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BREAKING NEWS: South Korea Stages ‘Elephant Walk’ With Its F-35As (28 F-35As) A Day After North Korea Test-Fired A Large ICBM [VIDEO]

There won't be any hope for genuine peace in Korea until the US military leave the Peninsula and Easy Asia permanently.

Since South Korea is so powerful as to stage an elephant show, it should also shows its guts in confronting by demanding that the US to leave.

But of course, it is easier said than done as it is a well known fact, inviting an imperialist power to station a base is easy but to demand them to leave is NO easy task.

They will destabilise these nations and toppled the ruling party. In other words regime change, the flaws were invented by the US.

I have always advocate for an East Asian Union where Japan, both Korea and China are members and dispute to be settled in discussion MINUS the US.

But of course, it can't happened any time soon as revealed by former Japaneae envoys.

The US has its hidden hand in all these nations.

When China enacted the National Security Law in Hong Kong, the clandestine foreign agencies started to flee and disappeared overnight.

Then demonization started using freedom and democracy as a legitimate front.

In the absence of an East Asian Union and problem solving mechanism the only option is to deal with the de facto SUPERPOWER next door and that is China.

The US is not liking it but it is indeed a waning Superpower where even smaller nations are ignoring.
We already have show of force just with the Trident subs. But North Korea still wants South Korea and the country that has 20k American troops along with other forces behind.

Those trident Subs are so incredible.

And just one Subs immense power speaks for itself
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The US is not liking it but it is indeed a waning Superpower where even smaller nations are ignoring.

Some countries are looking forward to expand their bilateral relations with other countries including Russia and China for growth but this does not suggest that USA is a waning superpower.

Russian miscalculation in Ukraine have helped USA on many counts:

USA and Nigeria are willing to substitute Russian gas supply to Europe.

More countries are willing to buy F-35 jet fighters now.

More countries are willing to join NATO now.

Point is NOT to underestimate your opponent and miscalculate your options. Pragmatic foreign policy is helpful.
There is no miscalculation on the side of both Russia and China. Russia will decouple from EU and look East but China will decouple from the US causing hyperinflation in both cases.

Rather it is the underestimation, misunderstandings and misconception in the US Administration that has provided lacklustre leadership in NATO that lead to a dangerous situation.

Fortunately most nations esp. In Asia understands this and the reality hence their ambivalence and neutrality towards Ukraine. Some of them have their arms twisted in the process.

The reality is to many of us, Ukraine is just another Syria, Iraq, Lebanon Iran, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, etc a drama that unfolded in front of us but we are mere spectators.

It is just another play where the main actors are performing on the stage by themselves.

We are mere spectators. Nothing to be emotional about.

Just go home and sleep feeling good or bad about the actors themselves.

The Oscars are not presented nor meant for anyone of us.

If civilians e.g. women and babies died in Ukraine, they are no difference from Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc where innocent babies died failing can't get to drink their milk formula due to sanction on the people. Is that considered as genocide?

Ruble to the US dollar is 100 and not 200 as Biden proudly announced Germany meaning Russia economy is collapsing like the Berlin Wall.

Get the facts right but who is bothered. The US soldiers in attendance were ordered to clap to show their patriotism to the President and the flag.

They proudly proclaimed the event including the lies in their news report as a major victory with neither the understanding nor the conscience of real journalism. That is what Psyop is all about and I have seen them repeated over and over again.
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