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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

Iran has way, way more resources than the Taliban and Iraqis could ever hope. Your soldiers will be cut up like a depressed teen girl.

Oh let me tell you how vulnerable the US national grid is.

I get why you have to say these things. I hope they aren't proven as foolish as they are.
Of course it can

Currently U.S troops are in Afghanistan right! Well arm the Taliban, send in proxies and military advisors
Provide better weapons and missiles
U.S has already spent a trillion and is now looking to cut and run, perfect place to hit them

Iraq and Syria, ALREADY Iraq is unhappy with U.S actions and presence
U.S again spent trillion plus
It has business and companies working
Military bases
Hunt them down, hit the bases
Any contractor or employee walking about
Destroy any U.S company or interests in Iraq and Syria
Iran has proxies in the hundreds of thousands from Lebanon to Iraq

U.s main base is in Bahrain, if Iran gets hit, then so does Bahrain with multiple missiles, make it expensive for the Arab lackeys to join the U.S

Hormuz would automatically be closed

Oil supplies effected

Multiple states from China to India affected all because of U.S stupidity

Sure Iran would be hit severely

But it can hit back, through massive proxy network making presence of U.S impossible
Massive missile arsenal


First why would Taliban who mostly are sunni muslims go fight for shias who called a war on themselves---.

Secondly---the taliban traditionally fight on their own land---. They don't go out of their way to fight the US---.
airstrikes will not win wars.winning war against iran is not a joke.they operate much better sam systems than pakistan.this will be the end of peace and beginning of new world rule.this war will get horrific if russia joins iranian side,.saudia,israel and america are together.the 3 evils want to rule the world forever but someone must show fight.iran decides to show fight.you can't kill army chief of a country.proxies are everywhere.iran,arabs,both are fighting proxy wars.blaming one party is not the right thing.
If it goes all out, Iran must first give a chance to the small victims like emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman to remove all foreign troops and sign a non aggression pact with Iran else they will be part of the war. It's not worth it that everything which they build gets destroyed and their economy gone.

If they reject the deal, the first thing Iran should do is destroying all their oil, gas, water infrastructure. No jokes of giving shelter to terrorist forces who attack from their bases Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and potentially Turkey and Pakistan in the future.
Protests that die in 2 days are not “game changing” protests. And I have extensive sources on the ground in Iran. It was extremely overblown and mostly in southern Iran where Arab and Tribal regions are.

By that logic any country that experiences protests is doomed to fall soon.

So trust me when I say you have no idea what you are talking about. I wouldn’t go and speak to Pakistani’s as if I am an expert on their domestic politics either.

The longest ran was since 2017 to date (an continuing)

The 2017–2019 events are the largest protest in Iran since the 2009 Iranian presidential election protests.
Caused by: : Economic hardships; Government corruption; Opposition to Iranian inv...
Goals: Social and economic stability; Greater social, economic and political equality; ...
Methods: Demonstrations, riots, civil disobedience, strikes
I totally missed the part about cultural targets, wtf is thinking?

This goes above and beyond what is necessary as a proper response to a military attack you back. Trump has shown he has personal hatred for Iran.

This is worrying, he doesn't sound sane whatsoever...

Cultural targets!?!
madman theory
Intermarriage will lower the average IQ and you will need a foreign bourgeoisie to shelve the intellectual work (likely Chinese and Indian). Who will then likely give it back to China and or India which will nullify your competitive edge in the tech market.
You are racist too?
The longest ran was since 2017 to date (an continuing)

The 2017–2019 events are the largest protest in Iran since the 2009 Iranian presidential election protests.
Caused by: : Economic hardships; Government corruption; Opposition to Iranian inv...
Goals: Social and economic stability; Greater social, economic and political equality; ...
Methods: Demonstrations, riots, civil disobedience, strikes

Once again you are caught de-railing a thread.

“Another freedom loving Pakistani defending his homeland from racist Iranians on this forum”

@waz ban this troll. He has taken 3-4 topics off-topic and derailed them.

The US will not fight the same war it did in AFG or Iraq---. It will be the futuristic war of standoff smart weapons that the US has developed after the 2nd Iraq war and is ITCHING to use on a capable enemy of sorts---.

I have written about it a lot---A 5 million dollar weapon will destroy a 5 dollar hut in AFG---but that one hit in an industrial nation would do a lots of damage if the US really really wanted to---.

50-100 cruise missile strikes & smart weapons would decimate the economy of iran if the US wants to---.

Threaten anyone else---but never threaten the US---. Just like a standard muslim nation is a God fearing nation---america is also a God fearing nation as well---. In their own manner---the americans worship The God " The Father " and The God " The Son " in their own sublime manner---.

And as muslims claim glory to God---same thing the americans claim as well to their christian God---.

The problem here now has become the War of The Gods---now when the Gods fight or there is a fight in the name of The God---innocent and the weak would be decimated with out mercy---.

I feel pain for the innocent iranians who had nothing to do with this misery---. May Allah have mercy on them

It doesn't matter how it is done, the truth is the US has the capability to do it.

What I am worried about it Trump who in my view is the worst president we have ever had. I see him more of a business man than a politician.

This kinda makes him dangerous/idiocy even more than Bush. When a person like him is holding the nuclear football and making war decisions, everyone is worried.
Well, we have to give credit to Iranian forces, the US will get a bloody nose in any conflict, but yes, Iran will be destroyed.

I just hope there will never be a full blown war between the great satan and Iran.

just militarily speaking do you think we can not hit US main land?

Yessir indeed---. Problem solved---Iran neutered---a moment of ultimate glory for the west and for Israel---and a massive loss of life and material of the iranians---how so very tragic and painful---.


Okay---if you say so---. Ain't gonna argue with you---.

Just saying what I know---.
While Iran has every reason to be upset but blowing its mental gasket is no solution.
Iran should not think in terms of knee jerk reaction. Nation building take centuries and civilizations. Iran was there long before the US ever existed it will be there while US is way past its twilight. The civilizational gains should not be foregone for one bad decision.
The new US model of war is not Afghanistan or Iraq its Libya as you rightly pointed out. US will use overwhelming air power to flatten any hurdle than comes down the pike.
One bad move by Iran and it will be field trial laboratory of stand-off weapons.
Lol, okay buddy. Hypothetically you could kill maybe at most a few thousand Americans after a few years. You know how many dead Iranians you would have on your hands? US can safely base out of Europe if it really needs and use tankers. Nothing you can do outside of the Middle East.

Iraq insurgents killed 4500 in 8 years, Iran is 5 times the surface area with more than twice the population with extensive missile and asymmetric capabilities domestically and abroad. You can play around with the numbers in your head but it closer to Vietnam 2.0 than Iraq War 2 I can guarantee you that.
Lol, buddy it isn't that easy. US has prepared and gone through exactly what you are saying for 10+ years and know exactly how to counter it. Lol Shia bum.

Look hero

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya had NOTHING

so U.S air bombarded Iraq (for example) for WEEKS/MONTHS destroying any major asset before invasion

Well Iran is Big, with 80 million population and large land military
So invasion is OUT of the question for many reasons

So what will U.S do? It will hit multiple Iranian targets and the hurt will be SEVERE for Iran


If missiles fall in Iran
What can Iran do, that Iraq couldn't?

Riiiiiigggght, it can fire and hit back
If missiles fall in Iran then there is NO reason why they shouldn't fall in U.S target's in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Arab neighbors


sure Iran will be hit hard but they will hit back too

U.S troops, citizens, business interests will all be hit
Whilst closing the Hormuz and causing worldwide problems

Once again you are caught de-railing a thread.

“Another freedom loving Pakistani defending his homeland from racist Iranians on this forum”

@waz ban this troll. He has taken 3-4 topics off-topic and derailed them.

You asked me to show you the evidence of internal strife in Iran... I did.

The American action against Iran is designed to trigger internal Iranian Revolution.

So I am exactly on topic: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

Explain to me how that is not the intention of the American government???

Like I have said on multiple occasions... There are no good guys or bad guys in this conflict. I am not taking sides not de-railing the thread. I am 100% on topic without a single personal attack.
Look hero

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya had NOTHING

so U.S air bombarded Iraq (for example) for WEEKS/MONTHS destroying any major asset before invasion

Well Iran is Big, with 80 million population and large land military
So invasion is OUT of the question for many reasons

So what will U.S do? It will hit multiple Iranian targets and the hurt will be SEVERE for Iran


If missiles fall in Iran
What can Iran do, that Iraq couldn't?

Riiiiiigggght, it can fire and hit back
If missiles fall in Iran then there is NO reason why they shouldn't fall in U.S target's in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Arab neighbors


sure Iran will be hit hard but they will hit back too

U.S troops, citizens, business interests will all be hit
Whilst closing the Hormuz and causing worldwide problems

Bro you are thinking crazy, read what you said one more time and you can see how idiotic it is.

No I'm a realist.

Allright fake Zimbabwean.
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