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BREAKING NEWS: Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre

No issues, it happens, i thought i am having bed eyes :D

Anyway, I dont think releasing proofs like audio, video or some other details will make your agents exposed.
Every intelligence agency knows how to keep its hand clean when getting the content.

Who says these are audio or video proofs ? There are photographs of BLA chief meeting indian officials in afghanistan and India. Our assets and agents embedded in both countries monitoring their whole movement. Identifying which elements are helping Baloch/TTP elements. Why would we put those assets of ours by making their methods open to public ? It is not ELINT/COMINT we are talking about. It's combination of HUMINT and all the things combined

Never heard them accepting either .

Come back once they deny about Pakistan accusations.
Keeping aside TSD, What was indian MI doing in afghanistan since 2002 ? It was during the presence of MI that baloch insurgency revived in 2005 and President Musharraf statement in 2006 is proof of that . TSD came very late to the scene. It was MI show with the help RAW before that. TSD was to expand the scope of terror ops in Pakistan

You have no idea of the ruthless rivalry within Indian intelligence agencies, do you? MI had to fight tooth and nail to increase it's depth of intelligence into neighboring countries territory to 80 km from the allowed 20km, and that too was squashed by R.A.W.

Also one reason T.S.D. fell through is that it encroached both into R.A.W & I.B. territory, and both colluded to crush it.

And you believe MI was actually involved in Afghanistan? If there are any intelligence assets in Afg, it will belong to R.A.W. exclusively. It tolerates no intrusion into it's domain.

Next, TSD was set up to support COIN in Kashmir. It did not have the mandate, nor the budget or resources for conducting active operations. At best it's operations would have included destruction/harassment of supply lines for the militants.
You have no idea of the ruthless rivalry within Indian intelligence agencies, do you? MI had to fight tooth and nail to increase it's depth of intelligence into neighboring countries territory to 80 km from the allowed 20km, and that too was squashed by R.A.W.

Also one reason T.S.D. fell through is that it encroached both into R.A.W & I.B. territory, and both colluded to crush it.

And you believe MI was actually involved in Afghanistan? If there are any intelligence assets in Afg, it will belong to R.A.W. exclusively. It tolerates no intrusion into it's domain.

Next, TSD was set up to support COIN in Kashmir. It did not have the mandate, nor the budget or resources for conducting active operations. At best it's operations would have included destruction/harassment of supply lines for the militants.

When it comes to Pakistan, Rivalry b/w Intelligence subsides. The proof was embeding Brigadier Mehta of MI as defense attache. MI was lead in training NDS /Afghani Military while RAW was assisting.

And yes I actually believe when it comes to Pakistan, Indian Intelligence community forgets it's rivalry and is in unison about achieving destabilization of Pakistan
Evidence fit for dustbin :) Hence rubbish, like the medicine used by the terrorists in airport attack :lol:
Does it deny Pakistan Shared evidences with Indian ?

Sorry dude , we are just going in circles .

The fact remains that the so called proof of involvement looks to satisfy Pakistan alone and nobody else bothers or find them proof enough .

May be you should approach UN and demand an action against India like the same way we did .

Then may be people will believe what you say ...... now it looks like just empty talks from Pak .
you have killed our brothers and sisters and children we would avenge it.
Now this grinds my gear. Who are you guys ?? Are you people any way special [Yes you are special as in ppl with special needs ] ?? You ppl want every thing, you want world to work according to you or else you show your victim card. How much do you ppl need things to be handed down to you. This is what happens when your fore fathers spent ages begging alms, initially from invaders then from modern day IMF.
You ppl have very sick, degenerated way of thinking .
You will shout from roof tops monkey god, elephant headed god and what not but some cartoonist draws a cartoon you say "I Keeeeel You" !!
You abuse your minorities with Blasphamy laws, abduct them, force wed and generally disrespect a hindu country by sending beef, you don't apologize. Don't even think of it as a problem. But when a cracker is made out of arabic news papers, you cry foul saying its Kuran and say "I Keeeeel You" !!
You guys have killed millions abroad, its your karma paying you back. Shut up and accept it.
When your people die then you understand pain, then it's real deal. When our die, it's a false flag.
This is Bigoted. And you know what I was reprimanded for showing the mirror. "Avenge it" Do you even know how many people died in mumbai alone due to your countries sick mentality. Think if we asked for revenge. To put it gently, holocaust would look like an traffic accident compared to what would have happened. But saner minds prevailed. I advise you to do the same.

bankrupt minded
Is that even a phrase ?? Or did they teach you along with Wind Jamming Techniques !!
Unlike your bankrupt minded leaders who play with their public's sentiments, credit goes to the GOP for not creating what you call a hype by not releasing any details to the masses but only to the culprits across the border.
Neglecting the bold part. It's called transparency (Do find a dictionary to get it's meaning). And it's a virtue only achieved when you don't have your hands dirty and solid evidence is available. Any moron can bark along saying "Humare pass saboot hai !!". But the proof of the pudding is in eating. Show your "proof" to the world, if your big dady USA dose not accept it. Make it public. Let everyone know about it. But I know along with everyone world wide that GOP won't .Why ? When you bluff, you cannot show your real cards.

Have you been following our Foriegn affairs statements ? I mean there is a limit to being dimwit. Pakistan has already provided proofs to USA, India. How many times we have to provide proof again and again ?
Sir, Why provide it to USA alone ?? Why not just "leak" it to the press ?? Or just provide it to Mr. Snowden. He will see to it that everyone knows it.
Pakistan has shared evidences with USA, Afghanistan and India.

That is your assertion. Zero evidence to that effect. Only statements are by Pakistanis on TV, not one statement otherwise. Contrast it with numerous statements from across the world about Pakistan's involvement with terrorism. Your claims are not taken seriously by anyone, it's why Kerry dismissed it on Pakistani soil when asked.

This was about the time when your media was going bonkers about this "proof" having been presented to the U.S.

This is what the world thinks of your latest claims....

What lies behind Pakistani charges of Indian 'terrorism'
By M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad
  • 6 May 2015

Why would Pakistan's army accuse Indian intelligence of "whipping up terrorism" in Pakistan?

The accusation levelled at India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) came in a statement issued by the army's media wing. There was no mention of any specific incident, but privately military officials have been blaming India for involvement in a separatist insurgency in Pakistan's south-western province of Balochistan.

Many say it is probably the first time a Pakistani authority outside political or diplomatic spheres has publicly named an Indian institution in this manner.

They see this assertiveness as a sign of the Pakistani army's growing willingness to be seen to be dictating the country's foreign and national security policies.

It comes as the army tries to face the triple threat of the Pakistani Taliban, Baloch insurgents and a complicated mix of urban crime, ethnic, linguistic, religious, sectarian and political rivalries in the country's biggest city, Karachi.

It also indicates a toughening of Pakistan's position against India at a time when the Pakistani army is emerging as one of the chief guarantors of peace in Afghanistan, in partnership with China.

Any failure to deliver on this score is likely to weaken Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, an apparent ally of Pakistan, and strengthen pro-India forces in Kabul.

Conversely, any arm-twisting by the military to force the Afghan Taliban to the dialogue table may antagonise them and thereby deprive Islamabad of a proxy to check the spread of Indian influence in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has long accused India of fuelling insurgency in Balochistan. Officials say Indian spies are operating through a network of Indian missions dotting southern and eastern Afghanistan, where most Baloch insurgents are also based.

The military believes India also has involvement in Karachi, Pakistan's largest and most volatile city. This suggestion comes from a recent claim by a senior police officer - believed to be the mouthpiece of the military - that RAW helped a Karachi-based party.

Observers say the Pakistani army has been soft-pedalling in the fight against the Afghan Taliban as well as anti-India militant groups based in Pakistan, but it has come down hard on Baloch insurgents and political activists.

Over the years, hundreds of Baloch activists have gone missing, most of them turning up dead on the streets or across the vast wilderness of the province. Locals blame all these disappearances and killings on the army and its surrogate groups, a charge the army denies.

More recently, however, it has moved more openly to curb movement and debate by Baloch rights activists.

In March, authorities at Karachi airport stopped three Baloch activists from proceeding to New York to participate in a seminar on human rights violations in Balochistan and Sindh province.

One of them was Mama Qadeer, a 70-year-old Baloch rights activist who shot to fame when he walked 3,000km (1,860 miles) from Quetta to Islamabad last year to protest over killings in Balochistan.

In April, two men introducing themselves as ISI operatives handed a written "order" to the management of Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), asking it to cancel a talk which featured Mama Qadeer.

While LUMS gave in, on 25 April a similar talk went ahead at The Second Floor (T2F), a tea house-cum-book store in Karachi, despite what some activists claim were "warnings" not to hold the event.

Within an hour, the moderator of that talk and head of T2F, Sabeen Mehmud, 40, was shot dead by unknown gunmen while driving home in her car.

The incident sparked protests across the country, with civil society groups and several newspaper columnists accusing the ISI directly or more subtly for the murder.

The pressure grew so much that the army had to issue a separate statement condemning Ms Mehmud's murder, apparently to distance itself from the incident.

Many believe the army's latest statement about RAW may be equally meant to deflect this wave of public criticism.

What lies behind Pakistani charges of Indian 'terrorism' - BBC News
Normally media from both sides makes accusations and clay footed politicians from either side are quick to point finger towards the other country, but when the Army Chief makes a statement, you can be sure it's not without substance and also the menace will be dealt with accordingly.

Your previous army chief Pervez Musharraf lied to your entire nation about Kargil. Does it ring a bell. They may be in important posts but are blatant liars
This will not go unpunished fate will surely bring justice to those who lost their loved ones. And those responsible
Wether it's MQM , Afghans or RAW.

Shall suffer a Miserable Demise
If your agencies cannot counter RAW in their own home how do you think they gonna work inside India?

and a serious question to all Pakistani,

if I'm your enemy I'm supposed to harm you in every possible way, now it's your duty to protect yourself...Don't blame me for your failure.

Thanks but no Thanks..... now we should stop protecting us, we should start hurting, o_Oo_O

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