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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

I was just reminding him of how things can get really ugly for both sides. He seems not to be able to understand that.
They can, but they wont buddy no matter how much you wish they will.

It doesn't, he thinks we are in 1983.

Again, Europe is not a Lebanese shithole. Smuggling explosives, and vehicles past military checkpoints is close to impossible in a non-combat zone. Lebanon was in a WAR and had no stability.

There are many countries in Europe that are pretty much like Lebanon when it comes to security. If the ISIS can target major European capitals, Iran can definitely do that as well.

They can, but they wont buddy no matter how much you wish they will.
You think you won't get a response. But you will. And it will be very difficult for you to save face after that because of what your Twitterer-In-Chief has posted recently.
NATO is a mutual defense pact, MUTUAL. If Iran acts against US than it warrants joint attack of Iran.

Not if the U.S tries to drag multiple countries into its latest war, especially if it didn't even inform the Europeans of its latest assassination of sovereign states diplomats and generals
Iran doesn't have neither a nuke or a bm with range to hit US.
yes we do, its not like you or any american have checked our BM bases, just to show you we have missiles that can reach US main land this image in more then a decade old
Please can you let me know which Iranian missile can hit the US mainland and I didn't know Iran has nuclear warheads, please could you let me know the names.

Remember, imaginary ones don't count.

Qheam intercontinental ballistic missile and as Israeli has showed you that is a warhead armed with nuclear payload


Not if the U.S tries to drag multiple countries into its latest war, especially if it didn't even inform the Europeans of its latest assassination of sovereign states diplomats and generals
Most probably some NATO countries were informed, anyway Europe is America's dog so we good.

You think you won't get a response. But you will. And it will be very difficult for you to save face after that because of what your Twitterer-In-Chief has posted recently.
We shall see, we shall see.

yes we do, its not like you or any american have checked our BM bases, just to show you we have missiles that can reach US main land this image in more then a decade old
Allright buddy, we shall see if you have either.
We shall see, we shall see.
Exactly. You can celebrate your act of state-level terrorism for now. But your president is making it very difficult for you to save face in future. And as 40 years of animosity between our countries have shown, there are always ups and downs. And right now, your payback is being cooked. You have it coming. You know it, I know it, Trump knows it too.
yes we do, its not like you or any american have checked our BM bases, just to show you we have missiles that can reach US main land this image in more then a decade old

Qheam intercontinental ballistic missile and as Israeli has showed you that is a warhead armed with nuclear payload



The Chinese media believes that Iran can build 12000-13000 KM ICBM that carries 3-6 MIRV 150 KT nuclear warheads.
he died and trust me nobody in pakistan wants a hostile iran.i said above that both are involved and both use proxies but targeting only one party sends a message that usa is free to do anything and it can violate any rule.they killed him because of israel and similarly india wants something inside pak.do you understand what is at stake here?do you understand real situation? i don't care about arabs or iran.i want them to end war but it looks like arabs have found powerful partners.

Pakistan should stay neutral and not take sides... I agree.

However, it would be naive to assume that Iran is sincere towards Pakistan or has Pakistan's best interest at heart. Iran is more aligned with India and facilities the terrorism in Balochistan at the behest Indian RAW.

Jadhav, a former Indian navy officer, was arrested by Pakistani authorities in the southwestern province of Balochistan was caught operating from Iran.

However, I agree an unstable Iran is not good for Pakistan. But a strong adventurous Iran also poses a threat. Perhaps a weakened Iran by not of our making works better. ... Just a thought.

Iran - Saudi - Turkey conflict has done more harm than good. Unfortunately, there seems to be no common sense all around...

The question is... How do we (Pakistan) make good of a bad (complex) situation... Sometimes the enemy of my enemy eliminates them both.. and all we have to do is stay out of the crossfire... It's a gamble...

TRUMP seems to have found his new escape from his domestic issues... Israel and the dumb naive Saudis cheer him on.

I want to see Iran shoot down F-22 & F-35...

Iran cannot. If they manage to shoot something more easier, like a drone... America may flatten Tehran in retaliation.

America right now... Is being led by an unstable "genius"... Who will do anything to save face... Iranians know that... They will not provoke him.
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