's principles never change. act according to His will and get the glory in both worlds.disobey Him and get ready for punishment. He can get His plans completed through some other people. we are the most corrupt nation in the world so we should not expect glory.
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