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Breaking News : 'Russians occupy' Crimea airports

russians always lived there. tatarians came from east asia in the first place

BS Russian settlement policies are well known, along with deportation to Gulags or mud huts in Siberia. All to change demographics. If these Tatars were always living amongst their Russian neighbors they would not be fighting the separatists who ask to join Russia in Crimea today.
BS Russian settlement policies are well known, along with deportation to Gulags or mud huts in Siberia. All to change demographics. If these Tatars were always living amongst their Russian neighbors they would not be fighting the separatists who ask to join Russia in Crimea today.

BS before red revolution russians were headed towards being the majority they out breed the tatarians in 1917. The only doing population resettlement is the ukrainian regime with bringning ukrainians there
Notice the tactics of attacking the entry points almost at the same time. As well as usage of flashbangs. Got to be Spetsnaz. Actually, never mind, the first footage is showing later time, reinforcements coming in maybe.

Spetsnaz definitely if multiple squads entered the building at the same time, +/- 2-3 seconds they're Spetsnaz. Each Spec Op force in the world focuses on different forced entry tactics, SAS goes dramatic with dead cords into outer walls, IDF goes through walls.

BS before red revolution russians were headed towards being the majority they out breed the tatarians in 1917. The only doing population resettlement is the ukrainian regime with bringning ukrainians there

Is this in Russian? How am I supposed to understand what is being said sir and how do I know this is even neutral?
it has nothing to do with empire. Crimea has majority russian and it was given illegitimate to ukrainian ssr. Russia has every right taking it back from ukraine or ensure that its an independent country.

I should have used better wording. Putin dreams of reviving the Glory days of the Soviet Union, where nothing happened without the knowledge of shadow spies. Putin wants the influence the Soviets had. On a global scale not just his backyard.
I should have used better wording. Putin dreams of reviving the Glory days of the Soviet Union, where nothing happened without the knowledge of shadow spies. Putin wants the influence the Soviets had. On a global scale not just his backyard.
no hes a Russian patriot and wants to protects Russians in his country and abroad.
Glad to see some self-doubt creeping into your posts, Elis/Fukuoka. You may yet learn something here to your advantage.
I've always been self doubt and realistic because my country had already been defeated

Contrary to some retards thinking that the victory against ISIS is sure
Russians won't let Crimea go from their hand. Strategic or Russian populated, that I do not know. But it is their only Summer vacation spot!!
which Ukrainian people? The Russian majority living in Crimea?

it has nothing to do with empire. Crimea has majority russian and it was given illegitimate to ukrainian ssr. Russia has every right taking it back from ukraine or ensure that its an independent country.

The real majority....
Russians won't let Crimea go from their hand. Strategic or Russian populated, that I do not know. But it is their only Summer vacation spot!!

I posted this in another thread: :)

I can understand the Russian sticking point of the Black Sea fleet stationed at Sevastopol, and the majority population in Crimean are in fact Russians, not Ukrainians. Most of the local population would prefer to be part of Russia.

However, there is a large sea, the Sea of Azov, which serves much of Southern Ukraine including the historic Ukrainian city of Kharkov, which has in the past been its capital. The only way out of this sea is through the Strait of Kerch, currently with Russia on one side and Ukraine on the other. If Crimea were to pass to Russia, then this strait would be entirely under Russian control, and Ukrainians could be denied a vital sea route, and a long detour across the Dnieper for a heavily populated region. It would therefore be utterly unacceptable to the Ukrainians for Crimea to be part of Russia.

The only other way out of this sea is through new channels around Perekop - an immense undertaking and really not worth the aggravation and expense if a political solution can be found. Retaining the Eastern part of Crimea between Feodosiya and Kerch as part of Ukraine is difficult too, since this region speaks little Ukrainian and is even closer to Russia. One answer though might be to limit the partition of Crimea just to Kerch and lands around, including the long peninsula stretching almost to the Ukrainian mainland. with three land borders, one here and two linking Crimea to the mainland.

Making Crimea independent, rather than part of Russia, would make the treaties required to keep land and sea links going a lot simpler.

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