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BREAKING NEWS: South Korea Stages ‘Elephant Walk’ With Its F-35As (28 F-35As) A Day After North Korea Test-Fired A Large ICBM [VIDEO]

It was horrible but North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950:

US-led forces arrived to liberate South Korea in fact.

General Douglas MacArthur was more ambitious and pushed for counter-invasion of North Korea which was unnecessary. Karma got to him and he was relieved from command.

North Korean leader Kim II Sung is responsible for the mess nevertheless.

Some people did not learn anything from World War 2.
If we use such logic,US had the right to liberate the KMT from communist party;but China was too big of a task unlike small Korea.

North or South ,it's Korean affairs,US had no business taking its forces to the ground to alter Korean civil war and nation-building and unifying process an inflict millions in death and destruction and eternal chaos in the peninsula,all of which could have been all avoided without US meddling in Korean internal affairs and conflagrating the war,to preserve US sphere of influence.
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South Korea should get rid of foreign interference

And join hands with North Korea, after all they are same people.


Just like East and West Germany.

Dont wait till situation becomes like Ukraine/Russia.
Apparently the North Koreans, South Koreans , Chinese and the rest of the UN forces never fired a shot I guess. Typical Chinese rewriting of history to suit their agenda.

Oh and lets of course skip that pesky fact about the number of South Koreans killed during the North's China-approved invasion of the South.

Apparently only those killed during the push-back of North Korean troops count.
That's typical wyte logic," Natives were fighting among themselves so the europeans had the right to geonocide natives from 3.8m to 200k and take over their land".

US took their army in Korea and altered the natural conclusion to Korean civil war, North vs South is just a name tag ,in the end it's Korean civil war ,Koreans would have settled their civil war with casualties in tens of thousands ,and taken on a road of prosperity as a unified nation,but US had to alter the course of Korean civil war ,increasing the death toll from tens of thousands to millions ,dropped 630K+ bombs and 32K+ napalm , killed more than a million north koreans ,including 600k + civilians ,divided koreans families and relatives for life,and inflicted a never-ending war like chaos that remains till date.
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It was horrible but North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950:
It was Korean nation's unification war, both US and China should've stayed out of it cause it's Korea's civil war, China wouldn't have joined the war if American troops didn't push all the way to the Chinese border.
TUS took their army in Korea and altered the natural conclusion to Korean civil war, North vs South is just a name tag ,in the end it's Korean civil war ,Koreans would have settled their civil war with casualties in tens of thousands ,and taken on a road of prosperity as a unified nation,but US had to alter the course of Korean civil war ,increasing the death toll from tens of thousands to millions ,dropped 630K+ bombs and 32K+ napalm , killed more than a million north koreans ,including 600k + civilians ,divided koreans families and relatives for life,and inflicted a never-ending war like chaos that remains till date.

What chaos?

The South is doing fine with the West's support and the North supported by China is a backwards hellhole where people try and figure out how to escape without getting shot.

What chaos?

The South is doing fine with the West's support and the North supported by China is a backwards hellhole where people try and figure out how to escape without getting shot.

? the Korean nation divided in half ,with blood brothers pointing knife at each other ,they have the most volatile border in the world with millions active personnel stationed 24/7, 30-50k foreign military based on one side of the peninsula, while one had to develop nukes for safeguard against US invasion,all these isn't chaos?

Are North Koreans not Koreans ? One half of the Koreas are living in good life in US built order, US sanctions NK to starve the nation aiming for regime change and then Americans call NK backward hellhole in return,the hypocrisy.....
well , NK act was to show power to US...

what they already have, is enough for South Korea
Don't underestimate what South Korea can do to defend itself.

South Korea should get rid of foreign interference

And join hands with North Korea, after all they are same people.


Just like East and West Germany.

Dont wait till situation becomes like Ukraine/Russia.
Oh so who's going to rule? Who's giving up power?
they have the most volatile border in the world with millions active personnel stationed 24/7, 30-50k foreign military based on one side of the peninsula, while one had to develop nukes for safeguard against US invasion,all these isn't chaos?

Yes, I know the asians think the white men are Supermen. That 28,000 US force can easily take on those 1.3 million North Korean military members in a matter of hours. They should indeed be seriously worried about a US invasion that could happen anytime.

One half of the Koreas are living in good life in US built order, US sanctions NK to starve the nation aiming for regime change and then Americans call NK backward hellhole in return,the hypocrisy.....

The North Koreans were already living poorly before the UN sanctions.

If you think their poor living was because of US sanctions then I guess China is just a eunuch when it comes to being able to help any country. The destinys of every country on the planet are just on the ends of marionette strings held by the US while everybody else is just a clueless child watching.

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Yes, I know the asians think the white men are Supermen. That 28,000 US force can easily take on those 1.3 million North Korean military members in a matter of hours. They should indeed be seriously worried about a US invasion that could happen anytime.

The North Koreans were already living poorly before the UN sanctions.

If you think their poor living was because of US sanctions then I guess China is just a eunuch when it comes to being able to help any country. The destiny of every country on the planet are just on the ends of marionette strings held by the US while everybody else is just a clueless child watching.

Yes, I know the asians think the white men are Supermen. That 28,000 US force can easily take on those 1.3 million North Korean military members in a matter of hours. They should indeed be seriously worried about a US invasion that could happen anytime.
The tens of thousand of US forces in the Korean peninsula operate the F 22s,B52 and until 1993 ,nukes .... The weapons of mass destruction was more than enough to annihilate the north.
The logic in random comparison of 1 million foot soldiers to the 30k US army operating dozens of F35s and with nuclear backup ..... .....

N.Korea was ahead of or equal to south till 1976. How can N.K focus on economic growth when it's in an existential threat from the US ? NK has been in war mode since demarcation. NK has been segregated from the economies of the world by US edict,even before the latest UN sanctions.
NK wouldn't have acted the way it did ,without US threat . Whole of Korea would have been one and all of Koreans would have taken the path to progress and no millions of life lost in war or poverty.
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Don't underestimate what South Korea can do to defend itself.

Oh so who's going to rule? Who's giving up power?
well , for sure nk didn't unveil ICBM to threatening SK ....

if you are angry , just show of force by yourself instead of using your sk subjects
Impressive show of force from S. Korea but keep those F-35 away from water!

well , for sure nk didn't unveil ICBM to threatening SK ....

if you are angry , just show of force by yourself instead of using your sk subjects
We already have show of force just with the Trident subs. But North Korea still wants South Korea and the country that has 20k American troops along with other forces behind.
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