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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

Depends what you mean by "hit" and what scale.

ballistic missiles and nuclear warhead, for eye for an eye strategy of course

No you cannot hit US unless you mean a plane.

Not accurate enough buddy, 500 CEP isn't even good enough.
ballistic missiles and nuclear warhead, for eye for an eye strategy of course

First why would Taliban who mostly are sunni muslims go fight for shias who called a war on themselves---.

Secondly---the taliban traditionally fight on their own land---. They don't go out of their way to fight the US---.

The Taliban hate the U.S and have absolute belief that the U.S needs to be bitch slapped out of Afghanistan one way or the other

Iran has its own proxies in Afg, but it could also start funding or providing numerous Taliban factions the necessary hardware to hit the U.S bases

This is of course in addition to just targeting those bases with Iranian missiles
Why can you not take the position there are no good guys here???... Both parties have their hands bloodied. It is just Evil Vs. Evil.

It's not a sectarian thing... It's based on fact.

Iranian General Suliman issued threats against Pakistan to and quite possible was also responsible for the sectarian Terrorism in Pakistan... Why can we not be brave enough to say... As a Pakistani... His death is not something we will mourn???

General Qassem Soleimani, the all powerful commander of the IRGC Quds Force, issued stern warnings to the Pakistani government and its military establishment. “I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for," Ge

he died and trust me nobody in pakistan wants a hostile iran.i said above that both are involved and both use proxies but targeting only one party sends a message that usa is free to do anything and it can violate any rule.they killed him because of israel and similarly india wants something inside pak.do you understand what is at stake here?do you understand real situation? i don't care about arabs or iran.i want them to end war but it looks like arabs have found powerful partners.
ballistic missiles and nuclear warhead, for eye for an eye strategy of course

ballistic missiles and nuclear warhead, for eye for an eye strategy of course
Iran doesn't have neither a nuke or a bm with range to hit US.
Iran started the aggression against the US in 1979 when they stormed the US embassy and took 52 American diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.

Before these radicals did that the US and Iran had very good relations including selling US weapons to Iran.
The comment about "cultural" sites in my opinion is referring to Iranian sites of significance and not mosques as some are reading. Secondly the Iranian's will not directly attack the US, that would be suicide, the Iranian's will punish the U.S. by strike assets such as oil supply lines, ground lines of communication, IED strikes including splatters against US forces and targeting of Israeli' communities using proxies.

But why Iranian regime doesn't want to stop with their never ending terrorism wish-list and become somewhat civilized like the rest of the world.
Remember a Iranian missile knocked out your multi million dollar drone, when they shouldn't have even known it was there
An unarmed drone with no stealth capabilities?

Iran started the aggression against the US in 1979 when they stormed the US embassy and took 52 American diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.

Before these radicals did that the US and Iran had very good relations including selling US weapons to Iran.
We shall bomb them in the streets, we shall bomb them in the fields, we shall bomb them in the landing beaches, and we shall never surrender.
But why Iranian regime doesn't want to stop with their terrorism wish-list and become somewhat civilized like the rest of the world.
Iran has been engaged in expansionism in the ME region for the past 15+ years, they have been emboldened by their partnership and success in Iraq and are strangled by the economic sanctions, remember never corner an injured animal.
ballistic missiles and nuclear warhead, for eye for an eye strategy of course

Please can you let me know which Iranian missile can hit the US mainland and I didn't know Iran has nuclear warheads, please could you let me know the names.

Remember, imaginary ones don't count.
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